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ProZ.com 2016 virtual conference for International Translation Day

Sep 30, 2016


Mind the gap between what you say and what you deliver

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Schedule:This session ended at 15:50
Description:The world is overcrowded. Everywhere you go, there are other people, and some have been there before. What can you say to stand out from the crowd at first sight? After you capture attention, you need to deliver. What are the techniques to create your blue ocean that nobody has exploited before? Learning objectives: Efficient techniques for capturing attention Differentiation options for translators Real options to show that what you say is true
Speakers:Diego Bartolome
Diego is the founder and CEO of tauyou language technology, a company specialized in machine translation, natural processing tools, and process automation for Language Service Providers (LSPs). He holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering and an MSc in Management and Business Administration. He currently serves on the GALA Board.

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Discussion for ProZ.com 2016 virtual conference for International Translation Day session (2016): Mind the gap between what you say and what you deliver
Neal Allen
Neal Allen
Stati Uniti
Local time: 15:56
Da Spagnolo a Inglese
+ ...
Many helpful points about finding your own niche as a translator and building customer relationships Sep 30, 2016

Many helpful points about how to differentiate yourself in a competitive market and building customer relationships. However, I disagree with the suggestion that we do not rewrite bad text. I work in the legal field and the run-on, unintelligible sentences are so terrible that no one would understand them, unless I as a translator break them down in their real meaning. In general, however, his comments are spot on and reflect his considerable experience. I agree with him about visiting your c... See more
Many helpful points about how to differentiate yourself in a competitive market and building customer relationships. However, I disagree with the suggestion that we do not rewrite bad text. I work in the legal field and the run-on, unintelligible sentences are so terrible that no one would understand them, unless I as a translator break them down in their real meaning. In general, however, his comments are spot on and reflect his considerable experience. I agree with him about visiting your clients, when possible. I have done so and it has paid off with better relationships. Unfortunately, most of my clients are spread out all over the world.Collapse


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