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has anyone heard of CTP(certified translation professional) program by Global Translation Institute?
Thread poster: Yue Edwards
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:14
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Thanks a lot Sep 17, 2013

I have now checked, and luckily I am not in that group, but if I had been, I would have definitely removed myself.

José Henrique Lamensdorf
José Henrique Lamensdorf  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:14
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In memoriam
That's what I did Sep 17, 2013

Tomás Cano Binder, CT wrote:

I have now checked, and luckily I am not in that group, but if I had been, I would have definitely removed myself.

As soon as I saw that CTP had "bought" the group to promote their wares, I opted out. I don't need to be a member of a diploma store.

I am a sworn translator, certified by the Brazilian government. Perhaps my diploma doesn't look as impressive as CTP's (never bothered to see what it looks like), but it is certainly worth more.

United States
After reading all your comments Jan 29, 2014

I registered with Global Translation Institute a few days ago in order to obtain my Translator's Certificate in 3 Languages. I've been translating legal and medical documents for over 27 years. I do legal translations because of the experience work has given me (in attorneys offices) and Medical translations because I took a Medical Terminology course years ago, in Spanish and English. Now, I wanted to obtain my Certificate but it cost me around 6K at FIU (Florida International University) an... See more
I registered with Global Translation Institute a few days ago in order to obtain my Translator's Certificate in 3 Languages. I've been translating legal and medical documents for over 27 years. I do legal translations because of the experience work has given me (in attorneys offices) and Medical translations because I took a Medical Terminology course years ago, in Spanish and English. Now, I wanted to obtain my Certificate but it cost me around 6K at FIU (Florida International University) and I found this CTP course to be affordable. Now, the agency where I started working, they will accept me as a "freelance translator" for now, but they want me to get certified, and they do not accept this type of Certification... They simply said "It is not valid"... Now, if I had read this forum before, even being FIU so expensive, I would have made the sacrifice and started my classes on time to receive my certificate in December of 2014... Now is too late... What a shame! I just cancelled and know I will receive my money back ... but I lost the money I spent on the book.Collapse

Rodd Jefferies
United States
Need help - need a recommendation !!! Jan 29, 2014

Can someone please recommend a website and/or a school I could attend in order to get my certificate as soon as possible? I am fluent in 3 languages and have higher education in all of them. Thank you!

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:14
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ATA's practice test? Jan 30, 2014

anamaria159 wrote:
Can someone please recommend a website and/or a school I could attend in order to get my certificate as soon as possible? I am fluent in 3 languages and have higher education in all of them. Thank you!

It seems to me that you are very experienced indeed in translation and have a solid background in languages. I wonder whether you might want to take the American Translators Association's practice test to better understand whether you are at a level that would allow you to have a reasonable expectation of passing the ATA certification. That is the most recognised certification in the US and I think that would be what you need.

You can find information about the practice test here:

Good luck!

Byron Goble
Byron Goble
United States
Local time: 06:14
German to English
Thank you Mar 5, 2014

Thank you so much for posting this thread. I also thought the website looked a little fishy. They really try to reel you in with the fact that it is marginally cheaper and "certifies" translations in both directions. I would much rather go for the ATA certification and have it mean something as part of my title and credentials.

I'm looking forward to working among such discerning professionals as yourselves!

Byron Goble

Allison Wright (X)
Allison Wright (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:14
LinkedIn - I have just left a group I do not remember joining! Mar 25, 2014

Heidi C wrote:

It is now called:

CTP Certified Translation Professional Group: Translator Jobs, Projects, Tools, Networking & Training.

You will see it in your groups, has a blue rectangle logo. It changed automatically, I do not remember the exact name of the previous group (It was something like Certified translators and interpreters or something like that).

If you look at the list of members, there are many known and respected professionals, with university degrees and recognized certifications. I joined the group some time ago because people I respect were in it.

I cannot think why I would have joined such a group in the first place.

1. To begin with - and to be frank - I do not like the fact that the name, "certified translation professional" plays on two expressions: "certified translation" and "translation professional".

2. I have translated enough certificates for certification in my life to be thoroughly sick of them!

3. I am already accredited to a reputable FIT-affiliated translators' associated (SATI - South African Translators Institute) in two of my language pairs.

4. I do not spend a lot of time on LinkedIn - and to be frank, once again - use it primarily to share blogs I have written when the content is translation-related, and possibly of interest to the majority of my LinkedIn contacts.

