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Lviv, L'vivs'ka Oblast', Ukraine
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2017 CV
Surname, first name: Nagornyy Oleksandr
Date of birth: 14/10/1949
Phone: +38 032 223 41 89, +38 067 370 35 73
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Education: basic higher education: 1. July 1972 graduated from the Kharkiv / Kharkov State University faculty of foreign languages & the military services chair at the university. Diploma: professional in Germanic / Slavic languages equivalent of the Master's Degree Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Language Studies. Soviet Army officer, lieutenant: translator-referee / interpreter ― Germanic languages: German, English; Slavic languages: Ukrainian, Russian & Polish.
2. August 1976 graduated from the Donetsk Military Political Higher Engineering School / College: Bachelor’s degree in politics & military engineering / elementary school teacher – Diploma.
Supplementary education:
April 1989 Higher courses for case management qualifications and training in engineering, patenting, creativity, inventions & scientific innovations – graduate diploma, Lvov / Lviv, Ukraine.
February 1990 Information management qualification courses at the Regional Center for Interdisciplinary Information in Sciences & Technologies – graduate diploma, Lvov / Lviv, Ukraine.
April 2008 Training Session: Internet Freelancing for Translators Part 1, 2, Kharkiv, Ukraine: certificate.
Employee & business story. Career level:
1966–1967 ― employee on a topographic & geodetic expedition. Ukrainian & German teacher at a village school, Kharkov / Kharkiv region (oblast'), Ukraine.
1967–1972 Kharkov / Kharkiv State University: student of the faculty of foreign languages. General psychology chair laboratory technical assistant (part time work).
1972–1977 Group of the Soviet armed forces in Germany ― lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain; translator / interpreter, senior instructor of special propaganda – duties & responsibilities of an army officer including interpreting / translation, information & propaganda.
1977–1978 Higher Political-Military School / College: international students’ adviser at the Lvov / Lviv, Ukraine.
1978–1989 Institute / college: personnel department manager; methodical cabinet of social sciences manager; German teacher (part time work). Librarian assistant at the regional scientific library. People's assessor at a district court, Lvov / Lviv, Ukraine.
Getting skills and abilities: Teaching & educational skills. Learning & adhering to instructions and following the methodological directions and other normative legal acts in the sphere of administrative, civil, labor and criminal law and right. Foreign language teacher. There were many reasons, so, I went into science: theoretical and practical activities in linguistics and in social sciences requiring knowledge & use of foreign languages.
1989–1991 — lead engineer, manager of the scientific & technological information staff of The Youth Invention "ENERGIYA" Science and Technology Company, Ltd.: patent advisor, information service manager. Founder of the Professional translators / interpreters’ club in science & technology (part time work), Lviv / Lvov, Ukraine.
1990–2017 — founder, private owner and executive director of the Centre of Intellectual Services "TRANSFER" Private Venture (a juridical person): intellectual services, Lvov / Lviv, Ukraine. Intellectual business activities: author, editor and publisher of books, articles, videos. Took part in exhibitions, fairs and auctions; programming, innovation activities; real estate operations, advertising, market research; social and political research works; consulting, securities operations, head office management; engineering, marketing incl. MLM; patenting, branding, interpreting / translation activities.
1991–2017 — a natural person–entrepreneur: overcoming all obstacles during the total crisis management process during the hyperinflation in Ukraine, namely: the creativity of science and technology-related youth including information services, advertising, public relations, multi level marketing (MLM), consulting, engineering, innovation and investment activities, law enforcement initiatives in the systems of civil, process & administrative law and rights there in Ukraine. Political investor into social & political sciences and movements. Writer, journalist & publicist.
Translation / interpreting were in those days an inalienable part of the whole working complexity. Thereafter, those were the years of the experiences gained in entrepreneurship as well as in the entrepreneurs' theory, praxis and ideology development. After all, the entrepreneurs are the most significant establishment completing the state budget as well as incorporating a reason on all levels of the state, policy and rights systems. The entrepreneurs' class is the sample of a creative, constructive and law-abiding personality condition, of patriotism and of civil courage in their own land.
