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Is there an application that can automatically split a large word document into several small ones.
Thread poster: Alvin Liu
Alvin Liu
Alvin Liu  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:01
Member (2007)
English to Chinese
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Aug 3, 2005

I want to split a large word document of 100 pages into 10 documents with each of 10.

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:01
English to German
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Moving the topic... Aug 3, 2005 Office Applications.

Geneviève von Levetzow
Geneviève von Levetzow  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:01
French to German
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yes Aug 3, 2005


The option exists in the SDLX 2005 version. It is 'SPLIT'.

Best regards,


Local time: 10:01
Word macro "doc_splitter" Aug 3, 2005


you could use my Word macro...

1. Copy & paste this Macro to your Word macros
2. Open ("File" --> "Open"!) your Word file
3. And execute this macro
4. Enter the number of batches
5. Check your files (the end of each file) if they are complete (should be)

W. Polmann

... See more

you could use my Word macro...

1. Copy & paste this Macro to your Word macros
2. Open ("File" --> "Open"!) your Word file
3. And execute this macro
4. Enter the number of batches
5. Check your files (the end of each file) if they are complete (should be)

W. Polmann

Sub doc_splitter()
' Copyright by W. Polmann
' Use at your own risk

origdoc = ActiveDocument.Name

Dim Mldg, Titel, Voreinstellung, Batches
Mldg = "Number of batches?"
Titel = "Freeware by, W. Polmann."
Voreinstellung = "1" ' Voreinstellung festlegen.
' Meldung, Titel und Standardwert anzeigen.
Batches = InputBox(Mldg, Titel, Voreinstellung)

Prozentsprung = 100 / Batches

For x = 1 To Batches

ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:="Teil_" & x & "_" & origdoc & ".doc", _
FileFormat:=wdFormatDocument, LockComments:=False, Password:="", _
AddToRecentFiles:=True, WritePassword:="", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, _
EmbedTrueTypeFonts:=False, SaveNativePictureFormat:=False, SaveFormsData _
:=False, SaveAsAOCELetter:=False

EndeProzentsprung = Prozentsprung * x
AnfangProzentsprung = EndeProzentsprung - Prozentsprung

Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToPercent, Which:=wdGoToNext, Count:=AnfangProzentsprung, Name:=""
Anfang = Selection.Start

Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToPercent, Which:=wdGoToNext, Count:=EndeProzentsprung, Name:=""
' Bis zur nächsten Absatzmarke hoch

With Selection.Find
.text = "^p"
.Replacement.text = ""
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindAsk
.Format = False
.MatchCase = False
.MatchWholeWord = False
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
End With
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
Ende = Selection.End

Set Range = ActiveDocument.Range(Anfang, Ende)


Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

Documents.Open FileName:=origdoc, _
ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:=False, AddToRecentFiles:=False, _
PasswordDocument:="", PasswordTemplate:="", Revert:=False, _
WritePasswordDocument:="", WritePasswordTemplate:="", Format:= _

Next x


End Sub

Alvin Liu
Alvin Liu  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:01
Member (2007)
English to Chinese
+ ...
Thanks a lot! Aug 4, 2005

wi_lee wrote:


you could use my Word macro...

1. Copy & paste this Macro to your Word macros
2. Open ("File" --> "Open"!) your Word file
3. And execute this macro
4. Enter the number of batches
5. Check your files (the end of each file) if they are complete (should be)

Thanks everyone, and
Special thanks to wi_lee, the macro works!

Need Help with the macro! Mar 7, 2007


I recently visited this post and this macro for splitting is very useful. Thanks for that. I have a question : Is it possible to search for a word and then split the document when it finds the word?For example,

I have a document of about 200 pages and I want to split into individual files when it finds a word called "New ideas" this is how it looks

Welcome ABC to the forum...
soem text
... See more

I recently visited this post and this macro for splitting is very useful. Thanks for that. I have a question : Is it possible to search for a word and then split the document when it finds the word?For example,

I have a document of about 200 pages and I want to split into individual files when it finds a word called "New ideas" this is how it looks

Welcome ABC to the forum...
soem text
New ideas
Welcome DEF to the forum...
New ideas

SO I want to split the pages when it reaches the word New ideas so I need to have the output as :

Welcome ABC to the forum...
soem text
New ideas

Welcome DEF to the forum...
New ideas

Hope I am clear in explaining the problem. I went thorugh the macro and I found some variable called Text so I typed my search word but it doesnt help me in getting better result. I am very new to these macros..Please help me out

Thanks in advance!

Simon Sobrero
Simon Sobrero  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Italian to English
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Troubleshooting for idiots Apr 9, 2007

First of all, brilliant macro and thanks a lot, but this might not work if, like me, you like taking shortcuts, and have overlooked this simple yet clear instruction from W. Polmann:

2. Open ("File" --> "Open"!) your Word file

i.e. don't open your Word document from anywhere else e.g. a folder/email!!!

