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English to Swahili - Rates: 0.04 - 0.07 USD per word / 20 - 24 USD per hour / 1.50 - 3.00 USD per audio/video minute Swahili to English - Rates: 0.04 - 0.07 USD per word / 20 - 24 USD per hour / 1.50 - 3.00 USD per audio/video minute Kikuyu to English - Rates: 0.04 - 0.07 USD per word / 20 - 24 USD per hour / 1.50 - 3.00 USD per audio/video minute Kikuyu to Swahili - Rates: 0.04 - 0.07 USD per word / 20 - 24 USD per hour / 1.50 - 3.00 USD per audio/video minute Swahili to Kikuyu - Rates: 0.04 - 0.07 USD per word / 20 - 24 USD per hour / 1.50 - 3.00 USD per audio/video minute
English to Kikuyu - Rates: 0.04 - 0.07 USD per word / 20 - 24 USD per hour / 1.50 - 3.00 USD per audio/video minute
English to Swahili: Transportation Detailed field: Transport / Transportation / Shipping
Source text - English In a world obsessed with speed, the rumble of a train feels like an anachronistic echo. But behind his complaints is performance music, music with lyrics about performance, comfort, and environmental responsibility. Often relegated to only scenic journeys or nostalgic memories, trains deserve a happy environment as engines of modern transportation. First of all, trains are the masters of efficiency. They pass through the mountains unhindered by traffic jams or bad weather, making travel difficult. You can trust our promise to provide seamless navigation, transparency, delivery, and travel. Imagine a world where last days are more timely than prayers, and where production does not depend on many people. Trains relieve the stress and difficulties of everyday life with order and rhythm. Second, trains are a convenient refuge from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. Large seating areas have been transformed into informal offices, and food trucks have been transformed into lively meeting spaces. Gone are the days of rough riding and towing. On the train you have more time to relax, think, and even play some old games. Imagine traveling without mileage. It's not about stress going away, it's about communication, food and a place to change clothes outside the window. Trains are more than just a means of transportation. This is a mobile home where you can escape the stress of life. Our trains are environmentally friendly. Steel wheels glide across private roads and leave few marks compared to the asphalt particles left behind by cars. Fuel efficiency surpasses air travel and ground transportation, especially over long distances. Imagine a future where every time you drive, your carbon footprint is reduced, the air you breathe is cleaner, and you put less strain on the planet. Trains offer a good solution to the environmental problems of our time due to their quiet operation. But trains are more than numbers and statistics. It is the bond that binds communities and the lifeline of remote cities and villages. They are storytellers who tell adventure stories, solve puzzles and return home. They are equal and provide a comfortable travel experience to those who cannot afford luxury transportation. Imagine a world where anyone, regardless of financial means, can experience the joy of travel, the joy of communication, and the beauty of the world outside their window. Trains are not just cars. It is the link that unites the human network across continents and cultures. Of course, no mode of transportation is perfect. Trains have limitations: fixed routes, short delays, slow travel times, and unpredictable times. But these are just a few of the many benefits. As technology has advanced, trains have moved faster, sometimes accompanied by high-speed lines, and urban light rail systems have become integrated into the urban fabric. So next time you hear Call of the Wind, remember that it's more than just a nostalgic relic. It heralds a future where productivity meets comfort, safety comes first, and community is the invisible tie that binds us all. Choose the train not only for the journey, but also for the world.
Translation - Swahili Katika ulimwengu wenye shauku ya kasi, mtetemeko wa treni huhisika kama mwangwi wa kale. Lakini nyuma ya malalamiko yake kuna muziki wa utendaji, muziki wenye maneno kuhusu utendaji, faraja na uwajibikaji wa mazingira. Mara nyingi huwekwa tu kwa safari za mandhari au kumbukumbu za zamani, treni zinastahili mazingira ya furaha kama injini za usafiri wa kisasa.Kwanza kabisa, treni ni mabingwa wa ufanisi. Zinapita milimani bila kuzuiliwa na msongamano wa magari au hali mbaya ya hewa, na kuifanya safari kuwa ngumu. Unaweza kuamini ahadi yetu ya kutoa urambazaji usio na mshono, uwazi, usafirishaji na usafiri. Fikiria ulimwengu ambapo siku za mwisho zinakuwa za wakati zaidi kuliko sala, na ambapo uzalishaji hautegemei watu wengi. Treni huondoa msongo na shida za maisha ya kila siku kwa utaratibu na mdundo.Pili, treni ni kimbilio rahisi kutoka kwa msongamano wa nje. Maeneo makubwa ya kukaa yamebadilishwa kuwa ofisi zisizo rasmi, na malori ya chakula yamebadilishwa kuwa sehemu za mikutano yenye nguvu. Zikaenda siku za safari ngumu na kuvuta. Kwenye treni una muda zaidi wa kupumzika, kufikiria, hata kucheza