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Spanish to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.06 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Catalan to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.06 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour
Spanish to English: Acuerdo transaccional General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Real Estate
Source text - Spanish IV.- Que los párrafos tercero y cuarto de la cláusula Cuarta del CONTRATO DE PROMESA DE COMPRAVENTA establecían que: “Si llegado el día fijado para la firma de la escritura pública, no se lleva a cabo el citado otorgamiento por cualquier causa que no sea por fuerza mayor o caso fortuito, se entenderá que la parte a la que sea imputable la no perfección del contrato desiste de la compraventa proyectada, quedando resuelto y sin efecto alguno el presente contrato” y “Si la resolución se produce por el desistimiento del PROMITENTE COMPRADOR, éste quedará obligado por la cláusula Penal pactada en la Estipulación Segunda del presente Contrato en beneficio del PROMITENTE VENDEDOR. Por el contrario, si la resolución se produce por el desistimiento del PROMITENTE VENDEDOR, éste deberá quedará, a su vez, obligado por la Cláusula Penal pactada en la Estipulación Segunda del presente Contrato en beneficio del PROMITENTE COMPRADOR”.
Translation - English
IV. -That paragraphs three and four of the fourth clause in the original PROMISSORY PURCHASE AGREEMENT state that: “If for any reason, other than an act of God or force majeure, the public deed is not granted before the specified date, it will be understood that the party responsible for the non-completion withdraws from the planned sale, therefore rendering this agreement null and void.
Should the termination of this agreement arise due to the withdrawal of the PROMISSORY BUYER, the PROMISSORY BUYER shall pay the amount stipulated as a penalty clause in CLAUSE TWO of this agreement to the PROMISSORY SELLER. Equally, should the termination of this agreement arise due to the withdrawal of the PROMISSORY SELLER, the PROMISSORY SELLER shall pay the amount stipulated as a penalty clause in CLAUSE TWO of this agreement to the PROMISSORY BUYER.”
Catalan to English: Proposta serveis arquitectura General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Architecture
Source text - Catalan Distingits senyors.
A partir de la informació que ens demanaven en la seva ultima carta del 21 d´octubre i
intentant donar-hi resposta, dins del plaç que en el mateix ens indiquen, els hi adjuntem els següents documents:
1 Perfil de la nostra empresa
2 Proposta d´honoraris
3 Pla de treball
4 Esborrany de contracte
Una vegada mes els hi agraim la confiança dipositada en la nostra firma i esperem que podem tenir la oportunitat de colaborar amb vostes, cosa que per nosaltres seria una magnifica oportunitat d´ampliar i aprofundir un profitos intercanvi cultural entre els nostres dues empreses a partir d´aquest interessant projecte.
Translation - English Dear Sirs
In response to your previous letter, dated 21st October, and in an effort to provide the requested information within the specified time period, please find the following documents attached:
1 Our company profile
2 Fee proposal
3 Project plan
4 Draft contract
Once again, we would like to thank you for the confidence you have placed in our company thus far. We view this fascinating project as a magnificent opportunity to develop an enriching and beneficial cultural exchange between our businesses, and we very much hope we can be a part of it.
Spanish to English: Nota de Premsa General field: Marketing Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
Source text - Spanish El guitarrista de Héroes del Silencio, Juan Valdivia, junto con Global Humanitaria, ha emprendido un proyecto que ayudará a los niños sirios refugiados en Jordania a superar los traumas de la guerra. Lo harán con la apertura de un aula de musicoterapia en el centro de rehabilitación Al Mahd, donde la ONG ofrece atención médica, prótesis, y atención psicológica a este colectivo desde hace tres años. En la campaña Melodía por una sonrisa, todas las personas que colaboren con el proyecto, entrarán en el sorteo de la guitarra de Juan Valdivia.
Translation - English Global Humanitaria and the Héroes del Silencio guitarist, Juan Valdivia, have embarked on a project to help Syrian child refugees in Jordan overcome the traumas of the war. They plan to do this by opening a music therapy room at the Al Mahd rehabilitation centre, where the NGO has been providing medical care, prosthetics and psychological support to young refugees for the past three years. Everybody who makes a donation to the Melody for a Smile campaign will be entered into a prize draw for the chance to win Juan Valdivia’s guitar.
Catalan to English: Els nostres vins General field: Other Detailed field: Food & Drink
Source text - Catalan ELS NOSTRES VINS
La màgia del món del vi és que no hi ha dos collites iguals. Com tampoc hi ha mai dos vins iguals. Cada any és una aventura diferent, especialment pels elaboradors amb finca pròpia, com és el cas de la família Guilera. El vi ecològic Coma Romà és el resultat d´una combinació de molts factors: el sòl, el clima, la varietat, la forma de treball a la vinya i al celler, el cupatge… Són vins d’alta qualitat, amb personalitat pròpia i respecte pel medi ambient.
