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2012 Freelance translator virtual conference

Sep 27, 2012


State of the industry: freelance translators in 2012

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Schedule:This session ended at 11:10

The State of the industry is an annual report on some of the changes that are affecting translators, as told by translators. The written version of this report is published online and is free to ProZ.com members. In this video version of the report we will look briefly at some of the trends, obstacles and opportunities to freelance work in the industry today, and how freelance translators are dealing with these trends.

Scroll down this page to view the recording of this presentation & the Q&A session with presenter Jared Tabor.

State of the industry reports for freelancers are published yearly at http://www.proz.com/industry-report. ProZ.com members can access these full written reports for free.

View the video presentation of the State of the industry report for 2010, given at the freelancer virtual conference in September 2010, below on this page.
Speakers:Jared Tabor
Jared oversees member services at ProZ.com. An ex-language teacher, he has lived and worked in Argentina since 1996. He has been with ProZ.com through the La Plata office since 2007.

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Discussion for 2012 Freelance translator virtual conference session (2012): State of the industry: freelance translators in 2012
catarinagran (X)
catarinagran (X)
angielski > portugalski
Question Sep 25, 2012

I am trying to submit a question and the box doesn't allow me to write anything on it. Can anyone help?


C. Granger

Drew MacFadyen
Drew MacFadyen  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:00
hiszpański > angielski
+ ...
Please try again Sep 26, 2012

To enter a question you type it in the box on the right side.

I just pseudo logged in as you and was able to enter a question.




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