What translators are working on

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What translation project are you working on right now?

Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

Oh, OK, not even a summer has helped me catch up here... Well everything continues along as normal. Not sure how often this will be updated (evidently not often :-))


I Do That

Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

February projects: Report on survey of voters (10,000 words), webinar on finance (10,000 words), project description, more webinars on finance/credit card products (10,000 words), annual report (9,000 words), couple of projects for AI company, marketing/press release texts for German central bank (small, running 15-year project), newsletter for leading research institution, central bank texts again, more newsletter and similar texts for research institute (recurring 1-year project), more of annual report (20,000 words, adjusted for repetitions - 5,000), project description text for Bavarian university (private client)

Jahresbericht, annual report, Webinar, Gutachten, wissenschaftliche Studie


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 60000 words
  • Finance (general), Law (general), Government / Politics
  • 90% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

I'm way behind here again - everything is very normal, excellent autumn, slow January (as usual). Have a great longer-term translation of a young adult story by Ukrainian author. Will update soon with details.


I Do That

Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

All caught up :-) Taking some courses alongside translation now (obviously getting nervous about the AI effect). Still don't see much postediting work, although I'm glad to do it. Interesting times.


I Do That

Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

September 2023: Data protection policy for state bank (the same state bank is always being referred to in these projects), website or web program related to transportation usage in Vienna, unspecified, law, webnews liability, proofreading of academic paper, management report, contract, data protection agreement, purchase and sale agreement, state bank press release, internal guidelines, various texts related to finance, revision of contract for leading biotech company, investment strategy letter/report for clients


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 60000 words
  • IT (Information Technology), Law (general), Finance (general)
  • memoQ
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

August 2023: digital transformation processes, lacquerware book, documentation for leading scientific institute in Germany, foreign trade law rules for prev. ment. institute, articles of association, partnership agreement, commercial register documents, bylaws, audit report, data protection policy, 3 unspecified jobs

articles of association, partnership agreement, digital transformation, digitization, foreign trade law


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 50000 words
  • Law (general), IT (Information Technology), Finance (general)
  • memoQ
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

July 2023: articles of association, legal material, short texts on physics, 3 unspecified projects, abstract of dissertation, business texts, court rulings, data protection, court rulings, Swiss technical school texts, 3 other unspecified jobs


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 30000 words
  • Law (general), Business/Commerce (general), Finance (general)
  • memoQ
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

June 2023: Nachhaltigkeitsbericht, miscellaneous, contract, press release for German state bank, sociology text, business texts, short texts about physics, documentation, blockchain investment report, NDA, another blockchain report, court rulings, about 10 other orders that I failed to specify

sustainability, investment, blockchain, contract, documentation


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 60000 words
  • law, Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc., Finance (general)
  • memoQ
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

May 2023: more translations for international organization (~4 more projects), journal article, financial statements, marketing for family office (investing), miscellaneous marketing, catalogue, data protection policy, code of conduct, marketing for leading German scientific association, annual report, contract, miscellaneous, trade register extracts (3x) annual report, miscellaneous

family office, financial statements, reports on scientists, magazine, guidelines


I Do That

1 user

  • German to English
  • 40000 words
  • Marketing / Market Research, Finance (general), Law (general)
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

April 2023: Partnership agreement, financial information, investment bank product information, contracts, website - ecommerce, marketing material, annual report, simple marketing - multiple orders, magazine, information material, guidelines, etc. for international organization (~8 consecutive projects), management report, minutes of board meeting for leading scientific association in Germany, marketing for car company

marketing, annual report, minutes, contracts, magazine


1 userI Do That

  • German to English
  • 50000 words
  • Marketing / Market Research, Law (general), Finance (general)
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

March 2023: protocol/minutes, annual report, website, miscellaneous, annual report, CEO video, budget text, press release, multiple website projects for international e-commerce company (running project), policy texts for leading German institute, multiple miscellaneous texts, Hamburg marketing texts, more website texts (same project), contract, marketing material, architecture book (exceptional book on Wismar architecture), website, academic article on migration, cultural exhibition, academic article, Landesbank texts for website, statutes, miscellaneous

website, Webseite, marketing, Architektur, statutes


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 25000 words
  • law, Architecture, finance
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

February 2023: asset management marketing, contract, miscellaneous 1, miscellaneous 2, discrimination of women - report, data protection policy, annual report (part 1 and 2), data protection policy, multiple website projects, miscellaneous texts

annual report, Jahresabschluss, Vertrag, contract, website


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 45000 words
  • Law: Contract(s), Finance, IT
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

