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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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Italian to English - Rates: 0.10 - 0.14 EUR per word / 53 - 55 EUR per hour English to Italian - Rates: 0.10 - 0.14 EUR per word / 53 - 55 EUR per hour / 10.00 - 20.00 EUR per audio/video minute
Italian to English: Screenplay Italian > U.S. English General field: Other Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - Italian FIRENZE, APRILE 1965…
“Donna di cuori.”
È questa la parola d’ordine che un signore elegantissimo recita davanti al portone di un palazzo del ’600, nel cuore di Firenze. Uno scatto, e il portone si apre sulla faccia sveglia del “palo” Lisca, un ragazzotto magro appunto come una lisca di pesce. Prego, il signore può salire. Le scale sono ampie, in marmo. Su, nella penombra e nel silenzio, fino all’ultimo piano, dove una porta chiusa reca l’iscrizione: CIRCOLO CULTURALE LONDON CLUB. Nella porta si apre una feritoia. Due occhi attenti scrutano il visitatore. Sono gli occhi di Priore, il portiere.
Al London Club non entra chiunque. I clienti sono selezionati, in base all’affidabilità, alle conoscenze e alle dimensioni del portafoglio.
Il signore afferma di essere “amico di Franco” e ottiene il definitivo via libera.
E dall’ombra si passa alla luce di un salone sontuoso, con affreschi sul soffitto, immerso in una cappa di fumo sempre più densa, perché le finestre sono sigillate, nascoste da tendaggi che impediscono la vista dall’esterno. Dal silenzio si passa alle grida di giubilo o di sconforto della piccola folla di giocatori, raccolti intorno al tavolo dove è in corso un’infuocata partita di chemin de fer, gestita dal croupier GRATTUGIA, impassibile tra sigarette, drink, gente di classe, belle donne.
Questa è una bisca clandestina a 5 stelle, gestita da una gang di cinque elementi, dove ciascuno svolge il proprio ruolo come in un meccanismo perfettamente oliato. Esperienza e talento si notano subito.
Translation - English FLORENCE, APRIL 1965
“Queen of Hearts.”
This is the password recited by an extremely elegant gentleman before the main doors of a 17th century building in the heart of Florence. One click, and the main doors open, revealing the intelligent countenance of Lisca “The Pole”, a kid skinny as a rake. Please go ahead, proceed upstairs, sir. There is a wide marble staircase. Up, through the half-light and the silence, to the top floor, where the inscription on a closed door reads: LONDON CLUB CULTURAL ASSOCIATION. A peephole in the door opens. Two attentive eyes scrutinize the visitor. They are the eyes of Priore, the porter.
Not just anybody can enter the London Club. Clients are selected based on their dependability, their connections, and the size of their wallet.
The man says he’s a “friend of Franco’s”, and gets the definitive green light to enter.
From the shadows one enters into the light of a sumptuous drawing room with frescoes on the ceiling, immersed in an ever thickening cloud of smoke, because the windows are sealed shut, hidden by drapes that hinder the view from outside. From the silence one meets with the cries of joy and of disappointment of the small bunch of players, gathered around a table where a heated round of chemin de fer is being played, assisted to by the croupier, GRATER, impassible among cigarettes, booze, the upper crust crowd, and beautiful women.
This is a 5 star gambling-house, run by a five member gang in which each member plays his part just as in a fine-tuned machine. Experience and talent meet the eye instantly.
Years of experience: 15. Registered at Feb 2010. Became a member: Apr 2010.
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From the moment one chooses to seek out a professional translator for a job, one deserves the peace of mind that goes along with entrusting a text to a real pro. I am a translator and interpreter that you can count on, able to produce a final text that both zeroes in on the message conveyed by the original text, and employs the appropriate language -- so that the translation doesn't seem like a translation, but rather a well-written and easy to read text.
Although I am a native English speaker, I have gone back and forth between the U.S. and Italy since my birth, and I speak Italian as if it were my second native tongue. For further information on this aspect of my profile, please see my website:
Translation is a tricky business, but if you are looking for quality in translation from Italian, contact me for a service that you will find friendly, and that produces accurate results both from a linguistic and cultural standpoint.
You may reach me by cell phone or Skype seven days a week. I always reply to e-mails within 48 hours.
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