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Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

phone social consecutive

Renta Garantía de Ingreso, demandante de Protección Internacional, empadronamiento, Servicio Vasco de Empleo, territorio español


I Do That

  • Map
  • Spanish to French
  • Asylum/Migration/Displacement, Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc., Law (general)
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Onsite Medical Consecutive

Mantoux test, external detoxification, hospitalization, epileptic seizure, tuberculosis


I Do That

  • Map
  • Spanish to English
  • Medical (general), Medical: Health Care, Medical: Pharmaceuticals
  • 100% complete
  • Working for Interpret Solutions
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

social onsite consecutive

Protocolo Dublin, proteger, territorio español, OAR


I Do That

  • Map
  • French to Spanish
  • Law (general), Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

psychological onsite consecutive

proteger, heridas psicológicas, confidencial, espacio seguro


I Do That

  • Map
  • Spanish to French
  • Psychology
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

social consecutive interpreting

brain injure, late development, therapy, early attention, disability


I Do That

1 user

  • Map
  • Spanish to English
  • Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc., Medical (general)
  • 100% complete
  • Working for Interpret Solutions
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

health care phone consecutive

cholesterol, thin, food guidelines, analysis, physical activity


I Do That

  • Map
  • English to Spanish
  • Medical (general), Medical: Health Care
  • 100% complete
  • Working for Interpret Solutions
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Phone medical consecutive

mutilation genitale, marriage forcé, rapport avec pénétration, brûlure, petit lèvres


I Do That

  • Map
  • Spanish to French
  • Medical (general), Medical: Health Care
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Phone psychological consecutive

centro de menores, visitas, educadora, implicarse, confiar


1 userI Do That

  • Map
  • Spanish to French
  • Psychology, Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc., Law (general)
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Consecutive workshop on gender violence

centro de crisis, diagnóstico de enfermedades de transmisión sexual, denuncia, consentimiento, intimidar


I Do That

1 user

  • Map
  • Spanish to French
  • Law (general), Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc., Medical: Health Care
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Consecutiva en taller sobre Violencia de Género

enrager, piropo, ama de casa, derribar estereotipo, comportarse bien


I Do That

  • Spanish to French
  • Idioms / Maxims / Sayings, Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

phone psichological consecutive

primera acogida, confianza, reparador, no encontrar sentido, ejecuciones


I Do That

  • English to Spanish
  • Psychology, Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc., Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

consecutiva en taller sobre violencia de género

entrega total, media naranja, pasarse el arroz, inseguridad, relaciones sanas


I Do That

  • Spanish to French
  • Slang, Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc., Other
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

phone psychiatric consecutive

antipsicótico, stress postraumático, visualización del paisaje, trauma, dolor de estómago


I Do That

  • English to Spanish
  • Medical (general), Psychology
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Phone consecutve interpreting on Education

timetable, progress, maths, oral expression, reading comprehension


1 userI Do That

  • English to Spanish
  • Education / Pedagogy, Other
  • 100% complete
  • Working for Interpret Solutions
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Phone Social consecutive

Ley de Protección de datos, agresión, insultos, Comisaría de Policía, Centro de Acogida


I Do That

  • Map
  • Spanish to French
  • Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc., Government / Politics
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Remote psichological consecutive

mujer embarazada, no aceptada, protección internacional, OAR, protección humanitaria


I Do That

  • Map
  • Spanish to English
  • Psychology, Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Legal remote consecutive

carte rouge, asyle, fecha de expedición, entrevista con la policía, solicitante de asilo


I Do That

  • Map
  • French to Spanish
  • Government / Politics, Law (general)
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Medical phone consecutive

thyroid surgery, orthopedic surgery, reflux, prickling sensation, constipation


I Do That

  • Map
  • English to Spanish
  • Medical (general), Medical: Health Care
  • 100% complete
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Videoconference Social Consecutive

Sistema de acogida, ingreso en el centro, protección de datos, Ministerio, padrón


1 userI Do That

  • Spanish to English
  • Government / Politics, Other
  • 100% complete
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Videoconference Psichological Consecutive

cansado, frustrado, soledad, skills, capacities


I Do That

  • Spanish to English
  • Psychology
  • 100% complete
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Medical phone interpreting

los latidos, hormigueo, vacuna tétanos, picor


I Do That

  • Spanish to French
  • Medical: Health Care, Medical (general)
  • 100% complete
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

On the Phone Consecutive Social Interpretation

communal living, respect, breach, comply with, sanction


I Do That

  • English to Spanish
  • Other, Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
  • 100% complete
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Community Worshop interpreting on Education

nursery school, primary school, compulsory, vocational training, secondary school


1 userI Do That

  • Map
  • Spanish to English
  • Education / Pedagogy
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