michezo ya zamani. Fikiria kusafiri bila mileage. Sio juu ya msongo kuondoka, ni juu ya mawasiliano, chakula na mahali pa kubadilisha nguo nje ya dirisha. Treni ni zaidi ya chombo cha usafiri. Hii ni nyumba ya simu ambapo unaweza kukwepa msongo wa maisha.Treni zetu zinatunza mazingira. Magurudumu ya chuma yanateleza kwenye barabara za faragha na kuacha alama chache ukilinganisha na chembe za lami zinazoachwa na magari. Ufanisi wa mafuta unazidi usafiri wa anga na usafiri wa ardhini, hasa kwa umbali mrefu. Fikiria siku zijazo ambapo kila unapoendesha gari, alama yako ya kaboni inapungua, hewa unayopumua ni safi zaidi, na unazidi kupeleka shinikizo kwenye sayari. Treni hutoa suluhu nzuri kwa matatizo ya mazingira ya wakati wetu kutokana na utendakazi wao wa kimya.Lakini treni ni zaidi ya nambari na takwimu. Ni kifungo kinachoziunganisha jamii na mstari wa maisha wa miji na vijiji vilivyo mbali. Ni wasimuliaji wanaosimulia hadithi za matukio, kutatua vitendawili na kurudi nyumbani. Wao ni sawa na wanatoa uzoefu wa usafiri wa starehe kwa wale ambao hawawezi kumudu usafiri wa anasa. Fikiria ulimwengu ambapo mtu yeyote, bila kujali njia za fedha, anaweza kupata furaha ya kusafiri, furaha ya mawasiliano, na uzuri wa dunia nje ya dirisha lao. Treni sio magari tu. Ni kiungo kinachounganisha mtandao wa binadamu katika mabara na tamaduni.Bila shaka, hakuna chombo cha usafiri kikamilifu. Treni zina mapungufu: njia zilizowekwa, kucheleweshwa kwa muda mfupi, muda wa kusafiri polepole, na nyakati zisizotabirika. Lakini haya ni baadhi tu ya faida nyingi. Kadri teknolojia inavyosonga mbele, treni zimekuwa zikisonga kwa kasi zaidi, wakati mwingine zikiambatana na mistari ya kasi ya juu, na mifumo ya reli nyepesi ya mijini imeingizwa kwenye kitambaa cha mijini.Kwa hivyo mara ya ujao utakaposikia Mwito wa Upepo, kumbuka kuwa ni zaidi ya mabaki ya zamani. Inatangaza siku zijazo ambapo tija inakutana na faraja, usalama unakuja kwanza, na jamii ni kamba isiyoonekana inayotufunga sisi sote. Chagua treni sio tu kwa safari, bali pia kwa ulimwengu.
English to Swahili: Advantages of trees Detailed field: Forestry / Wood / Timber
Source text - English
Tall giants dot the landscape and whisper secrets in the wind, and there are more trees than they think. They are the lungs of the world, the guardians of our health and the silent people of the future. Its leaves reach toward the sky, greening the ground and providing coolness from the bright sun. Natural Air Purifier: Imagine a world full of smoke and bad breath. Fortunately, trees act as air purifiers, filtering out pollutants and replacing them with oxygen. Each leaf is like a small plant. We breathe in carbon dioxide, the main cause of climate change, and emit oxygen, the elixir of life. We thank these silent donors with every breath we take. Water warrior. Trees are not only guardians of the sky, but also warriors of the water. The root system acts like a sponge, absorbing rain and preventing erosion. They control the flow of water, slowly releasing it into streams and rivers and ensuring the sustainability of all living things. During droughts, they act as reservoirs, drawing water from deep in the soil and preventing it from drying out. > This is a huge, vibrant and dynamic city. From the fluttering wings of butterflies to the buzzing of bees, they provide shelter and food for countless creatures. Birds build various nests on tree branches and raise their young among the rustling leaves. Squirrels climb tree trunks to collect nuts for the winter, and small animals find shelter in cozy burrows. Trees are a source of biodiversity that weaves complex patterns of life around the world. Climate Champion. Trees are courageous climate defenders against global warming. They absorb sunlight, reduce the impact of greenhouse gases and regulate global temperatures. Cooling cities through free cooling and reducing the need for energy-intensive cooling. Every tree we plant is a step toward a cooler, greener future. Healthy Shelter: Not only do trees help the environment, they also keep us healthy. Studies have shown that spending time in nature surrounded by trees can reduce stress, reduce anxiety and improve mood. Taking a walk under the leaves lowers your blood pressure and heart rate, relieving the stress of everyday life. Trees are not the only silent trees. They are partners in our health and happiness. Whispers of Wisdom: Trees are more than just bodies. They are part of our lives. It is also a symbol of wisdom and patience. They have stood strong through storms and seasons for centuries, proving their eternal strength. Various branches reach into the sky, reminding us to aim higher. They teach us the resilience, growth and interconnectedness of all living things. As we celebrate these hated giants, let us remember that their fate is intertwined with ours. Planting trees isn't just about caring for the environment. This is an investment in our future and a promise to future generations. Because the rustling sound of leaves whispers of a healthier, happier, and safer world. We hope that they will gradually become a testament to our love for the world.
