11 tips for getting started in the translation profession

Source: Translation Times
Story flagged by: Maria Kopnitsky

We oftentimes get questions about how to get started in the profession, and that’s a long answer. Actually, part of this blog is dedicated to answering precisely that question, and we have a long list of articles that we’ve marked for beginners. However, a dear friend of ours recently asked us to compile 10 tips on what one needs to do to get started (he was thinking about becoming a translator). We came up with these 10 tips/ideas, but of course there are hundreds more. These tips have nothing to do with language skills (we will assume everyone has those), but have to do with building a business and a career once you already have the necessary skills.

1) Read some fantastic books
2)  Invest in your education
3) Become a member of a professional association
4) Read the 650+ entries on this blog
5) Build your website
6) Attend industry conferences and meet your peers
7) Invest in your set-up
8) Keep in mind that starting a translation business is no different than starting out any other business
9) Go to where the clients are
10) Create a good pricing structure
11) Dedicate time to administrative and promotional work

Read the full post in Translation Times here: http://translationtimes.blogspot.com/2015/07/getting-started-10-tips.html

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