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Members are invited to preview a new profile format (beta) - many member-requested updates made
Thread poster: justin C
justin C
justin C
United States
Local time: 20:20
Apr 3, 2006

Hello all,

We recently invited members to test the new profile format (beta.)

I have implemented many of the requested changes to the new profile format. Please feel free to view some of the updates by visiting (members-only).

Some of the new features include:
- Ability to add custom tabs: Members may add up to 3 custom tabs to their pr
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Hello all,

We recently invited members to test the new profile format (beta.)

I have implemented many of the requested changes to the new profile format. Please feel free to view some of the updates by visiting (members-only).

Some of the new features include:
- Ability to add custom tabs: Members may add up to 3 custom tabs to their profile. These custom tabs act the same way as the 'Personal' tab currently does (free-text areas).
- Free-text localization: Users now have the ability to localize certain free-text fields into additional languages (specifically the about me, user message, tagline, and keywords sections). This allows for users to customize content for visitors using in a language other than English.
- Multiple settings pages in the 'Settings' tab have received a face lift.
- KudoZ & Project History "modules" are now options in the Personalized information box. Users may select to show this information in the right side of their Personalized information box, which in turn somewhat mimics the old profile format (3 columns total).
- Google Talk added as an instant messenger type (by request)

Your feedback is requested.

Best Regards,

[Subject edited by staff or moderator 2006-04-03 23:55]

Tsogt Gombosuren
Tsogt Gombosuren  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:20
Member (2004)
English to Mongolian
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Where are the credentials? Apr 4, 2006

Where are the credentials and qualifications we have reported?

justin C
justin C
United States
Local time: 20:20
Credentials are located below 'Experience' Apr 4, 2006

Hi Tsogt,

I can see your credentials below the 'Expertise' field.


Clarisa Moraña
Clarisa Moraña  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 19:20
Member (2002)
English to Spanish
+ ...
Availabilty function Apr 4, 2006

I love this function, and I've just set it up. I'll be unavailable for three days, and six days available.

Nevertheless, the buttom stills reads:

"Availability not set"



justin C
justin C
United States
Local time: 20:20
Small bug Apr 4, 2006

Nevertheless, the buttom stills reads:

"Availability not set"

Thank you for pointing this out, I will have a fix for this bug in the morning.

Best Regards,

Tsogt Gombosuren
Tsogt Gombosuren  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:20
Member (2004)
English to Mongolian
+ ...
Thank you, Justin. They are now in the profile. Apr 4, 2006

They were not shown in the profile when I asked the above question.
They are in the profile now. Thank you for your prompt action.

Andres & Leticia Enjuto
Andres & Leticia Enjuto  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:20
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
+ ...
Only maximum rate per word? Apr 4, 2006

Beta system only shows my maximun rate per word:

"English to Spanish - Target rate: 0.10 USD per word / 30.00 per hour
Spanish to English - Target rate: 0.12 USD per word / 30.00 per hour"

What can I do to display my minimun rates also? I'm not allowed to edit my rates until june 23, 2006!!!

Awaiting your comments


justin C
justin C
United States
Local time: 20:20
I will put in an option to show your minimum rates Apr 4, 2006

Hi Leticia,

Thanks for pointing this out, I will put in an option to hide or show your minimum rates in tommorow.

Thanks again!

Elena Pavan
Elena Pavan  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:20
Member (2005)
French to Italian
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I like the new format Apr 4, 2006

Hi Justin,
I simply like the new format, it looks simple and clear.
Thank you very much!

Erik Hansson
Erik Hansson  Identity Verified
+ ...
Affiliations > Blue Board Apr 4, 2006

Hi Jason,
Congratulations to a good job! It's a good idea to have all the relevant dat at the very top (for outsourcers who are not familiar with ProZ).
However I would like an improvement for the Blue Board function (as I mentioned in a previous posting). In the present version it's not clear that the BB page is opened when you click on the company's name next to affiliations.

Why not change "Affiliations" into "Blue Board page", because this is what it's about. Furt
... See more
Hi Jason,
Congratulations to a good job! It's a good idea to have all the relevant dat at the very top (for outsourcers who are not familiar with ProZ).
However I would like an improvement for the Blue Board function (as I mentioned in a previous posting). In the present version it's not clear that the BB page is opened when you click on the company's name next to affiliations.

Why not change "Affiliations" into "Blue Board page", because this is what it's about. Further down the page, the Blue Board (i.e. entries I have made for other affiliations) can be changed in to "Blue Board entries".

I think it's an important matter to quickly find the BB page for any outsourcer/affiliation. Thanks.


Erik Hansson ( SFÖ )
Technical translator DE-SV
Hansson Übersetzungen GmbH
Am Birkenwäldchen 38
D-01900 Bretnig-Hauswalde, Germany
Phone +49 - 3 59 52 - 321 07
Fax +49 - 3 59 52 - 322 02
E-Mail [email protected]
ProZ profile

Sven Petersson
Sven Petersson  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:20
English to Swedish
+ ...

