ChatGPT Translator Plus
Thread poster: Terence Lewis
Terence Lewis
Terence Lewis
United Kingdom
Jan 13, 2024

Hi colleagues, I'd like to introduce myself. I've been a translator for nearly 50 years and have been writing MT software for about 25 years. As some of you have been writing about tools you have built connected with ChatGPT/GPT-4 I've decided to tell you about my own app ChatGPT Translator Plus. This application is simply a gateway to the OpenAI models and facilitates some of the translation and translation-related tasks that can be performed in The Playground. It's not integrated with any s... See more
Hi colleagues, I'd like to introduce myself. I've been a translator for nearly 50 years and have been writing MT software for about 25 years. As some of you have been writing about tools you have built connected with ChatGPT/GPT-4 I've decided to tell you about my own app ChatGPT Translator Plus. This application is simply a gateway to the OpenAI models and facilitates some of the translation and translation-related tasks that can be performed in The Playground. It's not integrated with any specific CAT tool but it can generate a TMX file which can then be imported into most TM applications. Rather than swamp you with a paragraphsof copy, I'm enclosing links to a few short videos I've made demonstrating how the app works.
Thank you.


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