8,838 registrants

ProZ.com's 2014 virtual conference for International Translation Day

Sep 30, 2014


Searching outside the Box: Internet Search Techniques to Find the Information You Need

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This session will present Internet search techniques beyond the familiar searches that often do not provide useful results. Participants will learn how to streamline their searches to save time and optimize search results. The techniques to be presented include using images and PubMed to aid in terminology research, how to locate specific information within specific websites, how to locate a specific type of file with specific information and tips for using YouTube to find accurate and reliable information. The examples presented will be in English, but the strategies presented can be used with any language.


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Discussion for ProZ.com's 2014 virtual conference for International Translation Day session (2014): Searching outside the Box: Internet Search Techniques to Find the Information You Need
Arlene Lokomowitz
Arlene Lokomowitz  Identity Verified
Stati Uniti
Local time: 09:58
Da Francese a Inglese
Is this session available? Sep 29, 2014

How do I access this session?

Arlene Lokomowitz

Drew MacFadyen
Drew MacFadyen  Identity Verified
Stati Uniti
Local time: 09:58
Da Spagnolo a Inglese
+ ...
On-demand session Sep 29, 2014

This session is on-demand and can be viewed at anytime attendees wish, once the event live date has started. So for this content, starting at 10:00 AM GMT on Tuesday the 30th, you can view as often as you wish.



Vanessa Di Stefano
Vanessa Di Stefano  Identity Verified
Regno Unito
Local time: 14:58
Membro (2014)
Da Italiano a Inglese
Accessing this session Sep 30, 2014

Hi Drew,

I've noted your reply to Ariene, but I still can't seem to find a way to actually access this session - is there a particular page I need to go to?

Kind regards,

Drew MacFadyen
Drew MacFadyen  Identity Verified
Stati Uniti
Local time: 09:58
Da Spagnolo a Inglese
+ ...
session pages Sep 30, 2014

This session Searching outside the Box: Internet Search Techniques to Find the Information You Need will be on http://www.proz.com/virtual-conferences/632/program/9934 and the video player will "appear" after 10:00 GMT.

All sessions can be found via http://www.proz.com/virtual-conferences/632/program/ page

... See more
This session Searching outside the Box: Internet Search Techniques to Find the Information You Need will be on http://www.proz.com/virtual-conferences/632/program/9934 and the video player will "appear" after 10:00 GMT.

All sessions can be found via http://www.proz.com/virtual-conferences/632/program/ page


Vanessa Di Stefano
Vanessa Di Stefano  Identity Verified
Regno Unito
Local time: 14:58
Membro (2014)
Da Italiano a Inglese
Thanks! Sep 30, 2014

Ah, thanks Drew, I was on the right page, just not at the right time! I'll wait for another 10-15mins when it should appear...Thank you!

Vanessa Di Stefano
Vanessa Di Stefano  Identity Verified
Regno Unito
Local time: 14:58
Membro (2014)
Da Italiano a Inglese
Trying to access without success... Sep 30, 2014

Hi Drew, I am trying to listen to the podcast, but it is blocking at 00:06 and there is no sound..I know it's not a problem with software or anything else to do with my computer as I have already listened to one session (live) this morning. Any advice would be appreciated as I would really like to listen to this session.

[Edited at 2014-10-01 13:18 GMT]

David Evans
David Evans  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:58
Da Catalano a Inglese
+ ...
Can't find session player Oct 1, 2014


I'm on the session page but can't see a player anywhere. I did sign up for the conference. Is it available? The only on-demand session I can access is the introduction.


Drew MacFadyen
Drew MacFadyen  Identity Verified
Stati Uniti
Local time: 09:58
Da Spagnolo a Inglese
+ ...
On demand content on session pages Oct 1, 2014

There is a "low bandwidth" embedded player at the bottom of the page, scroll down and play the video. Thanks



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