Translation - Swahili Majitu marefu wanafunika mandhari na kunong'ona siri kwenye upepo, na kuna miti mingi kuliko wanavyofikiria. Wao ni mapafu ya dunia, walinzi wa afya yetu na watu wa kimya wa siku za usoni. Majani yake yananyooshea anga, yakitiririsha ardhi na kutoa baridi kutoka kwa jua kali.Kichujio cha Hewa asili: Fikiria ulimwengu uliojaa moshi na pumzi mbaya. Kwa bahati nzuri, miti hufanya kama vichafuzi vya hewa, ikichuja vichafuzi na kuvibadilisha na oksijeni. Kila jani ni kama mmea mdogo. Tunavuta hewa ya kaboni, sababu kuu ya mabadiliko ya tabianchi, na kutoa oksijeni, kiini cha maisha. Tunawashukuru wachangiaji hawa wa kimya kwa kila pumzi tunayochukua.Shujaa wa Maji: Miti sio tu walinzi wa anga, bali pia mashujaa wa maji. Mfumo wa mizizi hufanya kazi kama sifongo, ikiingiza mvua na kuzuia mmomonyoko wa ardhi. Hudhibiti mtiririko wa maji, ikiitoa polepole kwenye mito na mito na kuhakikisha uendelevu wa viumbe vyote. Wakati wa ukame, hufanya kazi kama hifadhi, kuchora maji kutoka chini kabisa ya udongo na kuzuia kukauka.Jiji kubwa, lenye rangi na lenye nguvu: Kuanzia mbawa zinazopeperuka za vipepeo hadi mlio wa nyuki, zinatoa makazi na chakula kwa viumbe hai wasio na idadi. Ndege hujenga viota mbalimbali kwenye matawi ya miti na kuwalea watoto wao kati ya majani yanayosisimua. Squirrels hupanda miti kukusanya karanga kwa msimu wa baridi, na wanyama wadogo hupata makazi kwenye mashimo yenye starehe. Miti ni chanzo cha utofauti wa kibaolojia unaosuka miundo tata ya maisha ulimwenguni kote.Bingwa wa Hali ya Hewa: Miti ni watetezi wa hali ya hewa dhidi ya joto duniani. Hunyonya mwanga wa jua, hupunguza athari ya gesi chafu na kudhibiti joto duniani. Kupoza miji kupitia baridi bila malipo na kupunguza hitaji la baridi inayotumia nishati nyingi. Kila mti tunayopanda ni hatua kuelekea kwenye siku zijazo zenye baridi na kijani kibichi.Makao yenye Afya: Sio tu miti inasaidia mazingira, bali pia hutulinda afya yetu. Mafunzo yameonyesha kuwa kutumia muda katika maumbile yaliyozungukwa na miti kunaweza kupunguza msongo wa mawazo, kupunguza wasiwasi na kuboresha mhemko. Kuchukua matembezi chini ya majani hupunguza shinikizo la damu na mapigo ya moyo, na kupunguza msongo wa maisha ya kila siku. Miti sio miti tu ya kimya. Wao ni washirika katika afya na furaha yetu.Nong'ono za Hekima: Miti ni zaidi ya miili tu. Wao ni sehemu ya maisha yetu. Ni ishara pia ya hekima na uvumilivu. Wamesimama imara kupitia dhoruba na misimu kwa karne nyingi, na kuthibitisha nguvu yao ya milele. Matawi mbalimbali yanayonyooshea anga, yakitukumbusha kulenga juu zaidi. Wanatufundisha uvumilivu, ukuaji na uhusiano wa vitu vyote vilivyo hai. Tunapousherehekea hawa wajitu wazima, tukumbuke kwamba hatima yao inashikamana na yetu.Kupanda miti sio tu kuhusu kutunza mazingira. Hii ni uwekezaji katika siku yetu zijazo na ahadi kwa vizazi vijavyo. Kwa sababu sauti ya majani yanayosisimua inanong'ona juu ya ulimwengu wenye afya, furaha na salama zaidi. Tunatumai kwamba hatua kwa hatua watakuwa ushuhuda wa upendo wetu kwa dunia.
English to Swahili (Kenya National Examinations Council) English to Swahili (Kenya National Examinations Council)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, Trados Studio
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A native speaker of Swahili with a passion for passing messages across cultural barriers, I am always interested in taking on new challenges in order to offer you highly customized language services that will meet and possibly exceed your expectations.
Aware of the specific issues you may be faced with when doing business in this part of Africa, I will take care of finding the right words and the right words of concepts to ensure your message fully connects with your target audience, and triggers the precise response you are aiming for.
Even though the modern translation tools I am using allow me to provide you with enhanced quality and consistency within the best time frames, you are welcome to contact me as early as possible to discuss your project and expectations and get all the information you need to make an optimal decision