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Poll: What is your general attitude towards AI?
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
Nov 21, 2023

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "What is your general attitude towards AI?".

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Iulia Parvu
Iulia Parvu  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 06:35
Member (2022)
English to Romanian
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Complicated Nov 21, 2023

I find the tool useful, but I'm uneasy about its increasing dominance in our field. Despite acknowledging the potential threat, I prefer not to dwell on it to maintain my peace of mind.

So, I guess, all variants...

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:35
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Other Nov 21, 2023

My general attitude towards AI is one of suspense, mixed with apprehension.

Heloísa Helena Benetton Costa
Jean Dimitriadis
Jean Dimitriadis  Identity Verified
English to French
+ ...
Generally Nov 21, 2023

I fart in its general direction

Baran Keki
Kay Denney
Philippe Etienne
Lingua 5B
Tom in London
Philip Lees
Lieven Malaise
Lieven Malaise
Local time: 07:35
Member (2020)
French to Dutch
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Wait and see Nov 21, 2023

My general attitude towards AI is 'wait and see'. It's a hype at this moment and the media are all over it, which almost gives the impression that we are 1 step away from AI dominance.

It will be interesting to see where we stand when the dust has settled. My educated guess : not as far as it may seem now.

Philippe Etienne
Luis M. Sosa
Michele Fauble
Maria Rosa Fontana
Philip Lees
Baran Keki
Baran Keki  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:35
English to Turkish
Never been a Sci-Fi fan Nov 21, 2023

Try as I might, I failed to appreciate the works of Philip K. Dick. So if this is about ChatGPT, then I couldn't care less. But if it involves Machine Translation, then I must admit that I'm a recent convert.

Alex Lichanow
Alex Lichanow
Local time: 07:35
Member (2020)
English to German
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When the dust has settled Nov 21, 2023

Lieven Malaise wrote:

It will be interesting to see where we stand when the dust has settled. My educated guess : not as far as it may seem now.

...which is exactly the problem, because clients (direct clients and especially agencies) will just keep pushing for lower rates despite clearly underwhelming results - simply because they got used to "optimistic" translators granting them all kinds of outrageous discounts. We will be stuck with half-baked, maybe even forgotten technology making our lives harder and our rates lower.

Baran Keki
Liena Vijupe
Iulia Parvu
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Elaine Ruby
Breno Gomez
Birgit Elisabeth Horn
Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:35
Member (2009)
English to German
+ ...
What do you mean with "AI"? Nov 21, 2023

Generative AI bots? AI image generators? Personal assistants? Alexa? Manufacturing robots?
Please explain.

Baran Keki
Philippe Etienne
P.L.F. Persio
Aurélien ARPAZ
Peter Bak (X)
ibz  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:35
Member (2007)
English to German
+ ...
Same old, same old Nov 21, 2023

There have been some lengthy discussions on the forums recently about AI, ChatGPT, MT and the differences between them, and I don't think the opinions expressed there have been taken into account by ProZ. So what exactly is this poll trying to determine? Just asking...

Aurélien ARPAZ
Barbara Carrara
Philip Lees
Josephine Cassar
Philippe Etienne
Philippe Etienne  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:35
English to French
One thing at a time Nov 21, 2023

Still waiting for level 5 autonomous driving...


Christopher Schröder
Christopher Schröder
United Kingdom
Member (2011)
Swedish to English
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Hate it Nov 21, 2023

I hate and resent AI with a passion.

There may be a few areas it can be a useful supplement to humans (such as in medical diagnostics) but otherwise I wish it would just do one.

And I really don’t care if that’s just an emotional reaction.

