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Scam: Public Organization Procedures Research Phase 1 and 2
Thread poster: Samuel Murray
Sara Elgadra
Sara Elgadra
United States
Local time: 10:03
English to Arabic
+ ...
I got the same email! Dec 10, 2019

OMG!! I received the same email from a person called Kayla Brandon!
I shared with her my full name and all the info she requested for the check
I was about to start working on the project.
It's the exact same research paper and they requested the content to be translated into Arabic.

I'm literally out of words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Phil Sakamoto
Eva Nassif
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Phil Sakamoto
Phil Sakamoto
United States
Local time: 13:03
Member (2019)
Japanese to English
+ ...
Same Scam!! Dec 10, 2019

Hello all,

I almost fell for it...Thanks everyone for posting this info here.
I was contacted by Kayla Brandon, and they wanted to pay me as soon as I send them my mobile #, full name, and physical address. They stressed that the certified check clears before I send the document.

The sample they attached as the same 44-page document '....Phase 1'. that they wanted me to translate it into Japanese
for the seminar.

I'm glad I googled.... See more
Hello all,

I almost fell for it...Thanks everyone for posting this info here.
I was contacted by Kayla Brandon, and they wanted to pay me as soon as I send them my mobile #, full name, and physical address. They stressed that the certified check clears before I send the document.

The sample they attached as the same 44-page document '....Phase 1'. that they wanted me to translate it into Japanese
for the seminar.

I'm glad I googled.

Be aware!


[Edited at 2019-12-10 14:32 GMT]

Karina Brandt
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Chrystele Lacroix
Chrystele Lacroix
United States
Local time: 13:03
English to French
+ ...
Contacted by scammer "Kayla Brandon" ([email protected]) Dec 10, 2019

It was for a translation from English in French:

My name is Kayla Brandon ,Am contacting you in
regarding of English content document , I need this document
to be translated into French. I will like to know if you are
available to get this done for me . Kindly get back to
[email protected] Thanks. Kayla.

second email:

Thanks so much for your swift response ..I'm pleas
... See more
It was for a translation from English in French:

My name is Kayla Brandon ,Am contacting you in
regarding of English content document , I need this document
to be translated into French. I will like to know if you are
available to get this done for me . Kindly get back to
[email protected] Thanks. Kayla.

second email:

Thanks so much for your swift response ..I'm pleased to know you are interested in handling this project. However, I will require your service to translate the attached document. In the mean time, could you also confirm your charges per page, per source word or for the entire translation? The deadline for this Project is 1 month starting from 30th of December 2019.Finally, I'm proposing a Cashier Check,I don't operate with PayPal,Venmo,Debit or credit cards.You will received the Cashier Check and clear your bank before you send the document OK. I look forward to reading from you soon.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Amy Lin
Amy Lin
Local time: 12:03
Chinese to English
+ ...
Same scam chain from Maria Brown ([email protected]) Jan 2, 2020

Hi Fellow Translators!

Thank you for all your previous posts. They saved me from spending hours working for nothing.

I have gotten the same message and the same translation document (English to Chinese) earlier this morning and they also offered cashier check.

Hope this additional post can help others.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
United States
Local time: 13:03
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Just happened to me! Jan 3, 2020

I just got the exact same request from Valerie John! Thank you for posting!

While I'm at it... is there anything you guys do to protect yourselves from scam like this?

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Robert Rietvelt
Robert Rietvelt  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:03
Member (2006)
Spanish to Dutch
+ ...
The best thing to do.... Jan 3, 2020

Livia.Chaves wrote:

... is there anything you guys do to protect yourselves from scam like this?

.... is using your common sense.

Liviu-Lee Roth
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Jack Mitchell
Jack Mitchell
United States
Local time: 12:03
Japanese to English
Also got one from "frank taylor" [email protected] Jan 10, 2020

Exact same cut & paste e-mail from one "frank taylor" [email protected] , exact same PUBLIC ORGANISATION PROCEDURES RESEARCH PHASE 1 document to be translated.

