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iOS (multi)lingual glossary?
Thread poster: Jose Ruivo
Jose Ruivo
Jose Ruivo  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:52
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
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Dec 4, 2012

Hi All,

Is there such a things as a multilingual glossary for the iOS?
I'm translating some instructions for iOS and would find such glossary usefull, specially as I know the system has been translated in my target language (and I don't have a iOS device).

Thanks in advance.

José Ruivo

Shiya Luo
Shiya Luo  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:52
English to Chinese
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Depends on who you work for. Dec 4, 2012

If your end client is Apple, your agency should provide you with the glossary.
If you are working for an app developer or any company unaffiliated to Apple, then you don't have any acess. Apple's TM/TB database is proprietory and unavailable for public use.

Rossana Triaca
Rossana Triaca  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:52
English to Spanish
Register as an Apple developer Dec 4, 2012

It's free, and as long as you don't copy and distribute the glossaries from the site you're covered by their ToS.

All the glossaries for the different pairs can be downloaded in XML format if I recall correctly.

Jose Ruivo
Jose Ruivo  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:52
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
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.dmg format?? Dec 5, 2012

Dear Shiya and Rossana,

I am working for an agency working for a developer.
I have registered as an Apple developer, but the only download I was able to make for a glossary is in .dmg format, which I have yet to find how to open

Thank you for your input !

José Ruivo

Han Li
Han Li  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:52
English to Chinese
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DIY Dec 5, 2012

Jose Ruivo wrote:

Dear Shiya and Rossana,

I am working for an agency working for a developer.
I have registered as an Apple developer, but the only download I was able to make for a glossary is in .dmg format, which I have yet to find how to open

Thank you for your input !

José Ruivo

You need this software at to open the dmg file and copy all of the .lg files (about 500+) to a new folder. The .lg file can be opened by text editor at Windows, but you need other 'extension name batch replace tool' (please search for similar tool on internet, I have one green tool, but the interface is Chinese) to batch replace all of the .lg with .txt.

Then you need use another tool 'Replace_Pioneer' at to extract all of the terms in the txt files. When you open the txt file, you can see the similar text: (base loc="en")Japanese Kana Palette(/base)
(tran loc="zh-CN")日文假名调板(/tran) (please replace () with < , and >, same below )
After you install 'Replace_Pioneer', open it, in Setting>Encoding to change the code as UTF 8 (the txt files use this code). In Tools>Batch Runner>Pick files, to select the txt files(you may need to select them in two batchs)。In the Window, click 'Fast Replace'>'Add'. In the new window, in the 'search=>' box, to add '(base loc="en")(.*?)(/tran>)' (no quotation marks;please replace () with < , and >, but don't change (.*?)), in the 'Replace=>' box, to input '\1\n' (no quotation marks). Then click 'OK', click 'start', click 'Output to single file', then a new txt file with the terms in English and the target language is created. You still need to open the file with Word to replace all of the '(/base)
(tran loc="zh-CN")' with TAB to creat your glossary in your language pairs.

I just have created my own glossary in English-Simplified Chinese. Hope this helpful.

Best wishes,

[Edited at 2012-12-05 10:23 GMT]

[Edited at 2012-12-05 11:00 GMT]

[Edited at 2012-12-05 11:02 GMT]

[Edited at 2012-12-05 11:03 GMT]

Han Li
Han Li  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:52
English to Chinese
+ ...
some code can't display Dec 5, 2012

I just have edited the above text, you can see the code now.

[Edited at 2012-12-05 11:01 GMT]

Johan Kjallman
Johan Kjallman  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:52
Member (2008)
English to Swedish
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Mac+Xbench Dec 6, 2012


you can import the LG files into the freeware Apsic Xbench (choose Mac OS X Glossary) and export all entries as a tmx file. As for the DMG file, you could ask a friend with a Mac to extract the LG files in the Finder.


Rossana Triaca
Rossana Triaca  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:52
English to Spanish
dmg2iso + Xbench Dec 6, 2012

You can convert the .dmg file into an .iso packet using dmg2iso.exe and burn it, mount it or simply unpack it using any number of tools (you probably have one such "unzipper" installed in your system already, otherwise you can get the open-source 7zip).

And then you can go the Xbench route as was recommended to get a workable .tmx (I don't really remember what's included in the package, but I think Okapi works too).

Happy translating!

Han Li
Han Li  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:52
English to Chinese
+ ...
TransMac+Xbench Dec 6, 2012

Xbench is really great. My previous method is really too complicated。

Judith Spangenberg
Judith Spangenberg  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 01:52
English to German
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Glossaries no longer available for download? Apr 19, 2013

Dear all,

Thank you for providing this insight into Apple's glossaries.
It seems that, despite registering and following the link to the downloads, all glossaries have been removed? There is not a single one listed
Could somebody kindly point me into the right direction as I am in need of a German glossary for Apple terminology.
Many thanks...
See more
Dear all,

Thank you for providing this insight into Apple's glossaries.
It seems that, despite registering and following the link to the downloads, all glossaries have been removed? There is not a single one listed
Could somebody kindly point me into the right direction as I am in need of a German glossary for Apple terminology.
Many thanks


Andrei Shmatkov
Andrei Shmatkov  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:52
English to Russian
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try this one Apr 19, 2013

Dear Judith,

just checked - all the glossaries seem to be in place (including the German one). Try this link: . If it doesn't work, send me a message through my profile and I will try to help.


Judith Spangenberg wrote:

Dear all,

Thank you for providing this insight into Apple's glossaries.
It seems that, despite registering and following the link to the downloads, all glossaries have been removed? There is not a single one listed
Could somebody kindly point me into the right direction as I am in need of a German glossary for Apple terminology.
Many thanks


Judith Spangenberg
Judith Spangenberg  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 01:52
English to German
+ ...
Still no success.. how strange Apr 20, 2013

Hi Andrei,

Many thanks for the link. When I follow it, I am greeted with a blank screen, stating no records.
Entering the search term glossaries equally yields no records.. I am a bit puzzled so will take up your offer of help through a message.. how strange...



Andrei Shmatkov wrote:

Dear Judith,

just checked - all the glossaries seem to be in place (including the German one). Try this link: . If it doesn't work, send me a message through my profile and I will try to help.


Meta Arkadia
Meta Arkadia
Local time: 07:52
English to Indonesian
+ ...
Are you holding it wrong? Apr 20, 2013

Judith Spangenberg wrote:
When I follow it, I am greeted with a blank screen, stating no records.

It's there all-right:

Once you downloaded them, use the trial version of CafeTran to turn them into a TMX file: CafeTran is cross-platform, so you can use it even if you're still handicapped by Windows.



Judith Spangenberg
Judith Spangenberg  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 01:52
English to German
+ ...
This is what it looks like on my screen... Apr 21, 2013

How strange!
This is what my screen shows:

Really strange.. I wonder where I have gone wrong?!

Meta Arkadia wrote:

Judith Spangenberg wrote:
When I follow it, I am greeted with a blank screen, stating no records.

It's there all-right:

Once you downloaded them, use the trial version of CafeTran to turn them into a TMX file: CafeTran is cross-platform, so you can use it even if you're still handicapped by Windows.



Meta Arkadia
Meta Arkadia
Local time: 07:52
English to Indonesian
+ ...
The foggiest Apr 21, 2013

Judith Spangenberg wrote:
Really strange.. I wonder where I have gone wrong?!

I haven't the foggiest. Anyway, I downloaded it for you, and uploaded it to Dropbox:

Have fun!


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iOS (multi)lingual glossary?

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