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Complimentary TM-Town membership for members
Thread poster: Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 17:04
Apr 14, 2016

Press release »FAQs » | Read more about how matching works at TM-Town »Sign up at TM-Town »

Dear members,

First of all, thank you for supporting through your membership investment. The team is committed to providing ways for you to improve and expand your business, while networking and having fun.

The team is also excited to bring you new services in line with these goals. As you may have heard, has acquired TM-Town, a service designed to match translation professionals with clients in need of high-quality translations.

What does this mean for you as a member? Well, initially, if you are not already using TM-Town, consider it a new potential source of client contact. The way TM-Town works allows clients to find you in your areas of expertise based on translations you have already completed.

In addition, as a member you are eligible for a free "Starter" membership at TM-Town (a 48 USD value).
All you need to do is register and enter at least one "qualifying document" at TM-Town by April 30th, 2016. A "qualifying document" reflects your areas of expertise, and is what allows TM-Town to match you to clients searching for professionals in those areas. It can be any of the following:

  • a translation memory (TM) file you have created
  • a glossary you have created
  • a "Deshi" analysis file ("Deshi" is the TM-Town application that analyses your work offline so that you don’t have to upload it)
  • a sample translation pushed from your portfolio
  • a sample you provide by translating something from TM-Town’s source text library

A combined package for and TM-Town membership will be available soon, but by taking advantage of the free Starter membership you won’t have to wait to begin exploring the potential of TM-Town. If you are using both sites and have ideas for integrations that would be useful to you, or if you have questions or need help, please let me know.

On behalf of the entire team, best wishes and happy translating,


Update: Connecting your TM-Town profile to your account. How and why?

Connecting your TM-Town to your account is how TM-Town detects your membership, and it will also give potential clients a way to easily check out items in your profile like your WWA feedback, portfolio, etc. To link your profile, just go to and at the bottom you will see a section for "Blogs, Social Media & Translator Profiles". Click on that section to add your profile, and you're done. Once you have connected your profiles and loaded at least one qualifying document, your free TM-Town membership will become active automatically within an hour or so.

Robert Rietvelt
Robert Rietvelt  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:04
Member (2006)
Spanish to Dutch
+ ...
What is the difference? Apr 14, 2016

"In addition, as a member you are eligible for a free "Starter" membership at TM-Town"

Didn't TM-town (before the "Proz-deal" was launched) offer this possibility? I for one registered myself yesterday 3x at TM-Town (deleted 2x). Why 3x? I am working in three language combinations (but I only can register for one), and in each language combination I preform different expertises (not my fault, grew with the years), but I can only give up 3 expertises (3, 3, 3, almost sounds
... See more
"In addition, as a member you are eligible for a free "Starter" membership at TM-Town"

Didn't TM-town (before the "Proz-deal" was launched) offer this possibility? I for one registered myself yesterday 3x at TM-Town (deleted 2x). Why 3x? I am working in three language combinations (but I only can register for one), and in each language combination I preform different expertises (not my fault, grew with the years), but I can only give up 3 expertises (3, 3, 3, almost sounds biblical).

So, how should I use this new "Proz-tool"?

[Edited at 2016-04-14 21:16 GMT]

[Edited at 2016-04-14 21:16 GMT]

[Edited at 2016-04-14 21:23 GMT]

Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 17:04
Starter membership is paid Apr 14, 2016

Robert Rietvelt wrote:

"In addition, as a member you are eligible for a free "Starter" membership at TM-Town"

Didn't TM-town (before the "Proz-deal" was launched) offer this possibility? I for one registered myself yesterday 3x at TM-Town (deleted 2x). Why 3x? I am working in three language combinations (but I only can register for one), and in each language combination I preform different expertises (not my fault, grew with the years), but I can only give up 3 expertises (3, 3, 3, almost sounds biblical).

So, how should I use this new "Proz-tool"?

Hello Robert,

I don't know if TM-Town offered free Starter memberships at any point before this, but the Starter membership is priced at 5 USD/month, or 48 USD for a year: . It allows for two language pairs and four fields of expertise, which might almost suit your needs, though it sounds like you'd be better served with the third level of membership.

As I said, a combination of and TM-Town membership will be offered, but in the meantime I would recommend trying out the Starter membership, which is free to you as a member, and possibly add that third language pair when the combination memberships are released, if you find them a good deal.


