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CAT Tool & Software Day

Sep 28, 2012


Treat a multilingual translation project in Déjà Vu from A to Z

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Click here to visit the Atril/Déjà Vu X2 exhibit booth for more details and to download additional information about Atril & Déjà Vu X2.

Create a new Translation Memory and Termbase with the Alignment Module, set up a new translation project and discover exciting new features such as Fuzzy Match Repairs with DeepMiner or Machine Translation, PDF Filter, Embedded Objects in Microsoft Office Filter, Machine Translation Module or Code Zapper…

Speakers:Cécile Ohlmann
With a Masters’ in Marketing and Management, I am now back in France after working for L’Oréal in Germany for two years. Further to my professional experiences in international companies and abroad, I wanted to stay in an international environment. Working in languages at Atril and being in charge of key account development in North and Western Europe, Asia and Oceania is thus a great opportunity for me.

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