Poll: My main reason for rejecting a potential client is:
Thread poster: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Oct 4, 2021

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "My main reason for rejecting a potential client is:".

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Philip Lees
Philip Lees  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:04
Greek to English
Other Oct 5, 2021

Any of the items suggested, alone or in combination, could be a reason. Another reason would be unreasonable deadlines. There was a job posting in my language pair on ProZ yesterday evening (EET) that wanted 5000 words translated in twelve hours, i.e. overnight. I can't provide any more details as I didn't waste any time looking them up.

I don't want to single any of these items out, because they tend to occur in clumps: an agency may offer poor rates and payment terms, while also e
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Any of the items suggested, alone or in combination, could be a reason. Another reason would be unreasonable deadlines. There was a job posting in my language pair on ProZ yesterday evening (EET) that wanted 5000 words translated in twelve hours, i.e. overnight. I can't provide any more details as I didn't waste any time looking them up.

I don't want to single any of these items out, because they tend to occur in clumps: an agency may offer poor rates and payment terms, while also expecting delivery tomorrow.

Vera Schoen
Liena Vijupe
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Stepan Konev
Christine Andersen
Assimina Vavoula
Assimina Vavoula
Local time: 01:04
Member (2005)
French to Greek
+ ...
Other Oct 5, 2021

A combination of these reasons, plus: unreasonable deadlines.

Philip Lees
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Sylvie LE BRAS
Philippe Etienne
Sylvie LE BRAS
Sylvie LE BRAS  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:04
English to French
+ ...
I voted "poor reputation" Oct 5, 2021

because even though the rates are good, what assures you'll get paid!

Payment deadline may be annoying if they are too long, e.g. 45-60 days, but what is important is to get paid.

Of course, poor rates is also one of the main reasons to refuse the job.

[Modifié le 2021-10-05 07:44 GMT]

[Modifié le 2021-10-05 07:44 GMT]

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Aline Amorim
Kevin Fulton
Tony Keily
Philippe Etienne
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:04
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Other Oct 5, 2021

Since I don't use CAT tools, this would be my number 1 reason for turning down a job. I set my rates and they are not negotiable. I don’t reject work because of the rates; some customers just refuse them. As for whether or not to accept jobs from a first-time client there are a lot of different considerations involved in that, e.g. their creditworthiness or reputation. But I also turn down projects if it's in an area I'm not familiar with, if the text is illegible, the deadline is impossible, ... See more
Since I don't use CAT tools, this would be my number 1 reason for turning down a job. I set my rates and they are not negotiable. I don’t reject work because of the rates; some customers just refuse them. As for whether or not to accept jobs from a first-time client there are a lot of different considerations involved in that, e.g. their creditworthiness or reputation. But I also turn down projects if it's in an area I'm not familiar with, if the text is illegible, the deadline is impossible, a language I don’t work with (usually Brazilian Portuguese), etc. So, most of the time it will be the combined effect of some or all of the factors that make me reject a project. I'll even turn down jobs from time to time because they look dreadful to work on (Excel). That being said, I don't turn down jobs from regular clients, when the deadline doesn’t suit me, I offer an alternative.Collapse

Sylvie LE BRAS
svetlana cosquéric
Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:04
Member (2003)
Danish to English
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Low rates first Oct 5, 2021

If a mail comes in offering me a job with an undefined subject area or vaguely describing 'a document' of unknown size, but with a budget of 10 Euros or dollars, I don't spend time on it.

You could call that poor communications, when the only thing that is clear is what the client will pay, but I see the low rate and lose interest!

Anyone can say 'I'm cheap', but I try to give value for money, and expect to be paid for my efforts. I have practically never been short of
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If a mail comes in offering me a job with an undefined subject area or vaguely describing 'a document' of unknown size, but with a budget of 10 Euros or dollars, I don't spend time on it.

You could call that poor communications, when the only thing that is clear is what the client will pay, but I see the low rate and lose interest!

Anyone can say 'I'm cheap', but I try to give value for money, and expect to be paid for my efforts. I have practically never been short of work.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Philippe Etienne
Sonia Lefebvre
Sonia Lefebvre  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:04
English to French
+ ...
Rate Oct 5, 2021

I haven't had the chance yet to work with a proz offer, I do not know why. Anyway...
Some people want us to be paid 0.02€ per word which is not possible, or will ask for a short deadline without precising the number of words, or I cannot apply because I am not a proz member.... I won't answer to some offers that consider that we freelance translators are slaves.

