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Budapest Conference 2007 - Official program forum
Thread poster: Csaba Ban
Csaba Ban
Csaba Ban  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:51
Member (2002)
English to Hungarian
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Nov 30, 2006

Dear All,

This forum is dedicated to the discussion of the official program offering of the Budapest Conference, to be held on April 29 and 30, 2007.

The idea is that the conference will be clustered around some core topics.


Such core topics would include:

1. Translation technology and techniques

- CAT tools (lectures/workshops)
- terminology management
... See more
Dear All,

This forum is dedicated to the discussion of the official program offering of the Budapest Conference, to be held on April 29 and 30, 2007.

The idea is that the conference will be clustered around some core topics.


Such core topics would include:

1. Translation technology and techniques

- CAT tools (lectures/workshops)
- terminology management
- working with different file formats
- quality assurance
- other translation-related software
- special translation techniques for the technical translator
- etc

2. Freelancer marketing

- self-promotion via
- setting up and running websites
- certifications and accreditations by professional organizations
- networking
- getting good rates
- workflow management
- etc

3. Supply chain: end clients, outsourcers, freelancers

- understanding what the outsoucer/end client wants
- an outline of the translation industry through the supply chain: end clients, language service providers, agencies, freelancers
- an introduction to project management
- proofreading vs editing
- understanding DTP processes
- etc

4. Industry-specific workshops
- software localization
- finance
- legal texts
- games
- etc

5. Other
- linguistics related subjects
- literary translation
- etc


If you feel that you can deliver a lecture or hold a workshop in any of the above topics (or related topics), feel free to describe your lecture/workshop.

Please send me an outline of your proposed session through my profile.

Make sure you include the word "conference" in the subject line.


Rented notebooks will be available for speakers with Windows XP (English). For your convenience, you can bring your presentation on a CD.


This topic will be updated as soon as I have additional information. Feel free to propose any new topics, or to discuss these ones.


Conference powwow page

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ATA Exam Forum
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[Módosítva: 2007-01-13 14:08]

arterm  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:51
English to Russian
game localization forum Dec 1, 2006

Dear Colleagues

I could propose a forum about game localisation.
I myself have good experience with mobile games localisation and also could humbly propose myself to lead this forum.

More details to follow


Mats Wiman
Mats Wiman  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:51
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What is and isn't - a member's view Dec 1, 2006

I humbly offer myself as session speaker, then willing to participate in a - to be expected - lively discussion on this subject.


Jerzy Czopik
Jerzy Czopik  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:51
Member (2003)
Polish to German
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Session offer: CAT-tools and the crucial points when using them Dec 12, 2006

In general I would like to speak not about one particular CAT-tool, but about what is needed when working with them.
This is a result from the Trados training in Edinburgh, where I could gather some experiences about what is known and what should be told about CATs.

If there will be enough interest, I can also imagine to speak about formatting with Word, providing this time a hands-on session with a prepared document for all to experiment with.

Another point is cr
... See more
In general I would like to speak not about one particular CAT-tool, but about what is needed when working with them.
This is a result from the Trados training in Edinburgh, where I could gather some experiences about what is known and what should be told about CATs.

If there will be enough interest, I can also imagine to speak about formatting with Word, providing this time a hands-on session with a prepared document for all to experiment with.

Another point is creating backups using Windows, without any additional software needed. A similar session was held in Berlin in May 2006.

A Trados training (in two sessions - beginners and intermediate) shall also be offered - most probably on two days after the Conference, with similar conditions to those in Edinburgh. More details shall follow early next year - simply because easyjet does not sell tickets Dortmund - Budapest yet and I don´t know my travel data.

Kind regards

Catherine Dauvergne-Newman
Catherine Dauvergne-Newman  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 12:51
English to French
Thanks Jerzy Dec 13, 2006

Jerzy Czopik wrote:

In general I would like to speak not about one particular CAT-tool, but about what is needed when working with them.
This is a result from the Trados training in Edinburgh, where I could gather some experiences about what is known and what should be told about CATs.

If there will be enough interest, I can also imagine to speak about formatting with Word, providing this time a hands-on session with a prepared document for all to experiment with.

Another point is creating backups using Windows, without any additional software needed. A similar session was held in Berlin in May 2006.

A Trados training (in two sessions - beginners and intermediate) shall also be offered - most probably on two days after the Conference, with similar conditions to those in Edinburgh. More details shall follow early next year - simply because easyjet does not sell tickets Dortmund - Budapest yet and I don´t know my travel data.

Kind regards

Great news, thanks Jerzy!

Csaba Ban
Csaba Ban  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:51
Member (2002)
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Speakers wanted for lectures / workshops Dec 15, 2006

In addition to the "classic" lectures, I would like to see some new ones as well.

Here are some topics for sessions that I would like to see in Budapest. I think these topics will be interesting for many of us.
If you feel you are proficient in any of the following topics, and/or you are willing to do some research, please send me a message with what you have in mind.

1. Terminology management:
Various CAT tools (Trados: Multiterm, DVX: tdb files, etc.)... See more
In addition to the "classic" lectures, I would like to see some new ones as well.

Here are some topics for sessions that I would like to see in Budapest. I think these topics will be interesting for many of us.
If you feel you are proficient in any of the following topics, and/or you are willing to do some research, please send me a message with what you have in mind.

