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English - French Remote Simultaneous Interpreter for Tech Community Event

Job posted at: Jul 26, 2024 13:53 GMT   (GMT: Jul 26, 2024 13:53)
Job approved and potential candidates notified at: Jul 26, 2024 15:27 GMT

Job type: Interpreting Job
Service required: Interpreting, Simultaneous

Languages: English to French

Job description:
I am looking for a remote interpreter who can provide simultaneous interpretation between English and French (both directions) for a 4-day tech community event. The assignment involves translating for about 5 hours each day from August 7th to August 10th, during working hours in Central European Summer Time. To secure this assignment, you will need to join a 15-minute online call and perform a test live translation using a provided video. If you are interested, please let me know. The details are below

Open Source Community Event (Technical & Cultural Topics)

Schedule Overview
Date: 7 - 10 August in CEST
Duration: 4 days
Morning: 10:00 - 12:00
Afternoon: 13:30 - 15:00 and 15:30 - 17:00

Total hours
23 hours (22 translation hours + 1 technical set-up call before the event)

Interpretation Process
* You will receive event video (live speakers) through Youtube, and then translate it into a separate sound channel through your microphone.
* You will be paired with another person throughout the entire time.

Tech Requirements (Must Have)
* Stable Internet Connection
* External Headphone
* Two devices (laptop & mobile phone): one device to listen to the video, and one device to join the interpretation streaming room

Budget and payment details:
Budget information for this job is restricted to those who meet the requirements of the job.
Payment method: Bank transfer
Payment terms: 7 days from the invoice date.
Poster country: Singapore

Service provider targeting (specified by job poster):
Subject field: IT (Information Technology)
Quoting deadline: Jul 31, 2024 15:47 GMT
About the outsourcer:
This job was posted by a logged in visitor.

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