When it is concerning the crisis management as the matter of fact, so, those were the times to overcome at any price the difficult ways while guaranteeing the start-up of the Ukrainian market economy. The times were coming to reach the self-sacrificing creativity in science, in technology research and in business in the name of liberty regardless even of the awfully inflation in spite of everything happened.
Skills and abilities. Business creation: organization of enterprises: creating new companies / artificial person-entrepreneurs' documentation, business consulting, advertising, production and technology planning, complex, integrated services delivery: materials supplied to manufacturing and sales support. Project management & project generating. Venture deals. Providing competitive opportunities for businesspersons. Sales promotion of goods, services & ideas. Professional orientation and training of personnel. Cooperative partnership with the public power authorities as well as with entrepreneurs’ associations, as with political parties and mass organizations in inland and abroad.
Publicity: author, editor, self-publisher and advertiser of publicistic and literary works.
PR: editing, self-publishing and advertising: brochures, booklets, prospects, audio video products, radio & TV speeches, Internet promotion services: via E-mail: 6000 email addresses in the personally database, via social networks e.g. Such diving into the deep of life and business reality & processes is to be a maxim for everyone who is nurturing the intellectual entrepreneurship or doing a routine matter, first translation / interpreting.
Socio-political activities: member of the Liberal party of Ukraine (LPU) & LPU (u) (united) 1996–2000; 2005–2006; 2010–2017; member of the political council of the Ukrainian party of international common understanding "New World" (2001–2005); head of the Lviv city organization of the Private Property Party (2003–2005); member of the Party of Regions (2006–2010). 1994, 1998, 2002 ― standing for election candidate of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine. 2006, 2010, 2014 ― standing for election candidate of the Lvivska Oblasna Rada (regional parliament) Lviv, Ukraine as the Number one in the list of the regional LPU branch Lviv.
The personal business and political economy activity as well as the social & publicity creation were been systematized and summarized within the dozens of self-publications and presented problems & ideas which became honors as well as recognition in the public sector of Halychyna (Galitsia) and Ukraine. There were the press, Internet, TV and radio publications as well as monographs. First of all these were the books: "Business from A to Z" [Ukr, Rus.], "Pro semantics, ideology and Constitution of Ukraine of the newest epoch" [Ukr.], "Pro semantic versions, diversions & counter versions (the Ukrainian policy as an example)" [Ukr.] (is currently being edited), "ANTHOLOGY: truths of existence & consciousness in Ukraine-XXI (notes, essays, invectives, reports, interviews)" [Ukr.] (is currently being edited).
Computer skills and comprehension: experienced user: Windows XP Professional, Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Power Point, Adobe, SDL TRADOS, other supplementary software, WWW-activities. Language skills level: proficient in Russian, Ukrainian & German; translation & communication by using AV aids in spoken English, Polish.
Additional information: 1989 –2017 — active participant at international and Ukrainian symposia, conferences, exhibitions, fairs on problems of economics & policy, business & law, philosophy & politology; book publishing & bookselling. Researcher of national souverenity problems in Ukraine, as well as of the national interests & national security, as of the local self-government theory & praxis, as of the private entrepreneurship & self-sufficient personality formation in a free market society while creating an attractive investment climate in Ukraine. There was every time on the order of the day: the production of the own intellectual property objects incl. advertising prospects, publicity, books, articles, brochures, interpreting & translation as well. Author of "The Fundamental philosophy, doktrinologie, ideology & policy, strategy, tactics & praxis directions while the republican transformation of the society, citizen and citizenship consciousness incl. the state power of Ukraine under the market & globalization conditions". Author of the Ukraine Constitution (Ground Law) 21st century Fundamental Guiding Principles.