One Community Social consecutive

race, opinion politique, réfugié, riesgo para su vida, conflicto armado


I Do That

  • Map
  • Spanish to French
  • Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

medical consecutive interpreting

estudio genético, sífilis, enfermedad en la familia, VIH, células


1 userI Do That

  • Map
  • Spanish to French
  • Medical: Health Care
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Social public service workshop consecutive

distributeur automatique, carte porte-monnaie, compte bancaire, solde, retirer l'argent


I Do That

  • Spanish to French
  • Accounting, Other
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

1 phone consecutive & 1 consecutive videoconference

repercussions, limits, symptoms, maltreatment, aggresive


I Do That

  • Spanish to English
  • Psychology
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

consecutive interpreting in a workshop for english, french and spanish

emergency unit, GP, Health Centre, primary care, Health Public System


I Do That

  • Spanish to English
  • Medical: Health Care
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

legal phone interpreting

fourgon de police, test des os, centre pour mineurs, poignets, en détention


I Do That

  • Spanish to French
  • Other
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

medical consecutive interpreting

neurologue, infirmière, tension artérielle, céphalée, liste d'atteinte


I Do That

  • Spanish to French
  • Medical (general), Other
  • 100% complete
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Phone legal consecutive

non-moestation order, appear, file a suit, duty sollicitor


I Do That

  • Spanish to English
  • Law (general)
  • 100% complete
  • Working for Interpret Solutions
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

3 remote consecutive interpretations

sadness, psychiatrist on duty, gender violence, acceptance, strong points


I Do That

  • Spanish to French
  • Psychology
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Phone community interpreting

mal descanso, consulta de digestivo, ostomía, abdomen, patología


I Do That

  • Spanish to English
  • Medical (general)
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Phone community consecutive

no judgement, irritable bowel, ulcer, wellbeing, sadness


I Do That

  • Spanish to English
  • Psychology
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Phone consecutive interpreting

public prosecutor, forged document, criminal record, serious offense, minor


I Do That

  • Spanish to English
  • Law (general)
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

phone psychological consecutive interpretation

pensées intrusives, stress post-traumatique, se mettre en-garde, surveillance, esprit


I Do That

  • Spanish to French
  • Government / Politics, Law (general), Medical (general)
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

phone legal consecutive

public prosecutor's office, minor, criminal record, serious offense, forge document


I Do That

  • Spanish to English
  • Law (general)
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

2 Public Service consecutive interpretations

duelo migratorio, bienestar, persecución, amenazas, compromiso


I Do That

  • French to Spanish
  • Psychology, Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

consecutive community service

certificate de naissance, bureau du procureur, argent public, cotejar datos


I Do That

  • French to Spanish
  • Government / Politics, Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs, Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

phone medical interpreting

thyroid, adenoma, analysis, valerian, TB


I Do That

  • Spanish to English
  • Medical (general), Medical: Health Care
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

phone legal interpreting

discrimination, violence conjugal, menace, traite, protection internationale


I Do That

  • French to Spanish
  • Law (general), Government / Politics, Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
  • 100% complete
  • Working for CEAR
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

consecutive for a Police Sation visit

population, conflict, protection, shelter, asylum


I Do That

  • Spanish to English
  • Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc., International Org/Dev/Coop
  • 100% complete
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Consecutive interpreting

jardin potager, associacion, voisinage, quartier, engagement


I Do That

  • Spanish to French
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Connsecutive interpreting on labour

plomberie, tuyauterie, assemblage, climatisation, chauffage


I Do That

  • Spanish to French
  • International Org/Dev/Coop, Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc., Other
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Consecutive interpreting on the labour market

cotisation, congé remunéré, syndicat, periode d'essai


I Do That

  • Spanish to French
  • Law: Contract(s), History, Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
  • 100% complete
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Finised a chuchoitage in a nursery school

nappy, milk cow, mark clothes, playground, dummy


I Do That

  • Spanish to English
  • Education / Pedagogy, Nutrition, Other
  • 100% complete
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

Preparing interpreting for Zena Moore presentation

education, university, research


I Do That

  • English to Spanish
  • Education / Pedagogy
  • 7% complete
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

preparing a webinar on digital diaries on research with young people

focus groups, narratives, diaries, data collection, audio-visual recordings


I Do That

  • English to Spanish
  • Education / Pedagogy, Computers: Systems, Networks, Media / Multimedia
  • 15% complete
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

2-hour legal community interpreting

permiso de trabajo y residencia, principio de no devolución, indicios probatorios, homologar, Apostilla de la Haya


I Do That

  • Spanish to English
  • Law (general), Law: Contract(s)
  • 100% complete
Sofia Bengoa posting from ProZ.com shared:

One community consecutive interpretation

God\'s will, not learning fast, resolución, estabilidad, not bother, confident, 2 hands go in the same way as God\'s way, keep calm, family problems,


I Do That

  • English to Spanish
  • Psychology
  • 100% complete