If I did in fact join the group, it must have been as a result of an errant, absent-minded mouse click.

I am so glad to have read this thread - with particular thanks to Samuel Murray, Tomás Cano Binder, and José Henrique Lamensdorf for your in-depth examination of the issue.

Others may be interested to know that I received an e-mail from CTP today (25.03.2014), and visited their website as a result briefly. "Dodgy" is what I thought - and left! Whether my e-mail was gleaned from information on my LinkedIn profile or from ProZ, I do not know.

Rodd Jefferies
Clive Phillips
Clive Phillips  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 12:14
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LinkedIn Group: CTP Certified Translation Professional Group Jul 14, 2014

Heidi C wrote:
A couple of days ago, in a Linked In group, we got a message that the new owner of the group was CTP. It welcomed us all and, among other things, told us that it is a great opportunity for all of us.

I remembered in the past having written to CTP inquiring about their certification, and googled them again. The first answer was this thread! Which reminded me exactly of my research back then. And this thread on the forum speaks for itself!!

Several people responded to the post on LinkedIn, inquiring about the change in ownership and name of the group, what it meant, who CTP is, etc.

I also asked who they were, and included a link to this forum thread. Several people also replied, stating that it sounded fishy, asking more questions about what this new development meant (beyond the explanation that it was a matter of the previous owner being too busy to take care of the group and that the logo and branding was dated).

This morning, I noted that my post, and the ones of people talking about this thread and wondering about the change, were deleted. A few hours later, the whole discussion has disappeared, though there are a few new topics that have been posted, with no other mention of the new "owners".

I know that this is not a transcendental issue, that Linked In groups are interesting places to get information once in a while and that the change of ownership does not affect any one of us in any way (good or bad). I am even surprised that we even got the message about the change in ownership (probably a legal obligation?), because one usually doesn't know or care who owns a group. And now that that discussion thread has been deleted, most of the members who did not open their LinkedIn account these last few days and did not see the message, will have no idea about this fact.

What does concern me is that this is a very large group (almost 16,000 members). I remember I joined this group because other reputable certified professionals I know where part of it. I am concerned that CDT will use this group to gain more visibility, and as an additional selling point for their certification, proclaiming that THEY own a group with 16,000 members, with many certified professionals.

I am concerned that in some way our presence is giving them credibility or legitimacy. Or becomes an additional selling point for the financial gain of a third party...

I wish nobody ill, but I am an inquiring person who does not like being used. Maybe I am too sensitive, maybe it comes to close to all the new information on stolen CVs and stuff like that. Anyhow, I wanted to share this information with all of you...


Thank you, Heidi, for drawing our attention to the change of LinkedIn Group ownership.

Given the clear concerns helpfully expressed by others in this forum, I have now left the LinkedIn Group "Certified Translation Professional Group: Translator Jobs, Projects, Tools, Networking & Training".


Rodd Jefferies
Javier Wasserzug
Javier Wasserzug  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 04:14
English to Spanish
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Global Translation Institute emails Sep 19, 2014

I singed up with them about a year ago and they have been sending emails constantly as if they were a timeshare company.

Charlie Bavington
Charlie Bavington  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:14
French to English
One fewer now Nov 8, 2014

Heidi C wrote:

What does concern me is that this is a very large group (almost 16,000 members). I remember I joined this group because other reputable certified professionals I know where part of it.

I don't specifically remember joining but the number is now 9,432 and is about to become 9,431

Kendal Obermeyer
Kendal Obermeyer
United States
Local time: 04:14
German to English
That's what I'm afraid of! Nov 22, 2014

Hello, new to the thread and forum. I got here after seeing the CTP website and googling for reviews and winding up here. I am looking for actual translation *courses* in GermanEnglish and have had basically no luck finding programs online where the enrollment is sufficient to not have the course canceled. I do not want only a certification, but when I think of the expense of the courses I want, then I look for certification and I run up against the ATA wall. I don't think I meet their requi... See more
Hello, new to the thread and forum. I got here after seeing the CTP website and googling for reviews and winding up here. I am looking for actual translation *courses* in GermanEnglish and have had basically no luck finding programs online where the enrollment is sufficient to not have the course canceled. I do not want only a certification, but when I think of the expense of the courses I want, then I look for certification and I run up against the ATA wall. I don't think I meet their requirements and for so many hoops to jump through, I would at least want classes.

anamaria159 wrote:

