Is Beirut the codeswitching capital of the world? (podcast)

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Susan Welsh
Susan Welsh  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 03:00
Russian to English
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Delightful Oct 7, 2015

Thanks Maria

esperantisto  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:00
Member (2006)
English to Russian
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Merci Oct 7, 2015

My five cents: sometimes I listen to a morning show at a UAE radio station (I like Arabic music). To the best of my knowledge, the country has never been a French or Belgian colony, yet the DJ uses merci even more frequently than shukran (or combines both words). And there are lots of other English and/or French words scattered in the speech, in the ads. Sometimes, I can swear that I understand them


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Is Beirut the codeswitching capital of the world? (podcast)

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