Robert Rietvelt
Robert Rietvelt  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:04
Member (2006)
Spanish to Dutch
+ ...
Confused Apr 14, 2016

Jared Tabor wrote:

Robert Rietvelt wrote:

"In addition, as a member you are eligible for a free "Starter" membership at TM-Town"

Didn't TM-town (before the "Proz-deal" was launched) offer this possibility? I for one registered myself yesterday 3x at TM-Town (deleted 2x). Why 3x? I am working in three language combinations (but I only can register for one), and in each language combination I preform different expertises (not my fault, grew with the years), but I can only give up 3 expertises (3, 3, 3, almost sounds biblical).

So, how should I use this new "Proz-tool"?

Hello Robert,

I don't know if TM-Town offered free Starter memberships at any point before this, but the Starter membership is priced at 5 USD/month, or 48 USD for a year: . It allows for two language pairs and four fields of expertise, which might almost suit your needs, though it sounds like you'd be better served with the third level of membership.

As I said, a combination of and TM-Town membership will be offered, but in the meantime I would recommend trying out the Starter membership, which is free to you as a member, and possibly add that third language pair when the combination memberships are released, if you find them a good deal.


First of all, I am surprised you don't know about the "old" offers of TM-Town, but please forget that.

Luckily, I didn't update any TM's yet, but do I understand you correctly? As a Proz-member I can "try out" the Starter membership for free? If so, for how long? (I don't want to be a "guinea pig" for some kind of advertisement campaign, I resent that).

So, do I have to delete my application for the third time.

..... (X)
..... (X)
Local time: 05:04
@Robert Apr 14, 2016

Hi Robert,

Luckily, I didn't update any TM's yet, but do I understand you correctly? As a Proz-member I can "try out" the Starter membership for free? If so, for how long? (I don't want to be a "guinea pig" for some kind of advertisement campaign, I resent that).

So, do I have to delete my application for the third time.

You do not have to delete your account. If you are a member and you have uploaded at least one qualifying document then your account will automatically be upgraded within 48 hours.

Just be sure to link your account on TM-Town (you can do this in your TM-Town account settings). This is how we check on your ProZ membership and upgrade your account.

The free Starter membership is for 1 year.


Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:04
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
+ ...
This explains it! Apr 15, 2016

So, this is is why TM-Town was "pampered" by over the last months. To me, this is very good news. Congratulations to both Kevin and Henry for this agreement which, I think, will yield good results for the community in the long run.

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:04
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
+ ...
Where is the field for the link? Apr 15, 2016

Kevin Dias wrote:
Just be sure to link your account on TM-Town (you can do this in your TM-Town account settings). This is how we check on your ProZ membership and upgrade your account.

I do not think I see the field to create the link. I see fields for other services, though. I think my account is a Basic one. Do I have to upgrade to a Starter account to see the link?

Local time: 22:04
Portuguese to German
+ ...
Schade Apr 15, 2016

Es ist schade, dass dieses Angebot nur in Englisch bekannt gemacht wird. Ich denke, ich bin nicht die Einzige, die kein Englisch spricht und daher außen vor ist.

..... (X)
..... (X)
Local time: 05:04
@Tomás Apr 15, 2016

Hi Tomás,

If you go to your account settings page ( and scroll down a little you will see a section entitled 'Blogs, Social Media, & Translator Profiles'. Hover over that and click edit. A modal will pop up and you should see the green button to link your account.

Once you connect your account then you will be automatically upgraded to the Starter membership within 48 hours.


Jo Macdonald
Jo Macdonald  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:04
Italian to English
+ ...
Search up to 50,000 segments and 5,000 terms Apr 15, 2016

Does this mean that a TM Town member can search the segments and terms uploaded by other TM Town members?

..... (X)
..... (X)
Local time: 05:04
@Jo Apr 15, 2016

Hi Jo,

Search up to 50,000 segments and 5,000 terms

Does this mean that a TM Town member can search the segments and terms uploaded by other TM Town members?

No, this is not possible. You can only search your TMs and terms. Everything you upload is private, other members can not view or search your documents.

We do have a feature where you can share a document with another TM-Town member (i.e. another translator who you are collaborating with on a project). In that case, if a document is shared with you, you would be able to search it, given the translator sharing the document is under their membership limits.


Jo Macdonald
Jo Macdonald  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:04
Italian to English
+ ...
Thanks for your answer Kevin Apr 15, 2016

I must admit to being a bit ignorant about what exactly your site is for.

I've had a quick look around it and read some threads on here about it, noting the reservations some colleagues have, and still feel pretty much in the dark.

Everything you've mentioned above I'd really rather do on my own system or on a one-on-one basis with another translator, but maybe I'm just old-fashioned because I've stayed away from cloud-based systems so far and will probably continue to
... See more
I must admit to being a bit ignorant about what exactly your site is for.