Competitor of: Frederick P. 1988–1990 Furth Foundations’ "FURTH RUBLE PRIZE COMPETITION" (ruble into a market currency transformation project); “THE BEST INNOVATION PROJECT-1998” of the Ministry of Science and Technologies & of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine nomination (participant); Schwab Foundation “SOCIAL ENGAGED BUSINESSMEN-2005” (participant).
The main personality traits and characteristics: ventures with entrepreneurially minded talent, virtuous, well read, approachable & in the state of spirit and body sport form, excitable & reaching ambitious targets. The team spirit conviction while setting objectives & solving problems of life and business. Stand always up for humanitarian principles. Considerable management experiences in permanent personnel & business risk management in an unstable legal situation as well as in the times of imposing arbitrary rules & corruption. Punctually and obligatorily, while solving business and personal problems. Long term and correct connected within political elites as well as in entrepreneurs’ circles, as in relationship with mass media. That promotes the introduction of new ideas & market transformation ideology in Ukraine as well as on the personal mental, as on the local and / or on the republican level. The national transformation system mentioned above has for its basis as well as the personal experience, as the social work praxis and procedure of establishing the concurrent republic and republicans and the self-sufficient Ukrainian nation as well.
Lifestyle goals: search for customers, business & associated partners & participation on social and political, publicistic and science creations. Thereafter it is necessary to begin with the thought, consciousness and subconsciousness transformation of the whole socium and of each citizen in the course of newest market attainments of human worth revival on the principles of libertarian philosophy.,,
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Total pts earned: 112
PRO-level pts: 108

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Russian to German28
German to Russian24
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Engineering: Industrial12
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Keywords: Russian, Ukrainian, German, English, Polish, law, legislation, jurisprudence, policy & state, philosophy. See more.Russian, Ukrainian, German, English, Polish, law, legislation, jurisprudence, policy & state, philosophy, semantics, linguistics, literature, poetry, publicity & critics, science & technology, computing & programming, economics, finance & business, contracting, taxation, consulting, engineering, management, banking, finance, marketing, MLM, PR/advertising, creative slogans, ideas, intellectual property, patenting, editing, bookselling, showbiz text, pharmacology, medicine, anamnesis, automobile industry, safety, security machine, equipment, device, instrument, goods, building industry, real estate, property, fuel, energetics OLEKSANDR NAHORNYY PERSONAL THEMES’ TREE Oleksandr Nahornyy, personality, resume, biography, Personalien, Resuemee, Biographie, Fragebogen, persoenliche Angaben, Олександр Нагорний, особистісне, резюме, анкета, життєпис, біографія, Александр Нагорный, личностные данные, биография, intellectual service, intellektuelle Dienstleistung, інтелектуальна послуга, интеллектуальная услуга, philosophy, philosophy category, system, Philosophie, Philosophiekategorie, філософія, філософська категорія, система, философия, философская категория, nonlinear system, нелінійна система, нелинейная система, nonlinearity, нелінійність, нелинейность, conception, notion, consciousness, Begriff, Vorstellung, Bewusstsein, поняття, уявлення, mind, Verstand, pозум, свідомість, meaning, Bedeutung, значення, spectrum analysis, Spektralanalyse, спектральний аналіз, понятие, представление, разум, сознание, sence, Sinn, сенс, смысл, значение, спектральный