Installation of SR causes problems with Office2000 - does anyone know where Outlook stores data?
Thread poster: Sonja Tomaskovic (X)
Sonja Tomaskovic (X)
Sonja Tomaskovic (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:16
English to German
+ ...
Feb 25, 2003

Hi there,

I just installed SR 1a on my computer, in order to run MetaTexis with Word2000.

However, SR1a (or whatever) causes any Office2000 application to shut down shortly after I\'ve opened it. (It just simply pop ups and closes by itself, no matter if Word, Excel or Outlook).

Since I cannot use Outlook\'s export function anymore, I was wondering if anyone knows where Outlooks stores all the data, so I can copy the whole folder to move it to
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Hi there,

I just installed SR 1a on my computer, in order to run MetaTexis with Word2000.

However, SR1a (or whatever) causes any Office2000 application to shut down shortly after I\'ve opened it. (It just simply pop ups and closes by itself, no matter if Word, Excel or Outlook).

Since I cannot use Outlook\'s export function anymore, I was wondering if anyone knows where Outlooks stores all the data, so I can copy the whole folder to move it to another computer.

Any ideas/help appreciated.



United Kingdom
Local time: 13:16
Japanese to English
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Outlook files Feb 25, 2003

I believe the files are in the path

C:\\WINDOWS\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Outlook

I have also had problems with my PC and especially Outlook since I started using Outlook Express as my main e-mail prog.

I uninstalled it and the PC is much more stable.

Best wishes


Andrea Ali
Andrea Ali  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:16
Member (2003)
English to Spanish
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Win 98 or 2000? Feb 25, 2003

If it is Win 98,


Application Data

If it is Windows 2000

Documents and Settings


Application Data

But anyway, check your AV program is updated, it could be also a virus...

Good luck!

Andrea :^)

Geneviève von Levetzow
Geneviève von Levetzow  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:16
French to German
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Outlook Feb 25, 2003


ich schreibe lieber auf Deutsch, geht schneller.

Die Outlook-Dateien findest Du mit der Suchfunktion von Windows:

Windows-Taste + F

*.pst im Suchfeld

Wenn Du Probleme mit dem Exportieren/Importieren hast, kannst mich ruhig fragen; ich habe es letzte Woche gemacht, nachdem ich mein BS neu installiert hatte.


Sonja Tomaskovic (X)
Sonja Tomaskovic (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:16
English to German
+ ...
Thank you - Danke Feb 26, 2003

Thank you all for you very kind help. I was able to backup the file and move it to my new harddisk.

(Danke auch an Geneviève für die Hilfe. Es hat alles super geklappt. Mit dem Import gab es keine Probleme.)




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Installation of SR causes problems with Office2000 - does anyone know where Outlook stores data?

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