I registered with Global Translation Institute a few days ago in order to obtain my Translator's Certificate in 3 Languages. I've been translating legal and medical documents for over 27 years. I do legal translations because of the experience work has given me (in attorneys offices) and Medical translations because I took a Medical Terminology course years ago, in Spanish and English. Now, I wanted to obtain my Certificate but it cost me around 6K at FIU (Florida International University) and I found this CTP course to be affordable. Now, the agency where I started working, they will accept me as a "freelance translator" for now, but they want me to get certified, and they do not accept this type of Certification... They simply said "It is not valid"... Now, if I had read this forum before, even being FIU so expensive, I would have made the sacrifice and started my classes on time to receive my certificate in December of 2014... Now is too late... What a shame! I just cancelled and know I will receive my money back ... but I lost the money I spent on the book.

Julia Fernan (X)
Julia Fernan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:14
Russian to French
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Thanks! Feb 17, 2015

Thank you all for this topic. I was about to make a mistake with this CTP. This thread helped me to save my time and money.

Rodd Jefferies
Dalia Nour
valeria navoni
valeria navoni  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 05:14
English to Spanish
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Thank you! Aug 10, 2015

I bought the book and was about to register to get certified by CTP. So happy to have read this thread and not make a big mistake. Thank you all!

Dalia Nour
João Roque Dias
João Roque Dias
Local time: 12:14
English to Portuguese
Some more useful info about CTP Jul 21, 2016

«The Global Translation Institute1 is managed by Adriana Tassini from an office in Portland, Oregon (although it seems not to be registered with the Portland Revenue Bureau, which does not list it at the address given). It sponsors a Certified Translation Professional (CTP) Designation Program, managed by Adriana Tassini with a telephone number in Massachusetts. It links to free information on the translation industry and how to become a translator3, all of which comprises some 40 short online ... See more
«The Global Translation Institute1 is managed by Adriana Tassini from an office in Portland, Oregon (although it seems not to be registered with the Portland Revenue Bureau, which does not list it at the address given). It sponsors a Certified Translation Professional (CTP) Designation Program, managed by Adriana Tassini with a telephone number in Massachusetts. It links to free information on the translation industry and how to become a translator3, all of which comprises some 40 short online articles by Adriana Tassini. Adriana Tassini describes herself as a “Harvard University Alumni Member with a background in international relations and translation work in São Paulo, Brazil and Boston, Massachusetts (USA)”. She names no completed degrees. Her declared training team comprises 12 people, none of them with any formal training in translation. To become a Certified Translation Professional, you pay US$227 per language pair, study the learning materials (none of which is language-specific) and sit the online exam. It is not clear to what extent the exam tests language skills, but the programme offers certification in 22 language pairs, of which the training faculty are presented as being experts in five.»

-- From "The Status of the Translation Profession in the European Union", 2012. Download here:

Additional Note: On her G+ profile, Adriana introduces herself as «I am the Managing Director at Global Translation Institute, and I work as an Internet Marketing & Sales Associate at Hedge Fund Group.»
From here:

And what is the "Hedge Fund Group"? Another "certification mill" (their website is HedgeFundCertification(.)com)

[Edited at 2016-07-21 13:33 GMT]

[Edited at 2016-07-21 13:33 GMT]

Heidi C
Heidi C
Heidi C  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:14
English to Spanish
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CTP "Certification" Jul 21, 2016

It is amazing!!

This is a thread that started in 2009...

And this business is still up and running.

As several people have stated, they have made the mistake of believing that this is a reputable credential when it is nothing but a diploma selling enterprise.

The saddest thing is that I have already encountered several people who naively send this worthless "Certification" as part of their resume (sometimes the most important part of it) when
... See more
It is amazing!!

This is a thread that started in 2009...

And this business is still up and running.

As several people have stated, they have made the mistake of believing that this is a reputable credential when it is nothing but a diploma selling enterprise.

The saddest thing is that I have already encountered several people who naively send this worthless "Certification" as part of their resume (sometimes the most important part of it) when applying for jobs or to join professional associations.

What really concerns me is that at a certain point, this piece of paper does get to gain some credibility just because of the number of people who have already fallen into their scam.

The problem is that they are adding to the downward spiral of making Translation lose its professional standing and convincing people that just anyone can be a translator.

[Edited at 2016-07-21 14:50 GMT]

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has anyone heard of CTP(certified translation professional) program by Global Translation Institute?

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