анализ, positivism, neopositivism, Positivismus, Neopositivismus, позитивізм, неопозитивізм, позитивизм, неопозитивизм, Lvov-Warsaw Philosophy School, Lwow-Warschau Philosophieschule, Львівсько-Варшавська філософська школа, Львовско-Варшавская философская школа, noetic, clerikal, being, geistiges, religioeses, Dasein, духовне, релігійне буття, існування, духовное, религиозное, бытие, существование, threeade, threeunity, Triade, Dreieinigkeit, Trialismus, тріада, триєдність, триалізм, триада, триединство, триализм, linguistic philosophy, semantic philosophy, linguistische Philosophie, semantische Philosophie, лінгвістична філософія, семантична філософія, лингвистическая философия, семантическая философия, mentalsophy, Mentalsophie, менталсофія, менталсофия, theorie, praxis, personal forming, Personenbildung, теорія, практика формування особистості, теория, практика формирования личности, semiotics, semantics, syntactic, pragmatic, Semiotik, Semantik, Syntaktik, Pragmatik, семіотика, семантика, синтактика, прагматика, intellect, synthetic intellect, Intellekt, Kunstintellekt, інтелект, штучний, интеллект, искусственный, science, onthology, gnoseology, Wissenschaft, Ontologie, Gnoseologie, наука, онтологія, онтология, гносеологія, гносеология, praxiology, method, synthesis, analysis, dialectics, metaphysics, Praxiologie, Methode, Synthese, Analyse, Dialektik, Metaphysik, праксиология, метод, синтез, аналіз, діалектика, метафізика, aнализ, диалектика, метафизика, Russian intelligentsia, russische Intelligenzler, російська інтелігенція, русская интеллигенция, linguistics, Linguistik, лінгвістика, лингвистика, philology, Philologie, філологія, лингвистика, semasiology, meaning, significance, Semasiologie, Bedeutung, Sinn, семасіологія, значення, сенс, семасиология, значение, смысл, семіозис, семиозис, indo-European languages, indo-Europaeische Sprachen, iндоєвропейські мови, индоевропейские языки, semantic, structure, analysis, Semantik, Struktur, Analyse, семантика, структура, аналіз, анализ, linguistic service, English, Englisch, англійська мова, английский язык, German, Deutsch, німецька мова, немецкий язык, Ukrainian, Ukrainisch, українська мова, украинский язык, Russian, Russisch, російська мова, русский язык, Polish, Polnisch, jęyzk polski, польська мова, польский язык, word, word formation, Wort, Wortbildung, слово, словотвір, словотворення, словообразование, German, Deutsch, німецька мова, немецкий язык, deverbal suffix derivative noun, verbale Ableitung Suffixsubstantiv, віддієслівний суфіксальний іменник, отглагольное суффиксальное существительное, parts of speech, method, analysis, systematization, Wortart, Methodik, Analyse, Systematisierung, частина мови, методика, аналіз, систематизація, часть речи, анализ, систематизация, on offer, verkaeuflich, за винагороду, услуги платные, Ukraine, Ukraine, Україна, Украина, policy, politics, Politik, політика, политика, nation, Nation, нація, нация, ideology, party, government, policy, Ideologie, Partei, Regierung, Politik, ідеологія, партія, уряд, політика, идеология, партия, правительство, политика, elections, technology, Wahlen, Technologie, вибори, технологія, выборы, технология, politology, Politologie, політологія, constitution, Verfassung, конституція, конституция, civilization, republic, republican, civil society, Zivilisation, Republik, Republikaner, Zivilgesellschaft, цивілізація, республіка, республіканець, громадянське суспільство, цивилизация, республика, республиканец, гражданское общество, liberty, liberalism, Freiheit, Liberalismus, свобода, лібералізм, либерализм, civil society, Zivilgesellschaft, громадянське суспільство, гражданское общество, law, right, Gesetz, Recht, закон, право, misery of elite, miserable Elite, нікчемна еліта, ничтожная элита, post soviet country, state, postsowjetischer Staat, postsowjetisches Land, пострадянська країна, держава, постсоветская страна, постсоветское государство, policy technology, politische Technologie, політична технологія, политическая