Off topic: Neruda's Los Enemigos and my translation
Thread poster: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
Silvia Brandon-Pérez
Silvia Brandon-Pérez  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:29
English to Spanish
+ ...
Dec 27, 2006

Feel free to criticize; I am posting this at Declaration of Peace, which is a grassroots movement to defund the war and bring the troops home, as well as end torture, close down Guantánamo, and investigate and impeach.


Ellos aquí trajeron los fusiles repletos
de pólvora, ellos mandaron el acerbo exterminio,
ellos aquí enc
... See more
Feel free to criticize; I am posting this at Declaration of Peace, which is a grassroots movement to defund the war and bring the troops home, as well as end torture, close down Guantánamo, and investigate and impeach.


Ellos aquí trajeron los fusiles repletos
de pólvora, ellos mandaron el acerbo exterminio,
ellos aquí encontraron un pueblo que cantaba,
un pueblo por deber y por amor reunido,
y la delgada niña cayó con su bandera,
y el joven sonriente rodó a su lado herido,
y el estupor del pueblo vio caer a los muertos
con furia y con dolor.

Entonces, en el sitio
Donde cayeron asesinados,
Bajaron las banderas a empaparse de sangre
Para alzarse de nuevo frente a los asesinos.
Por estos muertos, nuestros muertos
Pido castigo.

Para los que de sangre salpicaron la patria,
Pido castigo.
Para el verdugo que mandó esta muerte,
Pido castigo,
Para el traidor que ascendió sobre el crimen
Pido castigo.

Para el que dio la orden de agonía,
Pido castigo.
Para los que defendieron este crimen,
Pido castigo.

No quiero que me den la mano
Empapada con nuestra sangre.
Pido castigo.

No los quiero de embajadores,
Tampoco en su casa tranquilos,
Los quiero ver juzgados,
En esta plaza, en este sitio.
Quiero castigo.

Pablo Neruda.


They brought here their rifles full
of gunpowder, they ordered the merciless extermination,
they found here a people that sang,
a people joined by duty and by love,
and the slender girl fell with her flag,
and the smiling youth rolled wounded at her side,
and the people in amazement saw the dead fall
in outrage and in grief.

Then, in that place
where they fell murdered,
the flags were lowered to be soaked in blood
and raised again before the assassins.
For these dead, our dead
I seek punishment.

For those who shed blood over the homeland,
I seek punishment.
For the executioner who ordered this death,
I seek punishment,
For the traitor promoted because of that crime
I seek punishment.

For he who gave the order of agony,
I seek punishment.
For those who defended the crime,
I seek punishment.

I do not want them to extend their hand to me
soaked in our blood.
I seek punishment.

I do not want them as ambassadors,
nor quietly in their homes,
I want to see them judged,
In this square, in this place.
I want punishment.

Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 20:29
The scope of this site is limited to translation Dec 27, 2006

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Neruda's Los Enemigos and my translation

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