1. Terminology management:
Various CAT tools (Trados: Multiterm, DVX: tdb files, etc.)
Glossaries in Excel
Software packages (DT Search, etc.)
Client-specific and topic-specific glossaries
Sources of terminology: own research vs client vs public glossaries

2. CAT tool comparison
Basic concepts, procedures, databases, environment, interface, etc.

3. File formats
Format-specific translation procedures,
using various CAT tools to handle various file formats,
conversion between file formats

4. Quality assurance
Terminology consistency
Style consistency
Numerals, measurements
Naming conventions
Translation of interface items
Working in a team
Overseeing a team

5. Editing vs Proofreading
Differences and common elements
Traditional editing marks
Word: Track changes function
Acrobat: Pdf commenting functions
Other software

Now I have to go, but I will continue the list over the weekend.


Csaba Ban
Csaba Ban  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:51
Member (2002)
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Who would be interested in DVX training sessions? Jan 3, 2007

It looks like as Atril is interested in providing training sessions on their Deja Vu X software. A beginners' and and an advanced course is planned.
Now I would like to see if there are enough people who would be interested and if you are willing to pay for this.

They would also hold a lecture during the conference (included in the conference fee) - a general introduction to DVX.

Once I know something specific, I will post the necessary details.

... See more
It looks like as Atril is interested in providing training sessions on their Deja Vu X software. A beginners' and and an advanced course is planned.
Now I would like to see if there are enough people who would be interested and if you are willing to pay for this.

They would also hold a lecture during the conference (included in the conference fee) - a general introduction to DVX.

Once I know something specific, I will post the necessary details.


Dagmar Jenner
Dagmar Jenner  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:51
English to German
+ ...
Déjà Vu training - great! Jan 3, 2007

Csaba Ban wrote:

It looks like as Atril is interested in providing training sessions on their Deja Vu X software. A beginners' and and an advanced course is planned.
Now I would like to see if there are enough people who would be interested and if you are willing to pay for this.

They would also hold a lecture during the conference (included in the conference fee) - a general introduction to DVX.

Once I know something specific, I will post the necessary details.


I would love to participate in a Déjà Vu training session. I've been using it for a while, but I'm sure there is so much more I could learn that would make my life as a translator easier. So count me in (I'm willing to pay for this as well).


Özden Arıkan
Özden Arıkan  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:51
English to Turkish
+ ...
Also interested in Déjà Vu training session Jan 3, 2007

Hi Csaba,

Having seen your note on the powwow page, I just wanted to express interest in and willingness to pay for the Déjà Vu sessions.


Local time: 13:51
English to French
+ ...
Déjà Vu training would be very useful Jan 3, 2007

Csaba Ban wrote:

It looks like as Atril is interested in providing training sessions on their Deja Vu X software. A beginners' and and an advanced course is planned.
Now I would like to see if there are enough people who would be interested and if you are willing to pay for this.

They would also hold a lecture during the conference (included in the conference fee) - a general introduction to DVX.

Once I know something specific, I will post the necessary details.


I'm interested in Déjà Vu training, please count me in and let us know more about how much time the training would last, at what level are they going to start, considering the knowledge of CAT tools of each participant... I'm ok to pay an extra fee for that.
Warm regards

Mats Wiman
Mats Wiman  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:51
Member (2000)
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In memoriam
I'd also like a DéjàVu session Jan 3, 2007

if it does not collide with my sessions

Irene Elmerot
Irene Elmerot  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:51
Dutch to Swedish
+ ...
Proofreading/editing is interesting! Jan 3, 2007

Dear Csaba,
your no. 5. Editing vs Proofreading sounds like an interesting topic. I work 60 to 70 per cent as a proofreader/editor and 30 to 40 per cent as a translator, so this suits me. If I'm coming to Budapest, I wouldn't mind taking care of this one.

Marijke Mayer
Marijke Mayer  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:51
Dutch to English
+ ...
DVX Jan 5, 2007

It would be nice, as far as I am concerned it could also be held outside the dates of the conference.

Marijke Mayer
Marijke Mayer  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:51
Dutch to English
+ ...
Managing memory formats Jan 5, 2007

I am prepared to hold a workshop on managing memory formats, importing, exporting, compiling memories from PDFs, shifting between various CAT tools, etc. etc. etc.

Csaba Ban
Csaba Ban  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:51
Member (2002)
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Some news Jan 7, 2007

Now a preliminary program is visible in the Program tab of the Conference page (see link on the top of this thread).

Please note that the schedule has been extended to last for four days, i.e. from April 28th (Saturday) and May 1st (Tuesday).

The actual conference will last for two days (April 29th, Sunday and April 30th, Monday), but additional (paying) sessions will take place on Saturday and Tuesday. Such paying sessions include CAT tool training courses, etc.
... See more
Now a preliminary program is visible in the Program tab of the Conference page (see link on the top of this thread).

Please note that the schedule has been extended to last for four days, i.e. from April 28th (Saturday) and May 1st (Tuesday).

The actual conference will last for two days (April 29th, Sunday and April 30th, Monday), but additional (paying) sessions will take place on Saturday and Tuesday. Such paying sessions include CAT tool training courses, etc.

More information will be posted as soon as confirmed.

Registration should open in the second half of next week.


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Budapest Conference 2007 - Official program forum

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