Job closed
This job was closed at Jul 19, 2024 08:20 GMT.

SOP files, about 8k, TRADOS

Job posted at: Jul 18, 2024 08:33 GMT   (GMT: Jul 18, 2024 08:33)
Job approved and potential candidates notified at: Jul 18, 2024 09:26 GMT

Job type: Translation/editing/proofing job
Service required: Translation
Confidentiality level: HIGH

Languages: Italian to Chinese

Job description:
Factory process documentation
Source format: Multiple Formats
Delivery format: Multiple Formats

Poster country: China

Service provider targeting (specified by job poster):
info Required specific fields: Management
info Required native language: Chinese
Subject field: Management
Credential: Must have reported credentials or a Certified PRO certificate.
Quoting deadline: Jul 19, 2024 08:20 GMT
Delivery deadline: Jul 24, 2024 08:20 GMT
Sample text: Translating this text is NOT required
Qualio permette la stampa del pdf della copia controllata del documento presente in Libreria.
Chi preme il tasto "meke effective" ha il compito di salvare il pdf del documento emesso sullacartella "SistemaQualità" del server aziendale, dato che non tutto il personale Lincotek haaccesso a Qualio.
About the outsourcer:
This job was posted by a Business Plus member.

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.