I knew that an offer to pay via cashier's check or money order is a scam 99% of the time, so it raised a red flag right away. I did a quick search, and this thread came up.

Be careful out there.

[Edited at 2020-01-10 01:53 GMT]

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Karina Brandt
Karina Brandt  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 13:03
English to Spanish
+ ...
same scam here Jan 20, 2020

I was contacted for the same paper "Public Organization Procedures Research Phase 1" a few days ago.
Initially the contact was from Anna Johnson [email protected] , I tracked the IP address to Toronto. She contacted me again today from [email protected] offering advanced payment...

[Edited at 2020-01-20 22:19 GMT]

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Judith de Puente
Judith de Puente
United States
Local time: 10:03
English to Spanish
+ ...
Scam keeps going on, I just received email with the same file to quote. Jan 23, 2020

Email address from scammer [email protected]
"Hello, I'm contacting you in regard to an English content
document worth 11,638 words (44 Pages). I need this document
translated into Spanish. I would like to know if you are
interested and available to get this done for me. Please get
back to me as soon as possible.
Best regard,

Then when I replied I
... See more
Email address from scammer [email protected]
"Hello, I'm contacting you in regard to an English content
document worth 11,638 words (44 Pages). I need this document
translated into Spanish. I would like to know if you are
interested and available to get this done for me. Please get
back to me as soon as possible.
Best regard,

Then when I replied I could help, I received the following message:

"Hello, I'm pleased to know you are interested in handling this project. However, I will require your service to translate the attached English document. In the mean time, could you also confirm your charges per page, per source word or for the entire translation? The deadline for this Project is 1 month starting from 30th of January/2020. Finally, I'm proposing a cashier check or bank certified check for the payment. Please do not hesitate to confirm if this is okay with you? I look forward to reading from you soon.
Best Regards,

So, I hope no one gets scammed, Keep an eye on this. Take care you all.


Elizabeth Chivers
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
United States
Japanese to English
+ ...
I got it, too... Jan 27, 2020

Hey all,

Glad I googled this before actually getting started on the translation. I still have the physical check and package it was shipped in, email and phone number of the scammer.

What authorities, if any, would be able to do the most good with this info? (USA-based)

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Liviu-Lee Roth
Liviu-Lee Roth
United States
Local time: 13:03
Romanian to English
+ ...
save your time Jan 27, 2020

bando wrote:

Hey all,

Glad I googled this before actually getting started on the translation. I still have the physical check and package it was shipped in, email and phone number of the scammer.

What authorities, if any, would be able to do the most good with this info? (USA-based)

Since these scams are sold and bought online and the scammer could be from anywhere in the world,
the fake check came with a fake address, it is better to save your time. You can file a complaint online with the FBI, but don't expect miracles.
Better stay informed, read the SCAM section once a week.

Stay safe,

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Anne Awaya
Anne Awaya  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 10:03
Japanese to English
Same scam for Japanese to English Translation Jan 27, 2020

Wow I should have checked these forums earlier! I had no idea this scam was so widespread. The document was 34 pages, entitled "Public Organization Procedure Research Phase 1." Nicole Faulkner contacted me with these words:

"Dear Anne,

How are you today? I need your service to translate a
document, I would like to know if you are interested and
available. I need this
document translated from Japanese to English and the
document worth 13,278 words
... See more
Wow I should have checked these forums earlier! I had no idea this scam was so widespread. The document was 34 pages, entitled "Public Organization Procedure Research Phase 1." Nicole Faulkner contacted me with these words:

"Dear Anne,

How are you today? I need your service to translate a
document, I would like to know if you are interested and
available. I need this
document translated from Japanese to English and the
document worth 13,278 words. Kindly get back to me for more
details on the

Best Regards,

Then she followed up with:

"Dear Anne,

Thanks for your response. I'm pleased to know you are interested in handling this project. However, I would require your service to translate the attached Japanese document to English. Could you confirm your charges per page, per source word or for the entire translation. The deadline for this Project is 1 month starting from January 21, 2020. Let me know if the one month time is suitable for you or you would need more time to complete the task.