I've had a quick look around it and read some threads on here about it, noting the reservations some colleagues have, and still feel pretty much in the dark.

Everything you've mentioned above I'd really rather do on my own system or on a one-on-one basis with another translator, but maybe I'm just old-fashioned because I've stayed away from cloud-based systems so far and will probably continue to do so.

I've considered the offer of free starter membership for one year meaning I'd be signing up to pay for it from then on, but I don't think I'll join for the moment as I don't really understand what benefit your site could have for me and why I should pay for something I'd rather do privately on my own system or through Proz marketing wise, which I already pay for and am happy with as it is.

..... (X)
..... (X)
Local time: 05:04
Give it a try Apr 15, 2016

Hi Jo,

I've considered the offer of free starter membership for one year meaning I'd be signing up to pay for it from then on, but I don't think I'll join for the moment as I don't really understand what benefit your site could have for me and why I should pay for something I'd rather do privately on my own system or through Proz marketing wise, which I already pay for and am happy with as it is.

We don't take your credit card and there is no obligation to pay at any point. You get 1 free year of the Starter membership. When it expires, it expires. You don't lose your profile or any documents you've uploaded, you'll just be on the free tier.

It's another potential marketing channel for you. I don't think you have anything to lose by giving it a try.


Sheila Wilson
Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:04
Member (2007)
+ ...
How is TM-Town being marketed to outsourcers? Apr 15, 2016

Is this question being addressed elsewhere? Is so I'm happy to remove this post.

But I really think it's crucial for us to be inforned of the way this is being sold to agencies and direct clients. I'm totally against being shortlisted by such an arbitrary method and I would really like to be able to evaluate whether it's worth continuing paying for membership, if that's the future here.

At the moment expertise, writing skills, reputation, etc all help channel potential
... See more
Is this question being addressed elsewhere? Is so I'm happy to remove this post.

But I really think it's crucial for us to be inforned of the way this is being sold to agencies and direct clients. I'm totally against being shortlisted by such an arbitrary method and I would really like to be able to evaluate whether it's worth continuing paying for membership, if that's the future here.

At the moment expertise, writing skills, reputation, etc all help channel potential clients in our direction. Through TM-Town, it's more of a big-data, number-crunching lottery. To take a random person (far from my own case), how would someone with a lifetime's experience of translating in the sector of religion, a lay preacher and teacher, etc fare against someone who had aligned and uploaded the Bible and other such texts in two languages? Is volume going to be master now? And how on earth can clients know whether there's any actual skill behind that volume?

So, are clients going to be encouraged first and foremost to keep doing things the way they have been doing them, i.e. contact us through job postings, directory lists and personal profile messages? Or are they now going to be enccouraged to simply put in some details of the job and see who gets chosen by the machine?

..... (X)
..... (X)
Local time: 05:04
@Sheila Apr 15, 2016

Hi Sheila,

At the moment expertise, writing skills, reputation, etc all help channel potential clients in our direction. Through TM-Town, it's more of a big-data, number-crunching lottery. To take a random person (far from my own case), how would someone with a lifetime's experience of translating in the sector of religion, a lay preacher and teacher, etc fare against someone who had aligned and uploaded the Bible and other such texts in two languages? Is volume going to be master now?

If someone has translated the Bible, I think that they would have some very good expertise in the sector of religion. So why shouldn't they get matched to a religion job (with terminology matching that of the Bible) if it comes up?

If the point you are trying to make is that the person didn't actually translate the Bible and they are misrepresenting their work, I address how we deal with that here.

And how on earth can clients know whether there's any actual skill behind that volume?

If a client searches a text in Nakōdo they'll be given a list of results of translators who have translated similar documents in the past. You are right that the volume a translator has loaded is no indication of the quality. Which is why the outsourcer can click through to that translator's profile and get information such as:
- Years of experience
- Education
- Associations and Memberships
- Certified Pro Status (if applicable)
- CAT tools used
- Rate ranges (optional)
- Sample translations

Now that we are part of, in the near future we hope to add even more things to one's TM-Town profile that give an indication about that translator's experience and expertise (i.e. KudoZ points, WWA, etc.).

If the outsourcer is interested in a translator on TM-Town she/he can then send a personal profile message. If the outsourcer's budget is above the translator's 'Don't Bother Me Rate' they'll get an email with the message.

In other words, there are many indications of quality and experience (outside of what a translator has uploaded) that are quite 'tough to fake' that outsourcers can view on a translator's TM-Town profile...and if that is not enough they can click through to that translator's profile or personal web page.


[Edited at 2016-04-15 09:45 GMT]

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Complimentary TM-Town membership for members

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