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Poll: When are you usually paid?
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
Dec 18, 2021

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "When are you usually paid?".

This poll was originally submitted by Marie Anne Halbwachs. View the poll results »

Sajid Hussain
Dr. Md. Farid
Nimfa France
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:16
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Other Dec 18, 2021

When? It depends on the agreed payment terms! My longest-standing customer (a Belgian translation agency) has been paying me the day after receiving my invoice and I have 3 new regular clients who do the same, most of the others pay at 30 days, one at 45 days. I have been quite lucky as in over 30 years I only had 5 non-payment issues (4 agencies and 1 direct client), solved with the help of a lawyer for 2 of them.

Sajid Hussain
Michael Harris
Dr. Md. Farid
Philip Lees
William Yang
Kay Denney
Kay Denney  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:16
French to English
. Dec 19, 2021

According to my accounts, the vast majority of clients have paid within two months. My direct clients mostly within one month.

One client pays me the minute I deliver the work, based on my estimate, she doesn't even wait for me to issue the bill. If ever it turned out that I had to add more words that didn't get counted for the estimate, I would have to send in the bill along with the translation. Except I'd probably just let her know and tell her it's free because she's my favouri
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According to my accounts, the vast majority of clients have paid within two months. My direct clients mostly within one month.

One client pays me the minute I deliver the work, based on my estimate, she doesn't even wait for me to issue the bill. If ever it turned out that I had to add more words that didn't get counted for the estimate, I would have to send in the bill along with the translation. Except I'd probably just let her know and tell her it's free because she's my favourite client (she sends me my favourite kind of translations too! Oh and she even credits me on her website so I can send the link to potential clients as a sample of my best work).

[Edited at 2021-12-19 09:29 GMT]

Baran Keki
Dr. Md. Farid
Philip Lees
Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:16
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
+ ...
Not after delivery but after invoicing Dec 19, 2021

A poll asking about periods of time after delivery is not entirely meaningful. Payment terms are often measured after the point of invoicing, not delivery.

[Edited at 2021-12-19 12:34 GMT]

Dr. Md. Farid
Chris Says Bye
Kristina SAT
Sebastian Witte
Philip Lees
Barbara Cochran, MFA
Barbara Cochran, MFA  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 18:16
Spanish to English
+ ...
1-2 Weeks After Submission Of Work, Together With The Invoice, Sometimes Under A Week Dec 19, 2021

Some of my most highly-esteemed clients have been right here in the United States, for which reason I ask for a check, for the most part, instead of using PayPal, to avoid the fees associated with the latter. A check for a very large sum for a book translation was sent to me from Texas on December 13, and it arrived here, in Ohio, two days ago, on December 17, after I submitted the work earlier this month. Well worth waiting for!

Local time: 00:16
Spanish to English
+ ...
OTHER Dec 19, 2021

From my point of view, the query lacks the "other" option.
As it happens, I usually get paid "when my clients get around to it".
My best client pays me at the end of every month. Another long-standing client sometimes pays me promptly, and sometimes they don't, depending on their circumstances. I've been working with them a long time and I know they will all stump up in the end.
Academic clients usually rely on outside funding to pay for their translations or proofreading serv
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From my point of view, the query lacks the "other" option.
As it happens, I usually get paid "when my clients get around to it".
My best client pays me at the end of every month. Another long-standing client sometimes pays me promptly, and sometimes they don't, depending on their circumstances. I've been working with them a long time and I know they will all stump up in the end.
Academic clients usually rely on outside funding to pay for their translations or proofreading services, and sometimes different institutions will take longer to shell out than others - and sometimes their accounting systems are also more labyrinthine than others. I've gotten to the stage now where I realise that fretting about 30-60-90-120 day payment periods is a waste of time and energy, and 99% of the time I am prepared to wait until the clients get round to paying me.
As for agencies, I only work with one nowadays, and even then only occasionally, and they usually pay within 30 days, as long as I issue the invoice before the end of the month.

PS: I also have some clients who pay me in advance.

[Edited at 2021-12-19 13:02 GMT]
Which is nice, because back in the day when I used to do TEFL courses, some of the ones relying on EU funding would take over a year to pay.

[Edited at 2021-12-19 13:04 GMT]

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 23:16
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Late Dec 19, 2021

Question "When are you usually paid?"
Answer: for some clients; as late as they think they can get away with it. I have one client who pays me at 3 months + 10 days. Fortunately I hardly ever do any work for them.

Others pay promptly and even, sometimes, immediately (within minutes)

In other words, it varies.

What really annoys me is that some clients expect me to deliver the translation urgently, ASAP- whilst they delay the payment to ALAP. (Made tha
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Question "When are you usually paid?"
Answer: for some clients; as late as they think they can get away with it. I have one client who pays me at 3 months + 10 days. Fortunately I hardly ever do any work for them.

Others pay promptly and even, sometimes, immediately (within minutes)

In other words, it varies.

What really annoys me is that some clients expect me to deliver the translation urgently, ASAP- whilst they delay the payment to ALAP. (Made that up. ALAP = as late as possible).