The member's photo or image now appears in 4 (FOUR) different sizes on It's a mathematical impossibility to optimise the quality of an image for 4 different sizes (widths 25, 50, 100 and 125 pixel). It was just possible when there were only two sizes (width 50 pixel and 100 pixel).
Suggestion: Facilitate uploading of one image for each of the 4 formats!

Many of's members have invested lots of time and effort in developing their message on their pro-page. Was i
... See more
The member's photo or image now appears in 4 (FOUR) different sizes on It's a mathematical impossibility to optimise the quality of an image for 4 different sizes (widths 25, 50, 100 and 125 pixel). It was just possible when there were only two sizes (width 50 pixel and 100 pixel).
Suggestion: Facilitate uploading of one image for each of the 4 formats!

Many of's members have invested lots of time and effort in developing their message on their pro-page. Was it all in vain? On today's most popular screen size, 1024x768, one has to scroll down to see what was meant to be the attention catcher! It's like printing the headline in the newspaper at the bottom of the page! There is also lots of wasted (=empty) vertical space at the top of the page!
Suggestion: Remove all vertically wasted space! Redesign the PROFILE field so that it contains 3 fields under each other: TOP FIELD: A full width free field (to be HTML coded by the member) with a height of some 256 pixel, for HEADING, preamble and image. MIDDLE FIELD: The table which is at he top in the draft layout. BOTTOM FIELD: A full width unlimited length free field (to be HTML coded by the member).

I object against being labelled:
"Medical Translator"
I want to be called:
Medical Translator
Suggestion: Remove the quotation marks!

Only 5 "Working Languages" are displayed. Plenty of space is available in the left column. There is no rational reason to keep the 5 limit!
Suggestion: Remove the 5 limit, or raise it to at least some 20.



The page looks horrible on my 1600 pixel wide screen. What about limiting the width to 1024 pixel, and centralise.

The text 'About me' steals valuable vertical space and should be removed.


[Edited at 2006-04-04 10:25]

gianfranco  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:20
Member (2001)
English to Italian
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Minimum rates in our profile Apr 4, 2006

Lettytb wrote:

Beta system only shows my maximun rate per word:

"English to Spanish - Target rate: 0.10 USD per word / 30.00 per hour
Spanish to English - Target rate: 0.12 USD per word / 30.00 per hour"

What can I do to display my minimun rates also? I'm not allowed to edit my rates until june 23, 2006!!!

Awaiting your comments


What is shown is NOT the maximum, but what the site calls "target" rate (we can call it standard, common, reference, or habitual rate, but certainly is not the maximum).

On the other hand, the minimum rate should be intended as a threshold, the absolute minimum rate below which we do not work under any circumstances, and it is used to screen out job offers that fall below.
In my opinion, it doesn't makes any sense to show it.

We can set our lower limit as we like, but the information is not very relevant for our profile page.

I appreciate that Justin will go to the length of adding the option to hide/show the minimum rate, and the whole rates field is also already optional, but I think we should not show our minimum rates. It is simply a private threshold (according to our personal business choices and not imposed on us by the site).


[Edited at 2006-04-04 09:45]

Jaroslaw Michalak
Jaroslaw Michalak  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:20
English to Polish
Full name Apr 4, 2006

It has been suggested before and I think it is a good idea...

It should be possible to have a separate setting to display the full name on the profile.

While it is convenient to use a login name (i.e. nickname) in the forums and less formal surroundings, such as powwows, etc., it would be good to have the business area, that is the profile, to display the full name along the login name. Of course, I can put it in one of the freetext areas, but it looks somewhat differe
... See more
It has been suggested before and I think it is a good idea...

It should be possible to have a separate setting to display the full name on the profile.

While it is convenient to use a login name (i.e. nickname) in the forums and less formal surroundings, such as powwows, etc., it would be good to have the business area, that is the profile, to display the full name along the login name. Of course, I can put it in one of the freetext areas, but it looks somewhat different.

[Edited at 2006-04-04 08:54]

gianfranco  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:20
Member (2001)
English to Italian
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Personal content can be placed on top (collapsing the grid) Apr 4, 2006

Sven Petersson wrote:
Many of's members have invested lots of time and effort in developing their message on their pro-page. Was it all in vain?


the whole "grid" on top can be collapsed. If you choose the "Personalized" option (top left of your profile), all visitors to your profile page would see first your custom content on top.

With one simple click they can also open/close the standard information, in the new grid layout, but the first impact is exactly as YOU want it to be.

Also, we now have 3 extra pages (tabs) to customize. You can create each one of them, assign to them any name you want, and obtain almost the effect of a complete "mini website".

Have you explored or tried the possibilities of all the new features? All together I think they make more than acceptable a little compromise in something else.
Don't you agree?


[Edited at 2006-04-04 09:05]

Ines Burrell
Ines Burrell  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 01:20
Member (2004)
English to Latvian
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I have not got rates at all Apr 4, 2006

justin wrote:

Hi Leticia,

Thanks for pointing this out, I will put in an option to hide or show your minimum rates in tommorow.

Thanks again!

I cannot see any rates on my profile at all. Is there a clever trick how to discloase them?

[Edited at 2006-04-04 13:36]

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Members are invited to preview a new profile format (beta) - many member-requested updates made

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