9,149 registrants

Marketing & Recruitment day

Sep 28, 2016


Company size: 25-50 employees
Year established: 1998
Average blue board rating: 5

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Iolar is an international high-tech translation company that has been providing customers with complex documentation translations and software localization for the past 20 years.

We are looking for professional freelance TRANSLATORS and REVISERS for translating and/or revising translated documentation from English into French in area of medical and life sciences translation (orthopedy).

What is expected from candidates:
• excellent knowledge of English;
• native speaker of French;
• knowledge of CAT tools (Trados Studio, memoQ, Across);
• university degree in any subject area;
• at least two years (after degree) of translation/revision experience in the area of medical and life sciences;
• at least 1500 standard pages translated/revised so far in requested areas supported with relevant reference documents;
• motivation and ability to work in a competitive environment;
• ability to adjust and complete work according to accepted due dates.

What we offer candidates:
• translation jobs on a daily/weekly basis;
• training and support provided by Iolar team and external specialists;
• interesting options for career development;
• excellent working conditions in an international environment;
• work from home;
• adjustment of translation volume and due dates according to occupancy;
• regular payment.

If you are interested and you believe that you meet the requirements, please send your CV in English and scans of your diploma and references to email address and include words "EN-FR medical translator/reviser" in the subject of your message. Applications that do not meet the conditions will not be discussed.