What standards should businesses expect from professional translators?

Source: Translators Family
Story flagged by: Oleg Semerikov

There are a few magic words that everyone in the translation industry loves. Words like “professionalism”, like “standards” and “experience”. They’re a shorthand for quality and reliability – which is why customers demand them, translators promise them, and agencies test for them (and rigorously, if they in turn are professional about what they do). But as any writer will tell you – and a translator is a very specialised type of writer, among other things – if you don’t occasionally stop to examine a buzzword and really think about what it means, it can turn into a cliché. Soon after that, it can stop meaning anything at all. So what do these terms really mean? What, in concrete terms, are the professional standards that a business should look for when sourcing translation services? More.

See: Translators Family

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