10,711 registrants

ProZ.com 2016 virtual conference for International Translation Day

Sep 30, 2016

tolingo GmbH

Address: Kühnehöfe 3
Location: Hamburg,
Country: Germany
Phone: +49 40 413 583 128
Company size: 50-100 employees
Year established: 2007
Average blue board rating: 4.9

Other recruitment opportunities

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olasz to magyar translators
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angol to német translators
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angol to holland translators
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német to angol translators
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német to holland translators
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német to dán translators
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német to francia translators
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angol to portugál translators
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angol to spanyol translators
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portugál to spanyol translators
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angol to francia translators
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holland to horvát translators
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német to francia translators
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angol to olasz translators
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olasz to angol translators
Lexikon Translations
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to francia translators
Lexikon Translations
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to német translators
Lexikon Translations
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angol to spanyol translators
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angol to japán translators
WordLab Business Solutions LLP
Average blue board rating: 4.9

spanyol to angol translators
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japán to angol professionals
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japán to angol translators
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koreai to angol translators
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kínai to angol professionals
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arab to angol translators
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francia to angol translators
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thai to angol translators
Average blue board rating: 4.6

német to angol translators
Average blue board rating: 4.6

portugál to angol translators
Average blue board rating: 4.6

héber to angol translators
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finn to angol translators
Average blue board rating: 4.6

svéd to angol translators
Average blue board rating: 4.6

angol to német professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

angol to spanyol professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

angol to holland professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

angol to kínai professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

angol to arab professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

angol to lengyel professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

angol to portugál professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

angol to dán professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

angol to svéd professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

angol to norvég professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

angol to olasz professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

angol to finn professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

angol to görög professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

angol to japán professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

angol to koreai professionals
betterlanguages.com Ltd.
Average blue board rating: 4.7

angol to német translators
tolingo GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.9

német to angol translators
tolingo GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.9

francia to német translators
tolingo GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.9

német to francia translators
tolingo GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.9

olasz to német translators
tolingo GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.9

német to olasz translators
tolingo GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.9

német to kínai translators
tolingo GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.9

német to norvég translators
tolingo GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.9

német to svéd translators
tolingo GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.9

német to japán translators

Our Requirements:

We consider applications from professional, experienced freelance translators who are native speakers of the target language. Successful applicants typically match one of the following profiles:

Qualified/certified translator
- University-level qualification in translation or equivalent, plus
- 2 years’ professional experience

Specialist translator
- University-level qualification in another academic field, plus
- extensive professional experience in translation

The following requirements are essential for all applicants: Excellent knowledge of MS Office applications is a must. You should also ideally have experience with CAT tools (preferably memoQ) in order to work quickly and consistently. Good Internet and researching skills are vital, as is the ability to work in a team. It goes without saying that you should also be able to meet deadlines and have an eye for detail.