Translation - English OUR WINES
The beauty of wine is that no two harvests are the same – just as no two wines can be the same. Each year brings a new adventure. This is especially true for producers like the Guileras, who work their own estates. The organic Coma Romà wines are the result of a combination of factors: the sun, the climate, the variety of the grape, the methods used to work the vines and the cellar, the coupage.... Premium wines, each with its own unique personality, but all produced with the utmost respect for the environment.
Spanish to English: Contrato de reserva General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Spanish Realización de la reserva
Puede realizar una Reserva de Alojamiento dos maneras.
1º.- A través de nuestro Sitio Web, indicado en el encabezamiento, de modo que cuando Ud. curse la reserva, recibirá un presupuesto con su reserva y la cantidad requerida en Depósito de Reserva, además del link de acceso a la pasarela de pago virtual. Si quiere hacer el pago del depósito a través del pago seguro, lo efectuará a través del web, o en caso contrario, recibirá un número de cuenta para hacer el ingreso bancario.
La Reserva se habrá realizado correctamente, y el Contrato de Reserva será efectivo, una vez Yola Apartaments haya recibido el pago de la tarifa de reserva 30% del coste total de su reserva como Depósito de Reserva inicial, o bien si usted lo desea el pago del importe íntegro de su estancia, así como cuando, usted haya recibido el correo donde se confirme por nuestra parte la Confirmación de Reserva con la acreditación de su pago y su reserva.
Translation - English Booking procedure
A reservation for our accommodation can be made in two ways.
1. Online, via the booking link at the top of our website. When you have made the reservation, you will receive a price quote for the entire cost of your booking, along with the deposit amount required to secure it, and a link to access the virtual payment gateway. If you prefer to pay the deposit through a secure-payment system you may do so via our website. Alternatively, we will send you our account details so that you can pay by bank transfer.
The Reservation has been completed correctly and the Booking Contract comes into effect when the Yola Apartments have received either full payment of your reservation, or a 30% initial deposit payment. We will then dispatch a Confirmation of Reservation to you by email. This document confirms your payment and reservation.
Spanish to English: Digital marketing agency General field: Marketing Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - Spanish ..... es una agencia de comunicación con más de 11 años de experiencia, especializada en difundir las virtudes de los servicios o productos de nuestros clientes;
sean grandes empresas, PYMES o profesionales. Nuestra metodología “digital first” nos permite crear una continuidad en las acciones de la marca creando una identidad
reconocible en la red, y fuera de ella. Nuestro equipo lo forman personas expertas en diferentes ámbitos de la comunicación y expertos programadores. Además
tenemos colaboradores en todas las áreas para traer tu proyecto a término. Nos esforzamos para construir relaciones sólidas y permanentes con nuestros clientes para
innovar, ejecutar y gestionar cada parte de su estrategia digital. Nuestra experiencia nos capacita para realizar desde la implantación más compleja hasta la estrategia
y la ejecución de una campaña. Nuestra escalabilidad nos permite realizar todo tipo de proyectos y trabajar para todo tipo de clientes. Continuamente buscamos el
compromiso y la fidelización de los clientes mediante la coordinación entre estrategias digitales y fuera de línea.
Te ofrecemos grandes ideas, mejores resultados, más agilidad y mas eficiencia que agencias digitales grandes. Tenemos éxito porque somos buenos, no porque seamos grandes.
Translation - English a communications agency with more than 11 years of experience. We specialize in spreading the word about what our clients do well; be they large corporations, SMBs or professionals. Our “digital first” methodology allows us to ensure continuity throughout the brand’s activities, creating a recognizable identity both on and offline. Our team consists of talented professionals from differing areas of the communications sector, who work alongside our expert programmers. We also have a wide range of associates form all fields, who are on hand to help bring your project to life. We do everything in our power to build a strong and long-lasting relationship with our clients. We innovate, execute, and manage every aspect of their digital marketing strategy. Our experience enables us to manage the whole process; from the most complex of ideas, through to strategy development and finally project execution. Our scalability allows us to work on all types of projects with all types of clients. We work continuously, coordinating both digital and offline strategies, to build customer loyalty.
We offer big ideas, better results, more flexibility and more efficiency than larger digital agencies. We do well, not because we’re big, but because we’re big on being good at what we do.
Translation education
Graduate diploma - Chartered Institute of Linguists
Years of experience: 7. Registered at Oct 2017.
Adobe Acrobat, CafeTran Espresso, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Trados Studio
CV available upon request
Hello all,
I am a British freelance translator based in Catalonia, Spain.
I became a translator after a long career in the tourism industry, which helped me to realise how much I enjoy facilitating good communication between people of different languages and cultures and, moreover, how important it is to do it properly!
I qualified with the Chartered Institute of Linguists' Diploma in Translation from Spanish to English in 2017, and have been working solidly ever since.
I translate from both Catalan and Spanish, working in a varied range of specialities including aviation safety, legal contracts, tourism content, academic transcripts, reports for international NGOs and government ministries, sustainable development, digital marketing, and many others in between.
I pride myself in being responsive and flexible when working with agencies. I understand both the financial and time restraints placed upon them in this competitive market and I endeavour to meet those restraints to the best of my abilities.
Looking forward to working with you.
Kind Regards
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