[Edited at 2021-12-19 13:14 GMT]

Antonio Tomás Lessa do Amaral
United States
Local time: 17:16
English to Russian
+ ...
30 days +/- 3-5 days Dec 19, 2021

My clients tend to issue payments or checks on certain week days, say, on Wednesdays, so sometimes i get a direct deposit or a check 2-5 days earlier, and sometimes it takes the same on the other end. I submit invoices either with every translation/assignment, or bi-weekly in case of longer interpretation assignments out of town, when my expense reports run high, but I never wait for a whole month.

With my clients, any non-payment instances are simply impossible.

Anastasia Kingsley Kinkusic
Anastasia Kingsley Kinkusic  Identity Verified
Member (2011)
Croatian to English
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Faster payments Dec 19, 2021

In my case, agencies pay from 30-45 days while direct clients tend to pay much faster. As a rule, I’ve improved my payment terms by simply asking “would it be possible to be paid a little earlier”? My work is valued, and my requests are usually met. Two or three have begun automatically paying me after 10-14 days - just to sidestep my request, most likely.

I also instituted a minimum fee, which eliminates those clients who want to pay me some minuscule fee for a sentence or p
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In my case, agencies pay from 30-45 days while direct clients tend to pay much faster. As a rule, I’ve improved my payment terms by simply asking “would it be possible to be paid a little earlier”? My work is valued, and my requests are usually met. Two or three have begun automatically paying me after 10-14 days - just to sidestep my request, most likely.

I also instituted a minimum fee, which eliminates those clients who want to pay me some minuscule fee for a sentence or phrase. In the past, banking fees exceeded the payment which was a lose-lose; lost time and money.

I think setting boundaries as a professional translator is a good first step towards equitable business practices. It definitely doesn’t hurt to speak up.

Philip Lees
Chris Says Bye
Kevin Fulton
Kevin Fulton  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 18:16
German to English
Paid 30 days after invoicing (+/- a few days) Dec 19, 2021

I always send my invoice on the last day of the month.
I haven't quite figured out the payment rhythm of some of my customers. Sometimes they pay on the last working day of the month, sometimes on the first working day of the succeeding month. Occasionally payment comes in a day or so before the end of the month. Another factor is acknowledgement of receipt of foreign deposits by my bank.

I once had a regular customer who generally sent a check upon receipt of my invoice, whic
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I always send my invoice on the last day of the month.
I haven't quite figured out the payment rhythm of some of my customers. Sometimes they pay on the last working day of the month, sometimes on the first working day of the succeeding month. Occasionally payment comes in a day or so before the end of the month. Another factor is acknowledgement of receipt of foreign deposits by my bank.

I once had a regular customer who generally sent a check upon receipt of my invoice, which was some compensation for the lower rate he paid. I eventually stopped working for him when I started accepting only editable documents, as the effort required to convert PDF files lowered my effective rate.

[Edited at 2021-12-19 16:04 GMT]

Anna Herbst
Anna Herbst  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:16
English to Swedish
+ ...

Client's decision Dec 20, 2021

The payment date is determined by the client. The fact the I request payment within 15 days of receipt of invoice just about always goes unnoticed. I wish I could do the same with the bills I have to pay...

Tom in London
Antonio Tomás Lessa do Amaral
matt robinson
matt robinson  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:16
Member (2010)
Spanish to English
After invoicing? Dec 20, 2021

Some clients pay almost immediately, one pays at 20 days, others (probably the majority) at 30 days and a few at 60. The majority pay like clockwork, but I have one client that I usually have to "nudge", probably as a result of an aversion to admin on their part.

LMAO Dec 20, 2021

Tom in London wrote:
What really annoys me is that some clients expect me to deliver the translation urgently, ASAP- whilst they delay the payment to ALAP. (Made that up. ALAP = as late as possible).

I think that should join the official ProZ glossary of abbreviationz.

We could have one section for the cynical old guard: ALAP, HISIP…

And one for beginners: OOO, EOD, CET…

Antonio Tomás Lessa do Amaral
Baran Keki
Baran Keki  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:16
English to Turkish
I've never understood Dec 20, 2021

the need for prolonging the inevitable (that is paying up the translator one way or the other/sooner or later). If your cash flow is so effed up that you feel obliged to set a payment term of 2 months + 17 days from the second Monday of x calendar month for a 36 EUR invoice, then stop running a business.

Tom in London
Kay Denney
Christine Andersen
Chris Says Bye
Beatriz Ramírez de Haro
Mikael Arhelger
Edith van der Have
Edith van der Have
Local time: 00:16
Member (2016)
English to Dutch
+ ...
Difference between agencies and direct clients Dec 20, 2021

Most translation agencies pay me within 30 days (the maximum I accept is either 45 days, or 30 days end of month), and direct clients within 14 days. I always take care of due diligence with new clients, so I hardly ever have to chase payments and - up to now - always got paid eventually. And some clients, mostly colleagues who outsource work, pay within days though I also put a due date of 30 days on their invoices.

[Edited at 2021-12-20 08:11 GMT]

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Poll: When are you usually paid?

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