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Poll: Do you send Christmas/New year presents or greetings to your clients?
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
Dec 13, 2016

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Do you send Christmas/New year presents or greetings to your clients?".

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Muriel Vasconcellos
Muriel Vasconcellos  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 13:04
Member (2003)
Spanish to English
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It depends Dec 13, 2016

I send e-mail greetings to my main clients and I respond to any messages I receive from the others. But I do not send gifts.

[Edited at 2016-12-13 08:22 GMT]

Susana E. Cano Méndez
Susana E. Cano Méndez  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:04
French to Spanish
+ ...
Yes, but only greetings Dec 13, 2016

I use to send Season's greetings via e-mail only.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:04
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Likewise! Dec 13, 2016

Muriel Vasconcellos wrote:

I send e-mail greetings to my main clients and I respond to any messages I receive from the others. But I do not send gifts.

[Edited at 2016-12-13 08:22 GMT]

cloudhunter (X)
cloudhunter (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:04
English to German
+ ...
We do Dec 13, 2016

We send Christmas cards to our best clients but definitely not to everyone who we work for, this would be far too many. Our best and regular clients get a handwritten card.

Local time: 22:04
Spanish to English
+ ...
Not usually Dec 13, 2016

Am usually too busy trying to finish all my work before the holiday season kicks in... I'm sure my clients are just happy to get their texts translated in time.

Edith van der Have
Edith van der Have
Local time: 22:04
Member (2016)
English to Dutch
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When I was working in a day job and was a client myself ... Dec 13, 2016

... I was always surprised that none of our freelance translators would send me a Christmas card or even a dedicated message by email. Of course, they would include season's greetings in their emails when we had a translation project ongoing in December, but otherwise I never heard from them no matter how much business we had done earlier in the year. Now I'm a freelance translator myself, and the Christmas cards with my logo will arrive today. I will write personal messages by hand and send the... See more
... I was always surprised that none of our freelance translators would send me a Christmas card or even a dedicated message by email. Of course, they would include season's greetings in their emails when we had a translation project ongoing in December, but otherwise I never heard from them no matter how much business we had done earlier in the year. Now I'm a freelance translator myself, and the Christmas cards with my logo will arrive today. I will write personal messages by hand and send them to my best clients.Collapse

Julian Holmes
Julian Holmes  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:04
Member (2011)
Japanese to English
Nope! Dec 13, 2016

They hardly ever send me any, so why should I?
Also, Xmas generally falls on a weekday here in Japan and everybody is working as usual. Just not festive at all.

This is the first time in god knows how many years that Xmas has fallen on a non-working day.

I think the poster of this poll should get a Xmas present since he was a good boy in putting his name to the poll instead of posting it as Anon
... See more
They hardly ever send me any, so why should I?
Also, Xmas generally falls on a weekday here in Japan and everybody is working as usual. Just not festive at all.

This is the first time in god knows how many years that Xmas has fallen on a non-working day.

I think the poster of this poll should get a Xmas present since he was a good boy in putting his name to the poll instead of posting it as Anonymously.

Michael Harris
Michael Harris  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:04
Member (2006)
German to English
Wow, a name..... Dec 13, 2016

Usually, if I find time and do not forget to send them.
I always buy the cards, but usually forget or do not have time to write them because thisngs tend to mad a few weeks before people realise that it is Christmas again.

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:04
Member (2003)
Danish to English
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Electronic greetings Dec 13, 2016

I do not send presents, but send a lot of electronic 'Christmas cards' with nice designs for the benefit of one of my favourite charities. No flimmer, however, just nice colours.

At first my husband was terrified - some years ago, someone sent an animated greeting with a virus to one of his colleagues, and brought the company's computers to a standstill! I have convinced him that from trusted sources, electronic greetings are a great idea.

Some of the PMs do seem surpri
... See more
I do not send presents, but send a lot of electronic 'Christmas cards' with nice designs for the benefit of one of my favourite charities. No flimmer, however, just nice colours.

At first my husband was terrified - some years ago, someone sent an animated greeting with a virus to one of his colleagues, and brought the company's computers to a standstill! I have convinced him that from trusted sources, electronic greetings are a great idea.

Some of the PMs do seem surprised, but after we have exchanged little comments and negotiated over deadlines and other things all year, I would feel odd not wishing them a happy Christmas.

Many of my clients send me greetings, mostly electronic these days, but they used to send cards.

Yetta Jensen Bogarde
Yetta Jensen Bogarde  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:04
Member (2012)
English to Danish
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Yes and no Dec 13, 2016

There was a time I sent handwritten greeting cards by slowmail to most of my clients,
this year I am planning on sending my company's personal electronic greeting cards to the PMs of my regular clients - but I would NEVER send gifts to clients.

John Cutler
John Cutler  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:04
Spanish to English
+ ...
Nope Dec 13, 2016

Maybe I see the world backwards, but I think they should be sending me Christmas gifts.
(I'll probably get coal in my stocking for having said that)

Daniel Erlich
Daniel Erlich  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:04
Member (2011)
Portuguese to English
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I wasn't raised as Christian Dec 13, 2016

I don't really "feel the the spirit of Christmas". But I often wish people a happy new year or happy holidays, mostly out of habit.

Ricki Farn
Ricki Farn
Local time: 22:04
English to German
Not usually Dec 13, 2016

I usually wish my business contacts "happy hibernation" when they say goodbye for the "holidays". As I usually hand back my projects around midnight, we have this running joke about sleepiness anyway, and "happy hibernation" is as culture neutral as it gets.

This year, I have made one exception: While browsing for physical xmas cards for private acquaintances, I found one in the trend of "text on random items" where the birds and tree trunks in the xmas forest contain ... wait for i
... See more
I usually wish my business contacts "happy hibernation" when they say goodbye for the "holidays". As I usually hand back my projects around midnight, we have this running joke about sleepiness anyway, and "happy hibernation" is as culture neutral as it gets.

This year, I have made one exception: While browsing for physical xmas cards for private acquaintances, I found one in the trend of "text on random items" where the birds and tree trunks in the xmas forest contain ... wait for it ... the Lorem Ipsum text, very visibly. I sent that to the one client who often leaves some non-locked Lorem Ipsum in their Trados packages, although I've been pointing it out to them for years.

Yvonne Gallagher
Yvonne Gallagher
Local time: 21:04
Member (2010)
French to English
+ ...
Likewise Dec 13, 2016

Muriel Vasconcellos wrote:

I send e-mail greetings to my main clients and I respond to any messages I receive from the others. But I do not send gifts.

[Edited at 2016-12-13 08:22 GMT]

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Poll: Do you send Christmas/New year presents or greetings to your clients?

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