GlossPost: conservation and museum glossary (eng > eng)
Thread poster: Daphne Theodoraki
Daphne Theodoraki
Daphne Theodoraki  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:05
Swedish to Greek
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Sep 27, 2005

A new GlossPost URL has been entered.

Posted by: Daphne Theodoraki

Title: conservation and musuem glossary

Source language(s): eng

Target language(s): eng

Source: Heritage Collections Council, Australia

Keywords: museum, conservation, collections



This glossary contains some of the most common terms used in the conservation and musuem professions and
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A new GlossPost URL has been entered.

Posted by: Daphne Theodoraki

Title: conservation and musuem glossary

Source language(s): eng

Target language(s): eng

Source: Heritage Collections Council, Australia

Keywords: museum, conservation, collections



This glossary contains some of the most common terms used in the conservation and musuem professions and some organisational information. Wherever possible, simple language rather than highly technical terms has been used.



GlossPost entry:

[Subject edited by staff or moderator 2005-09-28 13:11]

Natalie  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:05
Member (2002)
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Dear Daphne Sep 28, 2005

There is a typo in the title. Could you please check if it could be corrected.

Daphne Theodoraki
Daphne Theodoraki  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:05
Swedish to Greek
+ ...
Can't see it! Sep 28, 2005

Natalie wrote:

There is a typo in the title. Could you please check if it could be corrected.

Hi Natalie,

I just copied the title from the website itself, and then saw myself that they had made this typo, so I corrected it yesterday. How come you still see it? I can't!


Özden Arıkan
Özden Arıkan  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:05
English to Turkish
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Typo corrected in the GP link, remained in the forum title, Sep 28, 2005

as the forum posting was made before the correction. I've corrected that one, too. Thanks for pointing out to it.

[Edited at 2005-09-28 13:13]


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GlossPost: conservation and museum glossary (eng > eng)

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