Word has deteted a problem and must close
Thread poster: Lia Fail (X)
Lia Fail (X)
Lia Fail (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:02
Spanish to English
+ ...
Mar 28, 2005

Word 2000 Windows XP Trados 6


This happened earlier today, the document kept closing on me, and despite saving it anew in different ways and closing down and restarting, I couldn't fix the doc, so had to start from scratch with the source retranslating from Trados. Seems like the doc wwas irretrievably corrupted.

It's NOW doing it again, after having retranslated for a couple of hours, you cannot i
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Word 2000 Windows XP Trados 6


This happened earlier today, the document kept closing on me, and despite saving it anew in different ways and closing down and restarting, I couldn't fix the doc, so had to start from scratch with the source retranslating from Trados. Seems like the doc wwas irretrievably corrupted.

It's NOW doing it again, after having retranslated for a couple of hours, you cannot imagine how p***** off I am getting, as it's just losing me loads of time.

What's going on?

[Subject edited by staff or moderator 2005-03-28 18:24]

Jeff Allen
Jeff Allen  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:02
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how to get around the closing MS Word problem Mar 28, 2005

Ailish Maher wrote:

Word 2000 Windows XP Trados 6


This happened earlier today, the document kept closing on me, and despite saving it anew in different ways and closing down and restarting, I couldn't fix the doc, so had to start from scratch with the source retranslating from Trados. Seems like the doc wwas irretrievably corrupted.

It's NOW doing it again, after having retranslated for a couple of hours, you cannot imagine how p***** off I am getting, as it's just losing me loads of time.

What's going on?

Not sure what the problem is, but if possible, I suggest that you copy and paste text of the document into another blank, document, save that, and start with that clean doc that shouldn't have any bugs.

If you are only doing text, and want to start really clean, copy and paste the text to Notepad, Save the notepad files as plain ascii text, and then open that again and put into a blank Word doc. That will clean up a lot of problems.
But it won't help you much if you have tables and charts to translate.


Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:02
English to German
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Added trick Mar 28, 2005

Adding to Jeff's comment:
Not sure what the problem is, but if possible, I suggest that you copy and paste text of the document into another blank, document, save that, and start with that clean doc that shouldn't have any bugs.

Before copying, deselect the last paragraph mark in the document (Shift + LeftArrow); Word stores a lot of formatting information in that character - sometimes problems are in there, too...

Cheers, Ralf

Hynek Palatin
Hynek Palatin  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 05:02
English to Czech
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Possible workarounds Mar 28, 2005

Try to save the original document as RTF and pretranslate it. Check "Segment unknown sentences".

Keep saving the document under different names (*_v1.doc, *_v2.doc, etc.) as you translate. Do it frequently. This way, you will be able to return to the last working version.

If the problem occurs at particular segment, skip it and translate it manually (just overwrite the text; or copy it into a temporary document as a non-formatted text and translate it there, so that it'
... See more
Try to save the original document as RTF and pretranslate it. Check "Segment unknown sentences".

Keep saving the document under different names (*_v1.doc, *_v2.doc, etc.) as you translate. Do it frequently. This way, you will be able to return to the last working version.

If the problem occurs at particular segment, skip it and translate it manually (just overwrite the text; or copy it into a temporary document as a non-formatted text and translate it there, so that it's entered in the TM, and then overwrite the source in the actual document with the translation).

Lia Fail (X)
Lia Fail (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:02
Spanish to English
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seems to have reolved itself temprarily Mar 28, 2005

....but I will come back soon and clarify.

Meanwhile thansk to all for the rapid response and suggestions:-)

Barbara Micheletto
Barbara Micheletto
Local time: 05:02
Member (2005)
Ukrainian to Italian
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The same happened to me some time ago... Mar 28, 2005

Ailish Maher wrote:

....but I will come back soon and clarify.

Meanwhile thansk to all for the rapid response and suggestions:-)

as Word kept closing out of the blue and I didn't know how to cope with the problem (even after having created a new file in which I had copied the text and even trying to read the file from a floppy on another PC!). Before the program would close, I got a message to contact Microsoft to inform them of the problem (by clicking on the relevant button "OK"), but I ignored it as I was really nervous and in a rush. Finally I took care of the message, clicked the "OK" and got to the Microsoft site. There appeared some other messages and I was even asked to insert the Office CD-ROM (which I did) and then... the problem was fixed! And till then I had re-written my translation 3 times (what a bad time!).
Hope this helps.


