Matching specialized fields to broader fields
Thread poster: Ana Cuesta
Ana Cuesta
Ana Cuesta  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:57
English to Spanish
Dec 7, 2005

I'll be grateful for any pointers as to how do specialized fields fit into broader fields. I mean, it's clear that all Medicine:XXX must fall within Medical, but does Chemistry belong into Technical/Engineering or into Science? According to my split of points, it would seem that some questions belong to one category and some to the other (as in, I have more points in Chemistry itself than in any of the broader categories), which is puzzling.

Thanks a lot in advance.

#41698 (LSF)
#41698 (LSF)
Local time: 16:57
Japanese to English
+ ...
A leg on each side Dec 8, 2005

Disregarding the borders established by Proz categories, Chemical Engineering is a field by itself with its own university degrees and courses. My opinion is that chemical engineering has more to do with processes and the industrial setting while chemistry can cover pure science topics like the theoretical portions.

NGK  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 03:57
No hard rules Dec 8, 2005

Ana Cuesta wrote:

does Chemistry belong into Technical/Engineering or into Science?

Well, it could be either, right?

I don't think each specialized field is, or needs to be, rigidly attached to one broad field. It's sort of a fluid system.

Ana Cuesta
Ana Cuesta  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:57
English to Spanish
My question is merely in relation with kudoz questions/points Dec 8, 2005

Norbert Gunther Kramer wrote:

Well, it could be either, right?

I don't think each specialized field is, or needs to be, rigidly attached to one broad field. It's sort of a fluid system.

I agree with you both, Chemical Engineering would definitely be Engineering (in fact, I avoid it as much as possible in spite of being a chemist!) while pure Chemistry would be more Science. Technical would still be applicable to both, I think.

My question is merely in relation with Kudoz questions and points. When an asker chooses Chemistry/Chemical Engineering (which is an only field, right?) how can the system know if the question is more Science or more Engineering so as to assign the points to one category or the other? I cannot figure out from my own points to which one of the broader categories are such questions assigned, which is what spurred my curiosity.



NGK  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 03:57
Fields chosen by asker Dec 8, 2005

Ana Cuesta wrote:

When an asker chooses Chemistry/Chemical Engineering (which is an only field, right?) how can the system know if the question is more Science or more Engineering so as to assign the points to one category or the other? I cannot figure out from my own points to which one of the broader categories are such questions assigned, which is what spurred my curiosity.

The asker chooses both the broad field and the specialized field, and the system allots any points accordingly.

If the chosen fields are not appropriate they can be edited by moderators and certain other ProZ members. Such an edit will also change the specialty under which the corresponding points appear.

Ana Cuesta
Ana Cuesta  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:57
English to Spanish
That solves it, thanks so much Dec 8, 2005

Norbert Gunther Kramer wrote:

The asker chooses both the broad field and the specialized field, and the system allots any points accordingly.

If the chosen fields are not appropriate they can be edited by moderators and certain other ProZ members. Such an edit will also change the specialty under which the corresponding points appear.

I hadn't realized that could be possible. Everything is perfectly clear, then.

Thanks a lot!



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Matching specialized fields to broader fields

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