January 2023: employee conduct guidelines (2x), articles of association, more employee conduct guidelines, policies for international organization, website texts for German Landesbank, miscellaneous, child benefits, services, more Landesbank website texts, Scrum contract, marketing

Recht, HR, law, website, Webseite


I Do That

1 user

  • German to English
  • 30000 words
  • Human Resources, law, finance
  • memoQ
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

Highlight of 2022: There were a lot of great projects in 2022. Thanks to all LSPs and direct clients. The best probably came right at the end - with Armenian author Marina Davtyan, whose story Uffa and a number of exceptional parables I got to translate in December and finish up here in January (so not entirely in last year, but close enough). Here is more of her work if you are interest - inspiring, plot-driven, philosophical, what we need to see more of in America: https://proza.ru/avtor/maradav

Uffa, притчи, parables, Davtyan, Давтян


I Do That

  • Russian to English
  • 10000 words
  • Poetry & Literature, Philosophy
  • memoq
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

December projects: parables and short story by Mara Vaagn (these are from Russian to English), newsletter, website, contract, the editorial standards for a leading German publication, Christmas letter (of course - it's December :-)), script introduction for documentary film, contract, information on refugees, miscellaneous material for leading German university (same as above/below), marketing material, marketing texts for e-commerce company, philosophical paper on Herder, guidelines for email program, a crazy technical text that was misassigned to me, machine training editing (not those machines), next chapters of book on Burmese lacquerware

Herder, Uffa, Vaagn, stories, philosophy


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 50000 words
  • Poetry & Literature, Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting, Philosophy
  • memoq
  • 85% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

November projects: huge number of small miscellaneous texts that I didn't designate, contracts (multiple), CVs, labor law texts, report on digitalization index, distribution contract, marketing material, texts for leading German university (same as above), training courses on statistics

Arbeitsrecht, labor law, marketing, Digitalisierung, digitalization


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 50000 words
  • Education / Pedagogy, law, Economics
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

October projects: website (30,000+ words) for leading German university, brand ambassador contract, university documentation texts, miscellaneous

Webseite, website, contract, Vertrag, Universität


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 50000 words
  • IT (Information Technology), Marketing / Market Research, law
  • memoq
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

September projects: Editing of theology paper (leading German university), catalogue of questions, template for EBS, Scrum e-learning, paper on housing benefits in Germany, material for Hannover trade fair, legal documents, training material, text on prospectus law, another theological paper edited, annual report on financial security measures (indirectly for leading German government agency), job descriptions, central bank texts

Theologie, Jahresbericht, Recht, Finanz, theology


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 60000 words
  • law, Finance (general), Education / Pedagogy
  • memoq
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

August project: central bank texts, contract, documentation for leading university, miscellaneous texts, contract, more documentation for German university, white paper on digital transformation, marketing material, next chapters on Burmese lacquerware (ongoing book project)


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 40000 words
  • Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting, law, Finance (general)
  • memoQ
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

OK. Now I am going to catch up here :-) A lot has happened...


I Do That

Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

Oh, I'm way behind on the updates here again. Everything is completely normal, consistent with past months. I'll update it when I get a chance.


I Do That

Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

July projects: Instructions for TU, archeology grant application, miscellaneous, revision of master's thesis, speaker vertrag, press release, contract, miscellaneous, employment contract, second one, e-learning material, archaeology, contract, university documentation, corona policy, inheritance agreement


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 40000 words
  • Finance (general), law, Archaeology
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

June projects: Miscellaneous, job offers, art book on Burmese lacquerware (part XX???), press release, annual report, another annual report (similar to May, just parts), job offers, fund information, miscellaneous, miscellaneous, interim letter of recommendation, employee information, miscellaneous, contract, documentation, bunch of small jobs, academic paper on Eckhard Schoech's triptychs


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 30000 words
  • Finance (general), law, Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
  • memoq
  • 99% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

May projects: Revision - annual report, another annual report, 3rd annual report, lease agreement, application, another annual report, marketing material, long series of small orders related to annual report, Articles of Association for a fund, marketing material for a fund, academic paper - securing knowledge, miscellaneous, couple of contracts, another round of smaller orders connected with annual report, revision of academic paper on digitization

Annual report, Jahresabschluss, financial statements, balance sheet, Articles of Association


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 50000 words
  • Finance (general), law, Economics
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

I'll do the rest through July when I have more time...