технология, neuros-linguistic programming, neurolinguistische Programmierung, нейролінгвістичне програмування, нейролингвистическое программирование, information expansion, information war, psychotronic war, semantic diversion, semantic terror, Informationskrieg, psychotroner Krieg, Informationsexpansion, semantischer Terror, semantische Diversion, інформаційна війна, психотронна війна, інформаційна експансія, семантичний терор, семантична диверсія, информационная война, психотронная война, информационная экспансия, семантический террор, семантическая диверсия, information, mass media, semantic diversion, Massenmedien, semantische Diversion, засоби масової інформації, ЗМІ, средства массовой информации, СМИ, recipient, consciousness, subconsciousness, Rezipient, Bewusstsein, Unterbewusstsein, реципієнт, свідомість, підсвідомість, реципиент, сознание, подсознание, Ukraine, society, politics, economics, social standard, miserable level of life, Ukraine, Gesellschaft, Politik, nation, Nation, нация, нація, Wirtschaft, Sozialer Stand, miserabler Lebensstandard, Україна, суспільство, політика, економіка, соціальний стандарт, жалюгідний рівень життя, Украина, общество, политика, экономика, социальный стандарт, жалкий уровень жизни, market economy, business, Marktwirtschaft, Unternehmertum, Unternehmerschaft, бізнес, підприємництво, ринкова економіка, бизнес, предпринимательство, рыночная экономика, personal deal, business arrangement, persoenliche Teilnahme, Unternehmen veranstalten, практичне підприємництво, особиста діяльність, організація підприємства, практическое предпринимательство, личное участие, создание предприятия, market transformation, private property, privatization, Markttransformation, Privateigentum, Privatisation, Privatisierung, приватна власність, ринкові перетворення, приватизація, рыночные преобразования, частная собственность, приватизация, law, right, private еnterprise, business activity, businessman, mentality, Gesetz, Recht, Unternehmer, Privatunternehmer, Unternehmungslust, Mentalitaet, закон, право, приватна ініціатива, приватне підприємництво, приватний підприємець, частное предпринимательство, частная инициатива, частный предприниматель, ментальність, ментальность, менталітет, менталитет, risk, Risiko, ризик, риск, Lvov, Lviv, Lwow, Lwiw, Lemberg, Львів, Львов, publicity, public relations, PR, advertising, Reklame, Werbung, пабліситі, паблік-рилейшнз, піар, пі-ар, реклама, паблисити, пиар, паблик рилейшнз, investment, Investierung, Investition, інвестиція, инвестиция, business, project, plan, Business, Geschaeft, Projekt, Plan, бізнес, проект, план, бизнес, consulting, Konsulting, консалтинг, brocker, realtor, realty, real estate, real estate/property, Brocker, Immobilien, брокер, ріелтор, риелтер, нерухомість, риэлтор, недвижимость, on offer, Auf Bestellung, на замовлення, по заказу, literature, literature science, Literatur, Literaturwissenschaft, література, літературознавство, литература, литературоведение, Publicistics, Publizistik, публіцистика, публицистика, translating, translator, localization, interpreting, interpreter, language teaching, Uebersetzung, Uebersetzer, Dolmetscher, Lokalisation, Sprache Schulung, Unterricht, устный, письменный перевод, переводчик, обучение языковое, локализация, усний, письмовий переклад, перекладач, навчання мови, локалізація, theory, practice, translation, interpreting, Uebersetzung, Dolmetschen, Theorie, Praxis, переклад, теорія, практика, перевод, теория, практика, prose, roman, Prosa, Roman, проза, роман, poetry, poem, verse, Poesie, Poem, Vers, поезія, поема, вірш, поэзия, поэма, стихотворение, text, document, work, Dokument, Werk, текст, документ, твір, произведение, translation made to order, Uebersetzung auf Bestellung, переклад на замовлення, перевод по заказу, суспільна система, система вартостей, критика, рецензія, общественная система, система ценностей, критика, рецензия, полеміка, полемика, дискуссия, репортаж, представництво, тлумачення, інтерв'ю, доклад, представительство, истолкование, на