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ProZ.com's 2014 virtual conference for International Translation Day

Sep 30, 2014


Technical translations: Choosing the right terminology

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Schedule:This session ended at 18:25

The goal of the session is to aid translators in finding the right technical terminology for the particular translation project:
  • how to approach a new project
  • how to position yourself within the context of the domain
  • how to select the right word from a host of possibilities.

  • Where you can get information and how to avoid making mistakes. Examples will be given in the areas of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and aeronautics.

    Speakers:James Brian Mitchell
    James Brian Mitchell has published over 120 scientific papers and is the co-author of a textbook on Experimental Physics. He is also the holder of patents in the automotive and oil industries. As a Professor of Physics in Canada and France, he has given over 80 invited scientific presentations at conferences and Universities in North America, Europe and the Middle East. He translates patent reports, patents, technical manuals, technical specifications and scientific theses and journal articles. www.merl-consulting.com

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    Discussion for ProZ.com's 2014 virtual conference for International Translation Day session (2014): Technical translations: Choosing the right terminology
    island-vlad  Identity Verified
    ロシア語 から 英語
    + ...
    New technical terminology is late for new technics presentation Oct 2, 2014

    Nothing new. But, this subject is always in my best interests. Thanks everyone!


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