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Virtual memoQ Day 2013

May 30, 2013


How can the translator maintain a good relationship with the customers?

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Schedule:This session ended at 16:15

Attend this panel discussion to hear what translation industry players think are the requirements for a translator to be a well-employed translator.

Speakers:Patricia Bown
Patricia is responsible for product sales and consultancy to language service providers in North America. Prior to working for Kilgray, she was the director of McElroy Translation’s project management for 14 years and developed a habit of combining business relationships and technology to achieve efficiencies. As part of her job, she also led a deployment of a large-scale implementation of memoQ at McElroy.
Raisa McNab
Working as a freelance translator, project manager, and production & quality manager at STP Nordic, Raisa McNab has developed a strong understanding of the Nordic and European translation markets both from suppliers’ and buyers’ perspectives. Raisa's main focus is in quality and process management and optimising the use of translation environment tools. Her tasks include training translators and project managers, supervising and developing production processes and maintaining the company's quality management system. She is also involved in various aspects of customer relationship management, marketing, business analysis and business finance. Raisa earned her MA in English and French Translation and Interpreting from the University of Turku in 2003, and has since kept close ties with the academic world with regular talks to students at translation departments in UK and Nordic universities.
Jose Palomares
Jose is the CTO of Venga, a localization-focused LSP committed to deliver highly-specialized services beyond quality translation, such as internationalization, source optimization, process automation, voice-over and MT. A translator himself, Jose has been an active member of the translation and L10N industry for over 14 years as translator, reviewer, PM, QA specialist, engineer, trainer and consultant. Now he is devoted to designing and bringing to life better solutions to sort out the typical problems in L10N and make everyone in the supply chain happier. And to do it with a smile, too.
Belén Agulló

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Discussion for Virtual memoQ Day 2013 session (2013): How can the translator maintain a good relationship with the customers?
Marjolijn du Jour
Marjolijn du Jour  Identity Verified
Ţările de Jos
din franceză în olandeză
+ ...
inaudible May 30, 2013

It is such a pity: It is impossible to hear the panel and the presentation in a low bandwidth is not available. Moreover, I tried enter on the next page, but I don't have a password. So it is still I can only see the three present members (one talking...)

Drew MacFadyen
Drew MacFadyen  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 00:00
din spaniolă în engleză
+ ...
Audio and recording May 30, 2013

The audio should be quite loud - in fact on my end as listener it is almost too loud. There is an audio icon on the left of the video screen - ensure that is turned all the way up. Likewise check your computer speakers or headset volume.

As this is a live panel, there is no pre-recorded low bandwidth option. The full recording of the session will be available on this same page in 24-48 hours.

Thanks for attending



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