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ProZ.com's 2014 virtual conference for International Translation Day

Sep 30, 2014


Machine Translation panel for LSP's

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Schedule:This session ended at 14:45

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Machine Translation panel (roundtable) for Language Service Providers (LSP's) and their enterprise level customers

Questions answered by 5 leading and vocal provider and user institutions of MT in the language industry field today

1) First 20 minutes (following the short introductions): Questions on quality evaluation, scoring, estimation/forecasting

2) approximately 20min mark to 30 min mark: What are the risks for LSPs or large companies not investing in MT for their translation needs?

3) approximately 30min mark to 45min mark: What types and expectiations of investment (time, financial, infrastructure, people) are necessary for getting into MT?

Speakers:Jeff Allen — Moderator
Jeff Allen has 2 decades of experience in many areas across the entire business life cycle (marketing, pre-sales, sales, account management, project/program management, product management, development, custom development, QA testing, TEP production, release management, deployment, customer support, customer maintenance bug fixing, professional services & consulting,, partner/customer training, ISO9001 Quality Management, Executive Management, Advisory boards) at several language services /software companies (Translations.com/TransPerfect/AlchemySoftware, SYSTRAN, Softissimo, MIT2, ELDA, Language Technologies Institute) and other (non-translation) software and engineering companies (Caterpillar, Mycom Intl, SAP, Business Objects, Cartesis). He has been a member of the MultiLingual magazine advisory board and the LINGUIST-List industry advisory board over the past decade.

He is known for his work in controlled language writing for translation, Machine Translation dictionary building and post-editing, translation memory, website and software localization, translation workflow management systems, terminology management, speech technologies, and now has recent publications covering areas including ISO9001 certification, cross-team/project engineering tool integration, and cross-cultural team building and conflict management.
Kirti Vashee
Kirti Vashee is VP of Enterprise Translation sales for Asia Online. He is a seasoned IT sales and marketing executive and statistical machine translation (SMT) enthusiast who was previously responsible for the worldwide business development strategy at Language Weaver.

He has long-term software industry experience (EMC, Legato, Dow Jones, Lotus) and has been involved in building and managing sales and support operations in Europe and Asia for several software companies.

He is the moderator of the Automated Language Translation group with ovber 4,000 members in LinkedIn and is active on Twitter (@kvashee) and the blogosphere on MT (kv-emptypages.blogspot.com) and translation related issues. He received his formal education in South Africa, India and the United States.
Melissa Kane
Melissa joined SDL 10 years ago as a Senior Financial Translator but by 2005, she had left production work behind and moved into a strategic role. Melissa founded SDL’s into English translation office in Sheffield and managed that office for 6 years, handling 60+ source languages and processing almost 50 million words per annum. In 2011 Melissa took over SDL’s Machine Translation Team and is responsible for the creation of custom MT engines as well as driving MT usage in SDL whilst maintaining the high quality standards required for publishable content. Melissa’s team have recently created and launched SDL’s Post Edit Certification Program to bring their 10 years hands-on experience to a wider audience and they are increasingly in demand for consultancy work around the implementation of MT.
Sojnóczky Sándor
Sándor Sojnóczky is the Managing Director of Hunnect Ltd. Prior to founding Hunnect in 2003, he held a position as management consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers. Sándor holds a BA degree in English and Russian, BA degree in Financial economics and he is a certified member of the British Institute of Translation and Interpreting (MITI - Qualified Member). In addition to managing Hunnect Ltd, Sándor is a guest lecturer at three faculties of the Translator and Interpreter Training Programmes of the University of Szeged in Hungary and he is a regular speaker at translation conferences.
Manuel Herranz
A double graduate from Manchester University (UK), Manuel spent most of the 90’s as a technical language consultant in large industrial projects (Ford’s new engine plants in Valencia, Rolls Royce Industrial in Spain and Argentina). His engineering skills led him to seek and implement automation methods for language production after joining the BI Corporation of Japan. Pangeanic was born as a management buy-out in 2004. Machine Translation was high in the agenda and after joining TAUS and TDA, having massive amounts of data led the company to be the first language service provider to implement Moses successfully in a commercial setting. PangeaMT is a stand-alone system which has been applied at LSP and corporations worldwide.

Manuel collaborates with local NGOs building schools in Africa’s Sahel. He served as a volunteer in Cameroon’s border with Nigeria in 2012.

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Discussion for ProZ.com's 2014 virtual conference for International Translation Day session (2014): Machine Translation panel for LSP's
Tomas Mosler, DipTrans IoLET MCIL MITI
Tomas Mosler, DipTrans IoLET MCIL MITI  Identity Verified
Tschechische Republik
Local time: 11:41
Mitglied (2008)
Englisch > Tschechisch
a bit surprising Sep 30, 2014

I was somewhat surprised to witness this type of session on the portal that claims to be "serving the world's largest community of translators". A bit as if drug developers enter a forum for patients and start promoting their drugs. Advertisements, so be it, but this way?

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:41
Mitglied (2006)
Englisch > Afrikaans
+ ...
Not recorded? Oct 1, 2014

It's a pity this session was not recorded... I'm sure it would have been interesting to watch.

Drew MacFadyen
Drew MacFadyen  Identity Verified
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 05:41
Spanisch > Englisch
+ ...
Recordings available in 72 hours Oct 1, 2014

Hi Sam, these are live panel broadcasts, they were recorded...it just takes some time to encode, produce and upload. The recordings will be found on this page...probably by end of day today or tomorrow at the latest.



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