Lia Fail (X)
Lia Fail (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:02
Spanish to English
+ ...
reply to Jeff Mar 28, 2005

Jeff Allen wrote:

Not sure what the problem is, but if possible, I suggest that you copy and paste text of the document into another blank, document, save that, and start with that clean doc that shouldn't have any bugs.

If you are only doing text, and want to start really clean, copy and paste the text to Notepad, Save the notepad files as plain ascii text, and then open that again and put into a blank Word doc. That will clean up a lot of problems.
But it won't help you much if you have tables and charts to translate.


Tried the first solution, but it didn't work. Can't apply the second as it would take me hours to re-format. See further comments below.

Lia Fail (X)
Lia Fail (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:02
Spanish to English
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I have tried these options too Mar 28, 2005

Hynek Palatin wrote:

Try to save the original document as RTF and pretranslate it. Check "Segment unknown sentences".

Keep saving the document under different names (*_v1.doc, *_v2.doc, etc.) as you translate. Do it frequently. This way, you will be able to return to the last working version.

If the problem occurs at particular segment, skip it and translate it manually (just overwrite the text; or copy it into a temporary document as a non-formatted text and translate it there, so that it's entered in the TM, and then overwrite the source in the actual document with the translation).

But it seems to be related to a footnote problem, see my comments below.

Lia Fail (X)
Lia Fail (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:02
Spanish to English
+ ...
an option, thanks Mar 28, 2005

Viktorija Grozio wrote:

....got to the Microsoft site. There appeared some other messages and I was even asked to insert the Office CD-ROM (which I did) and then... the problem was fixed! And till then I had re-written my translation 3 times (what a bad time!).
Hope this helps.


I never advanced that far as it didn't seem particularly useful, and like you, I am trying to get a job done....I will consider it in the future.

Lia Fail (X)
Lia Fail (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:02
Spanish to English
+ ...
update Mar 28, 2005

All day this has been going on...

First Word started closing, for no apparent reason, and despite copting, pasting, renaming, etc it still wouldn't function, so I just had to get out the source and fuzzy translate from memory (but minor changes I had made manually weren't recorded...sigh!)

Next I had a Trados-footnote problem (the toolbars disppeared from Word) which I rectified.

I carried on for a few hours without problems, then I opened another footnote
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All day this has been going on...

First Word started closing, for no apparent reason, and despite copting, pasting, renaming, etc it still wouldn't function, so I just had to get out the source and fuzzy translate from memory (but minor changes I had made manually weren't recorded...sigh!)

Next I had a Trados-footnote problem (the toolbars disppeared from Word) which I rectified.

I carried on for a few hours without problems, then I opened another footnote and this provoked more Word misbehaviour (although note that it wasn't the footnote that had caused this misbevaiour the first time around).

Thanks for all teh suggestions, anyway:-) I give up, I0m too p***** off and tomorrow is another day.....

Balasubramaniam L.
Balasubramaniam L.  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:32
Member (2006)
English to Hindi
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Could be a virus Mar 29, 2005

Check for virus infestation. Some viruses like Backdoor.Hackdoor do this kind of mischief. You could also try reinstalling Word. This will take about 40 to 50 minutes on a reasonably fast PC. But if there is a virus, then you should first remove it before reinstalling the program. Again, if the above virus is detected, removal can be quite tedious as it bores into the registry level records, which leaves the ultimate last option -- to reformat the hard disc... See more
Check for virus infestation. Some viruses like Backdoor.Hackdoor do this kind of mischief. You could also try reinstalling Word. This will take about 40 to 50 minutes on a reasonably fast PC. But if there is a virus, then you should first remove it before reinstalling the program. Again, if the above virus is detected, removal can be quite tedious as it bores into the registry level records, which leaves the ultimate last option -- to reformat the hard disc. I hope it doesn't come to that.



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Word has deteted a problem and must close

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