Working languages:
English to Italian
English to Romanian
English to Portuguese

Adriana Grigorescu
Reliability, efficiency, quality

Milano, Lombardia, Italy
Local time: 06:42 CEST (GMT+2)

Native in: Romanian Native in Romanian
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12 positive reviews
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What Adriana Grigorescu is working on
Nov 18, 2021 (posted via  Translation of a technical manual from Italian into Romanian, 25000 words. Tough but very interesting project! ...more, + 15 other entries »
Total word count: 28960

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Hello dear visitor! Welcome to my profile!

I am a freelance translator with passion for languages and other cultures. I love travelling and coming in direct contact with native speakers: this is the basis of my experience. I've had the opportunity to live, study and work in a multicultural environment having thus widened my knowledge horizon and improved my language competence.
I have got a BA graduate degree from the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures (English and Portuguese), University of Bucharest and a MA degree from the same institution. I have also attended various specialization courses in Portugal, Lisbon and Oporto.
My work experience covers various jobs I have carried out in Romania, Portugal and Italy both as an employee and as a freelance translator.
I live and work in Milan, Italy. My clients come from various angles of the world, mainly but not exclusively from Romania, Italy, Portugal and UK.

Should you need a professional, reliable, punctual and efficient translation service, then you've just found the right translator! I am ready to render your texts or projects from and into English, Portuguese, Italian and Romanian. I only accept projects which I am sure I can carry out at high-quality standards! All the projects which need to be translated into languages other than my mother-tongue will be proofread by a native speaker of that language. Don't hesitate to contact me and you will not be disappointed.

Thank you for having visited my profile page! You are always welcome.

This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 83
PRO-level pts: 71

Top languages (PRO)
Italian to English14
Italian to Romanian12
English to Portuguese10
Romanian to English8
English to Italian8
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Top general fields (PRO)
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Top specific fields (PRO)
Law (general)8
Business/Commerce (general)8
Mechanics / Mech Engineering8
IT (Information Technology)4
Poetry & Literature4
Forestry / Wood / Timber4
Medical: Instruments4
Pts in 9 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: translator, Romanian, Italian, English, Portuguese, technical, mechanical, legal, business, education. See more.translator, Romanian, Italian, English, Portuguese, technical, mechanical, legal, business, education, journalism, politics, technical manuals, maintenance manuals, user manuals, birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, diplomas, licenses, CVs, environment, general, conversation, tourism, law, Italian to Romanian, English to Romanian, Portuguese to Romanian, Romanian to Italian, Romanian to English, Romanian to Portuguese, Italy-based translator, Traduttrice di rumeno, Italiano verso Rumeno, Inglese verso Rumeno, Portoghese verso Rumeno, tecnico, meccanico, giuridico, business, educazione, giornalismo, politica, manuali tecnici, manuali di manutenzione, manuali di uso, certificati di nascita, certificati di matrimonio, certificati di divorzio, diplomi, licenze, CV, ambiente, generale, conversazione, turismo, Traducător română, italiană, engleză, portugheză, tehnic, mecanic, juridic, business, educaţie, jurnalism, politică, manuale tehnice, manuale de întreținere, manuale de utilizare, certificate de naștere, certificate de casatorie, certificate de divort, diplome, licenţe, CV, mediul înconjurător, general, conversaţie, turism, din italiană în română, din engleză în română, din portugheză în română, din română în italiană, din română în engleză, din română în portugheză, traducător rezident în Italia, Tradutora romeno, italiano, inglês, português, técnico, mecânico, jurídico, business, educação, jornalismo, política, manuais técnicos, manual de manutenção, manual de uso, certificados de casamento, certificados de nascimento, certificados de divórcio, certidões, certidão, diplomas, licenças, CV, meio ambiente, geral, conversação, turismo, de italiano para romeno, de inglês para romeno, de português para romeno, de romeno para italiano, de romeno para inglês, de romeno para português, tradutor residente na Itália. See less.

Profile last updated
Mar 18