For some, the answer is obvious. For others, it’s not that easy. I personally think that it is a case-by-case decision, depending not only on you, but also on the client and on the specific project. Let’s try to analyse this sensitive issue.
People usually believe that extra charges should apply for overtime hours, rush deliveries or complex jobs. I don’t think these concepts mean the same thing to each of us. Let’s explore these three points.
What are overtime hours?
I tend to consider that freelancers don’t really do “overtime hours”. They sometimes work more than they had planned or than they would like. But I always feel it’s a little bit strange to talk about “overtime hours” for professionals who are supposed to work “whenever they want”. That being said, should we consider that we are entering into the “extra working hours” area if we work over eight hours per day? In this case, what about the freelancers who decided to work six hours per day or ten? And what about working in the evening? Should this be considered overtime? When I was working as a freelance reviser, I occasionally enjoyed shopping during the day and checking translations in the evening. I never considered I was working overtime and I was happy to accept some interesting assignments arriving at the end of the day. I sometimes even enjoyed revising at night. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t do this any more and I might consider asking to be paid more if I had to be at my desk after 7 p.m. More.
See: Tranix Translation & Proof-Editing Services – My Words for a Change
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