Split Macro Aug 20, 2007

Simon Sobrero wrote:

First of all, brilliant macro and thanks a lot, but this might not work if, like me, you like taking shortcuts, and have overlooked this simple yet clear instruction from W. Polmann:

2. Open ("File" --> "Open"!) your Word file

i.e. don't open your Word document from anywhere else e.g. a folder/email!!!

Hi Guys,
Does anyone get a compile error on this line of the code:
Set Range = ActiveDocument.Range(Anfang, Ende)

I changed it to:
Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Range(Anfang, Ende)

but the code doesn't seem to work properly for me... I'm trying to split a 200 page word doc into separate files... there are 10 batches to split...

Local time: 10:01
English to German
+ ...
Thank you! Sep 20, 2007

Thank you for this wonderful macro. It comes in truly handy. Thank you very much!


Lorenzo Cordini
Lorenzo Cordini
Local time: 10:01
run-time error '5174' May 20, 2008

Hello everyone,

This is the macro I was looking for too and it's great someone has posted it here!

The problem is that I cannot get it to work...

I have the feeling it may have something to do with the way I open the document (I open MS Word then go to File > Open and select the document I want to split).

With any document I try, I keep getting run-time error '5174':

This file could not be found.
Try one or more of the follow
... See more
Hello everyone,

This is the macro I was looking for too and it's great someone has posted it here!

The problem is that I cannot get it to work...

I have the feeling it may have something to do with the way I open the document (I open MS Word then go to File > Open and select the document I want to split).

With any document I try, I keep getting run-time error '5174':

This file could not be found.
Try one or more of the following:
* Check the spelling of the name of the document.
* Try a different file name.

the debugger points then to the following lines:

Documents.Open FileName:=origdoc, _
ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:=False, AddToRecentFiles:=False, _
PasswordDocument:="", PasswordTemplate:="", Revert:=False, _
WritePasswordDocument:="", WritePasswordTemplate:="", Format:= _

Could anyone please give some advice?

Thank you!


Lorenzo Cordini
Lorenzo Cordini
Local time: 10:01
it's moving! May 20, 2008

Hello again,

it looks like I was opening the documents from the wrong location (a folder on my desktop). When I moved the files to the "My Documents" folder, it macro ran without any error messages.


Russian Federation
split word documents by number of symbols or words Jul 25, 2009


I am looking for a way to split a large document by number of symbols or by number of words. E.g., instead of a large document of 270000 symbols I would like to have 10 smaller ones containing 2700 symbols each.

If anyone has heard of a program or a Word macros that are able to do this, your help would be very much appreciated.


Splitting on page break??? Jun 27, 2010

Hello SysfilterMaker,

I loved your Word doc splitter macro.

I wonder if you could answer a small question. I am trying to understand where the splits occur. I am running the macro against a large word doc of 87 pages. I want to split the doc into 87 word docs each containing 1 page based on page breaks. Currently the macro doesn't quite get the splitting page breaks correct - it splits after about 3/4 of the page. Is there any way I can make it do it on the page br
... See more
Hello SysfilterMaker,

I loved your Word doc splitter macro.

I wonder if you could answer a small question. I am trying to understand where the splits occur. I am running the macro against a large word doc of 87 pages. I want to split the doc into 87 word docs each containing 1 page based on page breaks. Currently the macro doesn't quite get the splitting page breaks correct - it splits after about 3/4 of the page. Is there any way I can make it do it on the page break?


Javier Wasserzug
Javier Wasserzug  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 01:01
English to Spanish
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¡GRACIAS! Feb 24, 2011

¡Muchas gracias!
Pasaron ¡seis años! pero encontré este consejo del macro, lo puse en práctica y me fue muy útil.

[Edited at 2011-02-24 15:52 GMT]

Tony M
Tony M
Local time: 10:01
French to English
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MS Word: is there a quick, easy way to split one file into several? Feb 27, 2011

I'm using Word XP under Window 7 on a Compaq laptop.

I have one large Word .doc file that I've been working in, but it now has to be split out into several individual smaller files (and I must if possible have control over their filenames). The individual sections are separated by page breaks.

I have done this before using a little Split/Join utility [Sobolosfot] I downloaded, but have since lost; however, I seem to recall someone once saying there was a way to do this
... See more
I'm using Word XP under Window 7 on a Compaq laptop.

I have one large Word .doc file that I've been working in, but it now has to be split out into several individual smaller files (and I must if possible have control over their filenames). The individual sections are separated by page breaks.

I have done this before using a little Split/Join utility [Sobolosfot] I downloaded, but have since lost; however, I seem to recall someone once saying there was a way to do this in Word itself?

Any advice gratefully received!

I should just point out that my individual files have a variable number of pages, from 1 to several — this is the shortcoming with the Sobolsoft utility, in that it only splits files on the basis of a regular page count. I really need something that will detect page breaks and use these for splitting.

I don't know enough about macros to understand how the macro above works, or whether I could modify it to work on page breaks?

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Is there an application that can automatically split a large word document into several small ones.

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