Baran Keki
Alex Lichanow
P.L.F. Persio
Grace Anderson
Yaotl Altan
Liena Vijupe
Arne Krueger
Arne Krueger
Local time: 07:35
German to English
+ ...
AI - 90% good, 10% evil Nov 21, 2023

It will take over. No doubt about it. AI is essentially just a huge TM that is able to think "logically" and adjust to other formats. The better the TM, the more option there are, the better the outcomes... Is just a fact. Is just a matter of how to train programs. As I see it in the translation world right now, at least in major pairs, the ability of automated translations is breathtaking. But we will still be in need - even if it is only for checking. Or you get into things like bilingual tran... See more
It will take over. No doubt about it. AI is essentially just a huge TM that is able to think "logically" and adjust to other formats. The better the TM, the more option there are, the better the outcomes... Is just a fact. Is just a matter of how to train programs. As I see it in the translation world right now, at least in major pairs, the ability of automated translations is breathtaking. But we will still be in need - even if it is only for checking. Or you get into things like bilingual transcription/subtitling. AI still shows issues there which can't be overcome that easily.Collapse

Jorge Payan
Christopher Schröder
Alex Lichanow
Alex Lichanow
Local time: 07:35
Member (2020)
English to German
+ ...
Breathtaking? Nov 21, 2023

Arne Krueger wrote:

It will take over. No doubt about it. AI is essentially just a huge TM that is able to think "logically" and adjust to other formats. The better the TM, the more option there are, the better the outcomes... Is just a fact. Is just a matter of how to train programs. As I see it in the translation world right now, at least in major pairs, the ability of automated translations is breathtaking. But we will still be in need - even if it is only for checking. Or you get into things like bilingual transcription/subtitling. AI still shows issues there which can't be overcome that easily.

I don't know if I'm too picky or biased, but apart from the really solid results DeepL yields (at least for English-German), I cannot see anything breathtaking about the current state of machine translation. And even DeepL requires major edits in order to sound anything like a native translator. Not to mention, DeepL is one of the few existing MT engines that ACTUALLY USE AI in any reasonable capacity.
What I see way more often are half-assed attempts at creating a translation engine (looking at you, Microsoft) which only lead to complete train-wrecks that take way more time to edit into something deliverable than a human translation from scratch would take. This is exacerbated by poor-to-mediocre translators or translators who, due to the pitiful rates they get for post-editing MTs, cannot be bothered to do any more than the bare minimum, i.e. edit the raw output to a translation that is understandable and free of typos and other misspellings but otherwise doesn't sound like it was done by a native speaker with a professional grasp of their language.

Also, sorry for the late edit. ProZ took its sweet time to fully load the page and I hit the backspace button during that time ^^

[Edited at 2023-11-21 14:08 GMT]

Arne Krueger
Breno Gomez
Christopher Schröder
P.L.F. Persio
Liena Vijupe
Peter Bak (X)
Breno Gomez
Breno Gomez  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:35
Member (2023)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Unsure about it Nov 21, 2023

Overall I consider AI (ChatGPT as the only one I barely use) an average good working tool for us translators if you know well how to utilize it for your research or as some sort of translation aid, it's worth studying prompt engineering if you're interested. On the other hand, I acknowledge its potential threat to our role since AI is increasingly getting smatter, including replacing us in a pretty far distant future eventually, heads-up I'm talking about 100+ years ahead and I hope I'm dead wr... See more
Overall I consider AI (ChatGPT as the only one I barely use) an average good working tool for us translators if you know well how to utilize it for your research or as some sort of translation aid, it's worth studying prompt engineering if you're interested. On the other hand, I acknowledge its potential threat to our role since AI is increasingly getting smatter, including replacing us in a pretty far distant future eventually, heads-up I'm talking about 100+ years ahead and I hope I'm dead wrong.Collapse

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 06:35
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Indifference Nov 21, 2023

poll question "What is your general attitude towards AI?".

Complete indifference. You might as well ask me about my screwdriver.

Yes, it's there in my toolbox if I ever need it but I don't think about it all the time and I'm certainly not excited about it.

Baran Keki
P.L.F. Persio
Liena Vijupe
Philip Lees
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Poll: What is your general attitude towards AI?

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