I Do That

Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

April: documentation for German university, more, central bank texts (2x), Quran books (poems, wisdom, dream interpretation), miscellaneous...

Quran, Koran, dream interpretation, annual report, Landesbank


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 50000 words
  • religion, mysticism, Poetry & Literature
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

March: Manual (can't remember what), academic report on digitization, credit rating report, miscellaneous, annual report, contract data processing policy, comedy text, articles of association, central bank texts, contract, crypto currency investment information, miscellaneous

IPO, crypto, annual report, contract, credit rating


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 50000 words
  • law, finance, Investment / Securities
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

February: Burmese lacquerware book (part ???) (ongoing, neverending), employee information (2x), book extract (2x), Scrum test questions, university documentation, financial statements, more financial statements, annual report, website material for Landesbank, insurance guidelines, lawsuit, proofreading of investor presentation, central bank website (part 2) miscellaneous...


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 50000 words
  • law, finance, arts
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

Oh, I'm way behind on the updates here. OK. Here goes...


1 userI Do That

Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

January projects: Insurance agreement, certificate, more Handelsregisterauszüge (3x) - these are all always for the same company, press release, miscellaneous, consolidated financial statements, manual, newsletter (2x), lease agreement, covid policies for international German organization (2x), administrative documents, trade register extract (again), more of the Islamic books - so... now I've caught up again :-)

Handelsregister, Vertrag, Contract, Agreement, financial statements


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 40000 words
  • Marketing / Market Research, law, Religion
  • memoq
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

December projects: Certificate of incorporation, Handelsregistereintrag (4x), annual report, supply agreement, book excerpts, press release, magazine briefing, Instructions, contract, miscellaneous, intralogistics marketing (2x), other, website, miscellaneous, quality assurance agreement, Islamic books (more on this later), Scrum, public tours marketing for Swiss city, marketing material, miscellaneous (2x), website material for Landesbank

website, annual report, marketing, contract, agreement


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 40000 words
  • Religion, Finance (general), Law (general)
  • memoq
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

November projects: FTA - Fault Tree Analysis, FMEA - Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, Training (3 modules), Academic paper on digitalization index, miscellaneous, newsletter, logistics texts (multiple), other, correction of abstract and proposal for Habilitation

Digitalisierungsindex, historical anthropology, FMEA, FTA, intralogistics


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 60000 words
  • History, Poetry & Literature, Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
  • memoq
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

October projects: Short story (the mark), European policy studies - EU and Germany after the election, miscellaneous, cultural participation texts, empirical study, video text, divestment analysis, intralogistics texts, code of conduct, German state bank texts, website information, miscellaneous, online training

short story, fiction, study, government policy, elections


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 50000 words
  • memoq
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

September projects: E-learning modules, short story - Achook, data protection/privacy information, addendum to agreement, state bank texts, university administrative texts, waste website, European policy study, intralogistics, stock photo website material, website portraits, data protection information, newsletter, policy texts for University of Passau (direct client), website, questionnaire

Datenschutz, short story, website, e-learning, agreement


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 50000 words
  • Poetry & Literature, law, documentation
  • memoQ
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

August projects: Leads, AGBs / GTC (2x), Datenschutz, miscellaneous, documentation, video text, cultural texts, 3 chapters of art book, various texts on administrative procedures at German university, agreements, employee texts, framework program, state bank information, Basel tourism information, security concept

Datenschutz, AGB, GTC, Vereinbarung, Kultur


I Do That

1 user

  • German to English
  • 50000 words
  • Poetry & Literature, law, documentation
  • memoQ
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

July projects: hotel marketing, blog on real estate, website, guidelines, art book (next chapter of ongoing project), code of conduct, employment contract, German university texts, articles of association, style guide, communications, promotional text, miscellaneous short texts (3x), blog - digital marketing, ecommerce texts, miscellaneous, style guide, organization manual, contract

real estate, immobilien, Marketing, Code of Conduct, Vertrag


I Do That

1 user

  • German to English
  • 50000 words
  • Finance (general), Law: Contract(s), Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

June projects: annual report, commentary, 2nd annual report, website, brochure, process instructions, audit report, sociology of culture - paper, contract, art book (next part of ongoing project), graphic texts, standard interface, articles of association, GTCs, website, audit report, blog on corona, Group guidelines

finance, law, art


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 50000 words
  • Finance (general), Law (general), Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

May projects: Insurance documents, shareholders list, trade register extracts, letter of recommendation, audit report for tax investigation, miscellaneous, Landesbank report, documentation, procedural manuals for university


