Scam or spam?
Thread poster: Susana E. Cano Méndez
Susana E. Cano Méndez
Susana E. Cano Méndez  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:13
French to Spanish
+ ...
Nov 19, 2016

Hello, I have just received this e-mail via Proz:

[email protected]
How are you today?.My name is Anita i am a young single girl
never married before.I hope you are in perfect health and i
pray that this message should find you in peace. It will be
my pleasure to read from you. I am very happy the way God
has brought us in contact with each other. But please i will
love to know you
... See more
Hello, I have just received this e-mail via Proz:

[email protected]
How are you today?.My name is Anita i am a young single girl
never married before.I hope you are in perfect health and i
pray that this message should find you in peace. It will be
my pleasure to read from you. I am very happy the way God
has brought us in contact with each other. But please i will
love to know you more please write me to my email:
[email protected]

I have reported it at Proz as scam and the profile doesn't exist anymore.

Why someone would write such a message here?

[Edited at 2016-11-19 20:24 GMT]

Paulo Eduardo -  Pro Knowledge
Paulo Eduardo - Pro Knowledge  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:13
Portuguese to English
+ ...

Like any other homepage host provider, it is time ProZ find a manner of allowing us to block unwanted emails and/or advertisements.
Is it not?

cloudhunter (X)
cloudhunter (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:13
English to German
+ ...
Amen Nov 20, 2016

Paulo Eduardo - Pro Knowledge wrote:

Like any other homepage host provider, it is time ProZ find a manner of allowing us to block unwanted emails and/or advertisements.
Is it not?

I have been having a problem with an Indian agency, a very big one. The thing is they keep sending me numerous messages a day, the number varies between 1 and 13 (!!!) daily, where they ask me to complete the current assignment for them. Obviously, they send a bulk message and whoever comes first, gets the job (if they can afford, of course). The thing is, they don't bother to check if I provide this service at all (which I don't). Also, the requests are very often about languages I don't even speak or heard of...

I have tried asking them politely to stop spamming (13 messages are spamming for me...), I tried being less nice and I finally asked for assistance. What happened was asking me to provide e-mail headers of all the messages, which I did but it was very cumbersome since the amount exceeded 40 at that point. I gave up once asked to also provide them with the headers of all the replies I had sent so far.

I tried blocking the IP but the agency seems to have tons of them and every second message comes from a different one.

So, I would also welcome a solution to this becase I really don't feel like being spam on a website which I pay lots of money for. This is one of the reasons why I might not be getting the new membership. The support does not always seem to want to help.

Alejandro Cavalitto
Alejandro Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:13
Member (2008)
English to Spanish
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Spam accounts are removed on sight Nov 21, 2016


Thank you for reporting this. I confirm this is spam, sent from an account that has already been removed. Spam accounts are removed on sight.

It is a different situation when a legitimate outsourcer is sending unwanted emails. It is possible to block a person from contacting you through the site.

cloudhunter, I have re-opened your old support request on this matter and proposed a couple of solutions. I am looking forward to your reply.

... See more

Thank you for reporting this. I confirm this is spam, sent from an account that has already been removed. Spam accounts are removed on sight.

It is a different situation when a legitimate outsourcer is sending unwanted emails. It is possible to block a person from contacting you through the site.

cloudhunter, I have re-opened your old support request on this matter and proposed a couple of solutions. I am looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,

Mario Chavez (X)
Mario Chavez (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:13
English to Spanish
+ ...
It's better to ignore scam/spam emails Nov 21, 2016

Even if were to implement a top-of-the-line spam filter, it is almost impossible to get all spams or scams by email.

Here's an idea: take the initiative. Ignore any email that doesn't come from someone you already know. Also, ignore any communications from companies or individuals pointing to a web address that has no physical (brick-and-mortar) address.

We're not children. We should already know how to deal with strangers. Neither or other professiona
... See more
Even if were to implement a top-of-the-line spam filter, it is almost impossible to get all spams or scams by email.

Here's an idea: take the initiative. Ignore any email that doesn't come from someone you already know. Also, ignore any communications from companies or individuals pointing to a web address that has no physical (brick-and-mortar) address.

We're not children. We should already know how to deal with strangers. Neither or other professional sites are intended to mollycoddle us or babysit us.


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Scam or spam?

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