Edith van der Have
Edith van der Have
Local time: 00:04
Member (2016)
English to Dutch
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Usually a combination ... Oct 5, 2021

... most commonly of a bad reputation (ProZ Blue Board score), very low rates and unprofessional communication (e.g. sending mass emails, writing 'we require ...', etc.).

Edit: I forgot the request to quote my 'best rates', which invariably aren't the best rate for such clients

[Edited at 2021-10-05 12:17 GMT]

Matthias Brombach
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Philippe Etienne
Matthias Brombach
Matthias Brombach  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:04
Member (2007)
Dutch to German
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And (among others) ... Oct 5, 2021

... when they approach me with an MTPE project.

Thaiane Assumpção (X)
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Philippe Etienne
Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:04
Member (2009)
English to German
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A combination Oct 5, 2021

Poor rates and unpaid tests are a guaranty that the client will be rejected. Equally important is a negative Blue Board record and a defuse request with little to no information other than a low rate and very long payment terms.

Aline Amorim
Aline Amorim  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:04
English to Portuguese
+ ...
I voted "communication" Oct 5, 2021

Sylvie LE BRAS wrote:

because even though the rates are good, what assures you'll get paid!

Payment deadline may be annoying if they are too long, e.g. 45-60 days, but what is important is to get paid.

Of course, poor rates is also one of the main reasons to refuse the job.

[Modifié le 2021-10-05 07:44 GMT]

[Modifié le 2021-10-05 07:44 GMT]

I agree with you and unprofessional communication (e.g. sending mass emails, etc).

Tony Keily
Tony Keily
Tony Keily
Local time: 00:04
Italian to English
+ ...
In addition to the wise words written above... Oct 5, 2021

...I value friendliness and lack of BS, specially bureaucracy.

Some PMs really come across as human beings, work well with you, ask how the weekend went, eagerly help out with late payments and still thank you when you turn down a project. Those are the people I will always go an extra mile for. PMs who come across as cross, cranky and who just ignore any reply they don't like will get the bare minimum. It's actually a question of good business practice: friendliness and reasonabl
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...I value friendliness and lack of BS, specially bureaucracy.

Some PMs really come across as human beings, work well with you, ask how the weekend went, eagerly help out with late payments and still thank you when you turn down a project. Those are the people I will always go an extra mile for. PMs who come across as cross, cranky and who just ignore any reply they don't like will get the bare minimum. It's actually a question of good business practice: friendliness and reasonable behaviour doesn't cost anything, but it's one of the biggest HR assets a company can have.

I also have an aversion to labyrinthine billing and payment conditions (one agency I know that has no fewer than 15 'very important conditions for payment'), multiple contracts, requests for insurance waivers, long and over-elaborate emails, indications that my offer 'contradicts our database' and other knuckle-dragging bureaucratic barriers erected in the name of 'efficiency'.

A last one is being passed on unfiltered lists of 'client queries' about my translation choices that are little more than thinly disguised requests for free English classes.

Nikolay Novitskiy
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Philippe Etienne
Lucy Lu
Edward Potter
Edward Potter  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:04
Member (2003)
Spanish to English
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Reject? Oct 5, 2021

I'm not sure "reject" is the best word here.

I often see offers and ignore them, usually due to poor rates.

I always look up potential new clients on the Blue Board. Bad ratings do not deter me. If the job seems interesting to me I will offer to do the work for my regular price, or more. I do have a strict condition though, that they pay up front. We make a deal about 10% of the time in this case. That is better than not trying as far as I'm concerned.

Mario Freitas
Mario Freitas  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:04
Member (2014)
English to Portuguese
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Poor reputation involves all other choices Oct 6, 2021

The first thing I do is to check the Blue Board, then other similar sources. If the score is below 4.5, I'll read the negative comments. This is a typical reputation check, and all other items like low rates, etc. will be included here.
But one thing that works very well is an evaluation of the first email you receive from the potential client. Poor style, poor English, missing your name or the sender's name, missing company info and URL, email domains like Gmail and Hotmail, and several o
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The first thing I do is to check the Blue Board, then other similar sources. If the score is below 4.5, I'll read the negative comments. This is a typical reputation check, and all other items like low rates, etc. will be included here.
But one thing that works very well is an evaluation of the first email you receive from the potential client. Poor style, poor English, missing your name or the sender's name, missing company info and URL, email domains like Gmail and Hotmail, and several other factors in the very first message are a big sign that you shouldn't even reply that email. It goes straight to the trash can.

[Edited at 2021-10-06 12:12 GMT]


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Poll: My main reason for rejecting a potential client is:

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