замовлення, по заказу, books for sale, editing, publishing, translating, book design, to order, Buecher, Verkauf, Redaktion, Verfassung, Verlag, Design, auf Bestellung, книга, продаж, редагування, видавництво, графіка, на замовлення, книжка, продажа, редактирование, издание, оформление, по заказу, author, producer, Autor, Produktionsleiter, автор, продюсер, video line, Videoreihe, відеоряд, видеоряд, audio, speech, Audio, Rede, аудіо, промова, аудио, речь, Authority, TV, video, radio, show, on offer, Einfluss, Ansehen, Einfluss, Fernsehen, Video, Radio, Show, Schau, auf Bestellung, авторитет, вплив, телебачення, відео, радіо, на замовлення, телевидение, видео, радио, передача, по заказу, actual problem, market economy, marketing, multilevel, MLM, on offer, aktuell, Problem, Marktoekonomie; Marktwirtschaft, Marketing, auf Bestellung, актуальна, проблема, ринкова економіка, маркетинг, багаторівневий, на замовлення, актуальная, проблема, рыночная экономика, маркетинг, многоуровневый, по заказу, web site construction, creative task, top rank ideas on offer, web Seite Bildung, kreative Aufgabe, toller Einfall auf Bestellung, веб сторінка, креатив, творче рішення на замовлення, веб страница; творческое решение по заказу, science, technology, Wissenschaft, Technologie, технології, наука, технологии, innovation, investment, Innovation, Investierung, інновація, інвестування, інвестиція, инновация, инвестирование, инвестиция, building, mashine, building material, Bauwesen, Bautechnik, Baumaterial, будівництво, будівельна техніка, будівельні матеріали, строительство, строительная техника, стрительные материалы, business, project, plan, Business, Geschaeft, Projekt, Plan, бізнес, проект, план, бизнес, consulting, Konsulting, консалтинг, brocker, realtor, realty, real estate, immobile, Brocker, Immobilien, брокер, ріелтор, риелтер, нерухомість, риэлтор, недвижимость, on offer, Auf Bestellung, на замовлення, по заказу, сooperation, joint venture, Kooperation, gemeinsames Unternehmen, співпраця, спільне підприємство, сотрудничество, совместное предприятие, project, Projekt, проект, technology park, technology polis, technology cluster, sociopolis to be established as corporation, Technologienpark, Technologiepolis, Technologiecluster, Soziopolis zur Promotion als Korporation, технопарк, технополіс, технологічний кластер, соціополіс до заснування на корпоративних засадах, технопарк, технополис, технологический кластер созданиe на корпоративных началах, research, investigation, experiment, test on offer, Forschung, Untersuchung auf Bestellung, вислід, дослідження, експеримент, випробування на замовлення, исследование, испытание, эксперимент по заказу, author law, intellectual property, TM, trade mark, brand, copyright to help with design, registration, promotion, Autorenrecht, geistiges Eigentum, intellektuelles Eigentum, TM, Handelsmarke, Schutzmarke, Fabrikmarke, Warenzeichen zu Hilfe mit Design, bei Registrierung, Promotion, авторське право, інтелектуальна власність, торгова марка допомога при проектуванні, оформленні, реєстрації, просуванні, авторское право, интеллектуальная собственность, торговая марка помощь при проектировании, оформлении, регистрации, продвижении, advertising, slogan, market rollout, readership study, media selection, business information, market-coverage strategy, competing brand, Reklame, Werbung, Slogan, Reihenschaltung des Absatzmarktes, Leserstudien, Medienstudien, Geschaeftsinfomation, Markt Erfassungsstrategie, Konkurrenzmarke, реклама, салоган, черговість освоєння ринків, вивчення читацької аудиторії, дослідження засобів реклами, ділова інформація, конкурентний бренд, стратегія охвату ринку, очерёдность освоения рынков, изучение читательской аудитории, исследование средств рекламы, деловая информация, стратегия охвата рынка, конкурирующий бренд, Association, civil organization. See less.

Profile last updated
Aug 22, 2020