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CAT Tool & Software day

Sep 29, 2016


CafeTran Espresso - the Translation Tool Tuned to Translate Fast and Enjoy it

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Schedule:This session ended at 14:10
Description:The presentation will show numerous functions to automate and speed your translation while still having the full control over the translation process. You will see the smart ways CafeTran integrates with various resources via its major features: the Total Recall system, Auto-assembling, Auto-propagation and Auto-completion. It will also demonstrate CafeTran's integration with ProZ.com Questions & Answers and the new Term search.
Speakers:Igor Kmitowski
Igor Kmitowski holds the degree in English Studies from the University of Lodz, Poland. Working as a freelance translator, he learned Java computer language and created CafeTran Espresso to help translators enjoy and profit more from their profession. He currently works with Collaborative Translation Networks as a head of CafeTran development and technical support. In his free time, he jogs by the sea, hikes in the mountains and drinks hot Java.

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The following exhibitors are in their booths, ready to answer your questions.

Other sponsors
SDL Trados, memoQ, TM-Town, Wordfast, Cafetran Espresso, Déjà Vu X3

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Discussion for CAT Tool & Software day session (2016): CafeTran Espresso - the Translation Tool Tuned to Translate Fast and Enjoy it
Nelly Alejandra Alister
Nelly Alejandra Alister  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:14
Member (2010)
Spanish to English
+ ...
Interest Sep 29, 2016

I never heard of this tool, it's always good to learn new ones.

Arkadiusz Jasiński
Arkadiusz Jasiński  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:14
German to Polish
CafeTran is already a well-established software ... Sep 29, 2016

... and it is gaining more and more popularity amongst Mac users.

Samar Elbelbesy
Samar Elbelbesy  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:14
English to Arabic
+ ...
Session Record Sep 29, 2016

It's my first session on such virtual event. It's so helpful.
I'm just wondering if I can get this session recorded later.


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