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ProZ.com 2016 virtual conference for International Translation Day

Sep 30, 2016


Why don't translators and interpreters know how to run businesses?

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Schedule:This session ended at 12:45
Description:Interpreters and translators aren't naturally business people and yet we have to set up businesses to sell our services to clients. Then we have to make our businesses actually pay and more than that we need to make a profit year on year to survive. Many translators and interpreters may be competent language professionals but lack business know - how. Why is this? Mainly because we emerge from our colleges and universities with great qualifications in our various languages but without much of an idea how to sell our language skills to best effect. Why? Because no one has ever sat us down and taught us any business skills. This presentation will help both new starters and more experienced colleagues swim - not sink. How? By focusing on how business people create and then sustain viable businesses and the sort of skills that they use to do this.
Speakers:Sue Leschen
Sue Leschen is a lawyer – linguist, the Director of Avocate a niche market legal and commercial French language services company and also an independent trainer for language professionals in the areas of professional conduct, legal terminology. She is also a mentor for everything you need to know and do to set up and run a successful business.

Sue is a member of the Professional Conduct Committees of:
  • Institute of Translation and Interpreting
  • National Register of Public Service Interpreters
  • Regulatory Body for Sign Language Interpreters and Translators
  • National Registers of Communication Professionals working with Deaf and Deaf - Blind people.
She is also member of:
  • Chartered Institute of Linguists – Council (governing body)
  • Association of Police and Court Interpreters
  • International Association of Interpreters and Translators
Sue supports the need for qualified, experienced, security vetted , insured and professional interpreters and translators.

Sue Leschen


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Discussion for ProZ.com 2016 virtual conference for International Translation Day session (2016): Why don't translators and interpreters know how to run businesses?
acetran  Identity Verified
أنجليزي إلى هندي
+ ...
Excellent! Sep 30, 2016


Muhammad Yassin
Muhammad Yassin  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:30
أنجليزي إلى عربي
+ ...
Good one! Sep 30, 2016

Good, I like it.

Ameen Nemer
Ameen Nemer
المملكة العربية السعودية
Local time: 01:30
أنجليزي إلى عربي
+ ...
Nice presentation Sep 30, 2016

Really very useful. I am going to watch it again offline.

Jezra Aragon
Jezra Aragon
Local time: 08:30
تاجالوجي إلى أنجليزي
+ ...
Wonderful Sep 30, 2016

Useful and practical especially for new translators.

Pia Merlo-Schmucker
Pia Merlo-Schmucker  Identity Verified
الولايات المتحدة
Local time: 18:30
عضو (2014)
أنجليزي إلى إسباني
+ ...
Excellent and comprehensive! Oct 6, 2016

A lot of information but well presented and the resources at the end were also a very welcome addition. Thank You!


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