What would be your preferred mode of payment? Though I'm proposing a certified bank draft, a cashier check or bank certified check. Please do not hesitate to confirm if this is okay with you? I look forward to reading from you soon.

Best Regards,

After I gave her my quote and preferred method of payment, she said there would be a second phase of the project, and that "her sponsor" would pay me in advance for both phases. I received a check through FedEx, attempted to electronically deposit the check, and then it was returned for the reason of it being "altered/fictitious," incurring a $12 fee as well.

The name on the check was a reputation lawyer, and it didn't match the signature.

I had worked on the project for about 17 hours, so it was a shame.

Now I'll know to check these forums from now on! Thank you, everyone!

Liviu-Lee Roth
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
United States
Japanese to English
+ ...
Be aware of the fraud!! Jan 29, 2020

Hello there,
I came across the scam as well.
They sent me the check which was more than my quotation but said they will pay me in advance for Phase 2.
Then yesterday they told me Phase 2 was cancelled and asking me to transfer the money back by today.
Lucky enough I called my bank and caught the suspicious activity and didn't fall in to their scam.

Here is the first approach for your reference.

IP address:

-----------... See more
Hello there,
I came across the scam as well.
They sent me the check which was more than my quotation but said they will pay me in advance for Phase 2.
Then yesterday they told me Phase 2 was cancelled and asking me to transfer the money back by today.
Lucky enough I called my bank and caught the suspicious activity and didn't fall in to their scam.

Here is the first approach for your reference.

IP address:


Hello, I'm contacting you in regard to an English content
document worth 11,638 words (44 Pages). I need this document
translated into Japanese. I would like to know if you are
interested and available to get this done for me. Please get
back to me as soon as you can via email ( [email protected]
). Thank you.

Best regard,

I'm pleased to know you are interested in handling this project. However, I will require your service to translate the attached English document. In the mean time, could you also confirm your charges per page, per source word or for the entire translation? The deadline for this Project is 1 month starting from 25th of January/2020. Finally, I'm proposing a cashier check or bank certified check for the payment. Please do not hesitate to confirm if this is okay with you? I look forward to reading from you soon.

Best Regards,
Hello, Thank you for getting back. I quite agree with your price quote and i am willing to pay for your service. This project is a research paper being sponsor for a seminar coming up soon, so I would like to make an advance payment or make the full payment so you know you have my job with you. In the mean time, do get back to me with the following payment information in the format below.

1. Full Name to be written on the Check

2. Full Physical Address:

3. Mobile number

4. Amount in Total

Your payment will be prepared once I have the requested details. Payment will be received before you send the document. Get back to me asap.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Anique Laan
Anique Laan
Local time: 13:03
French to English
+ ...
I received this scam also Jan 31, 2020

Hello everyone,

I received an e-mail from one James Miller ( [email protected] ) with the same document everyone else mentioned previously. I exchanged several e-mails with him and almost started on the project but I just had this very strange feeling about the whole thing. My gut just told me something was off, so I decided to google the document and found this! I'm happy I did!! Lesson learned I guess... always check sca
... See more
Hello everyone,

I received an e-mail from one James Miller ( [email protected] ) with the same document everyone else mentioned previously. I exchanged several e-mails with him and almost started on the project but I just had this very strange feeling about the whole thing. My gut just told me something was off, so I decided to google the document and found this! I'm happy I did!! Lesson learned I guess... always check scam forums!

Thank you all for sharing your experiences. Take care everyone.


Liviu-Lee Roth
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
United States
I've received from Maria Brown Feb 4, 2020

Hello everyone,

I just received exact same email request from Maria Brown ([email protected]) with the same document titled "Public Organisation Procedures Research Phase 1".
I'm glad I googled this before sending any information.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience.

Liviu-Lee Roth
Sarmite Barvika
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
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Scam: Public Organization Procedures Research Phase 1 and 2

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