Why should you invest in term base creation, glossaries or style guides when ordering translation?

Source: Translators Family
Story flagged by: Oleg Semerikov

Building a bank of translation resources can be a wise investment

If you’re interested in getting the very best out of your business translation service provider, then your next step might be to invest in creating resources for them to use. From linguistic style guides to help writers perfectly match your company tone to glossaries detailing your preferred terminology, providing your language translation services team with extra guidance can really help improve the quality of the finished translation, and many translation agencies will also be able to work with you in developing these resources. Creating top-quality term bases, glossaries or style guides is not an overnight job, but for companies that are serious about their foreign language markets, creating linguistic resources is a must for top-quality results. Read on to discover more about the benefits of developing translation resources for your company.

Consistency and accuracy

One of the primary benefits of developing translation resources is that they can help you improve the consistency and accuracy of the translations you receive. For example, if your company works in a highly technical area, it would be well worth your while to invest in glossary creation services. Here, you provide documentation such as user manuals, product descriptions or website texts to an expert in glossary creation who uses highly specialised software and his/her own expertise to determine which are the key terms for your business. You can specify how many key terms you wish the expert to find, and your project manager will be able to guide you in finding a suitable number. Once you have acquired the list of key terms and looked them over, the next step is to have them translated into your target language by the very best translators you can find. These primary translators will be establishing the foundations for all subsequent translation into this language, so you’ll need qualified and experienced experts in your field to ensure that all the key terms are translated perfectly. These primary translators will use their expertise in your industry, the documents you provide them and their exemplary research skills to ensure that everything is correct. Then you receive the final glossary, listing the source language and target language terms next to each other, and can hand this to any future translators, to ensure that they are all calling a spade a spade. More.

See: Translators Family

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