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 50000 words
  • Finance (general), Law: Taxation & Customs, law
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

April projects: Chapter of art book, court ruling, PR campaign, e-learning, policy, employment contract, data protection policy (two parts) application form instructions, article on finance industry, data protection policy, insurance texts, product availability, letter of gratitude, declaration of consent, university instructions, Basel tourism offer, university policy, report, employment contracts, instructions for technical university

Datenschutz, Versicherung, Arbeitsvertrag, Regularien, data protection


I Do That

1 user

  • German to English
  • 50000 words
  • law, finance, art
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

March projects: Website for Landesbank, questionnaire, instructions for participation, e-learning training (two parts), bonus policy, Muster Arbeitsvertrag, newsletter, press release for annual report, press release for annual report, PPT presentation - waste management, miscellaneous, Auftragsverarbeitungsvereinbarung, insurance policy rules, academic policy, paper on rent freeze in Berlin

Vertrag, vereinbarung, data processing, E-Learning, Webseite


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 50000 words
  • memoQ
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

Novel about young soldier during WWII


2 users

I Do That

1 user

  • German to English
  • 20000 words
  • Poetry & Literature
  • memoq
  • 70% complete
replied from ProZ.com at 01:43 Mar 26, 2021:

Sounds very interesting!

Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

February orders: Beginning of novel (20,000 words), Landesbank website (parts 7-23 over the course of the month), Terms and Conditions of Use, carmaker survey, strategy report, management report, chapter of another long-term book project (art history), abstracts, training module, financing statements, management report, promotional material


I Do That

1 user

  • German to English
  • 60000 words
  • Finance (general), Marketing / Market Research, Poetry & Literature
  • memoq
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

January orders: Synthetic fuels - potential for Europe, miscellaneous, factoring test, KP awareness training, Tesla factory permit, website (part 1), test translation for novel (won, currently being translated), university documentation, consulting material, ESG compliance, Scrum product owner, Landesbank website (part 3 and 4), miscellaneous, online training, collection policy, collection procedure, contact letter, summary of rates, checklist, Landesbank website (parts 5 and 6)

Webseite, website, finance, e-learning, banking


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 50000 words
  • Finance (general), Law (general), Marketing / Market Research
  • memoQ
  • 99% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

December: invoice, information, policy paper - European Public Goods, business plan, documents for social sciences institution (regular client), presentation, contracts, articles of association, shareholder list, case study, QM for managers, proofreading of social sciences paper (University of Vienna), E-learning


2 usersI Do That

  • German to English
  • 50000 words
  • law, finance, social sciences
  • memoq
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

November: Social science institution - marketing, contract, contractual documents, university administration documents, 5x marketing texts, contracts, user instructions, data protection information, bank loan terms, declaration of consent, marketing for social sciences institution (regular client), blockchain information, e-learning, lawsuit, short story, framework agreement, GTCs, digitalization index, university material (ongoing project for elite German university)


1 userI Do That

  • German to English
  • 50000 words
  • law, finance, social sciences
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

OK. I see. I am way behind here. It has been a very hectic couple months. Here is the update...


1 userI Do That

Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

October: Documentation, legal annexes, Bavarian infection protection measures ordinance, press release, accounting manual, emissions trading - academic paper, proofreading of articles on diplomacy in Early Modern Era, presentation on e-learning, manual, miscellaneous 3x, presentation, miscellaneous, presentation on indicative value consideration, instruction, non-disclosure agreement


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 50000 words
  • Law (general), Finance (general), Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

September projects: Interview mit Bankführung, Vertrag, Quality Assurance Agreement, VAT-Dokumentation, Newletter für Stiftung, Documentation, Annual report, Geheimhaltungsvereeinbarung, Report on refugee integration in Germany, Report on economic recovery from coronavirus, Vertrag, another contract, tender documentation, accounting manual, roadshow presentation


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 70000 words
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

August projects: Stellungnahme, Prospektus, E-Learning, White paper, annual report, E-learning (again), E-learning (more), Aufsätze, Accounting manual, Produktbeschribung, Certificate, Programmbeschreibung, E-learning (editing), Part 11 of novel (Planet Erde)


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 60000 words
  • 100% complete
Henry Schroeder posting from ProZ.com shared:

Annual report - Part - Quarterly announcement

annual report, financial statements, Jahresabschluss


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 2000 words
  • Finance (general), Finanzwesen, финанз
  • memoQ
  • 100% complete