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Gender neutral honorific Mx 'to be included' in the Oxford English Dictionary alongside Mr, Ms and Mrs and Miss

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Let's hear from the people concerned May 13, 2015

Jenny Forbes wrote:

It would be interesting to hear from trans-gender people themselves how they feel about Mx.
Are they actually all hot and bothered about the need for Mx, or are some of us getting all hot and bothered on their behalf?

Excellent point. They should make that call.
I, as a non-transgender, find that title strongly humiliating, almost stripping off of human dignity and quality, and identifying them as a biological species.

Balasubramaniam L.
Balasubramaniam L.  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:09
Member (2006)
English to Hindi
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Not that simple May 13, 2015

Christine Andersen wrote:

It is really none of the utility companies' business whether consumers are male, female, Martian or anything else.

They supply a service and they are entitled to be paid for it. My money doesn't smell any different from anyone else's.

Laws could apply differently for men and women. The income tax laws of India are one example. Men earning 2.5 lakh rupees or more come under the income tax bracket and have to pay income tax, whereas for women the limit is 3 lakh rupees.

There are many other laws too, and rules of public utilities like electricity boards, gas companies and so on, that apply differently for men and women in India.

Job reservation rules and admission rules to colleges are another example. They are different for men and women in India, and would also be so in other parts of the world.

So the colour of money can indeed be different for men and women. I can't say anything about transgenders, for Indian laws, unfortunately, do not recognize their existence, and it is a criminal offence in India to claim that you belong to that category.

Ty Kendall
Ty Kendall  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 10:39
Hebrew to English
... May 14, 2015

Balasubramaniam L. wrote:
it is a criminal offence in India to claim that you belong to that category

Bit draconian that.

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 10:39
Member (2008)
Italian to English
I'll be around May 14, 2015

I don't care what people call me, as long as they call me.

Balasubramaniam L.
Balasubramaniam L.  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:09
Member (2006)
English to Hindi
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May be, but the Brits were known for their draconianism May 14, 2015

Ty Kendall wrote:

Balasubramaniam L. wrote:
it is a criminal offence in India to claim that you belong to that category

Bit draconian that.

This law was introduced in 1860 by the Brits when they were here in India and it has continued to be in force since then. The Brits were most probably following Victorian prudishness, when they declared same sex carnal activities as against natural norms.

This wiki article has more though it is very confusingly written:

[Edited at 2015-05-14 09:47 GMT]

Inga Petkelyte
Inga Petkelyte  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:39
Lithuanian to Portuguese
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Not gas bills but addressing in them May 14, 2015

A gas, electricity bill or any other correspondence - I want, and still hope to have that right along with others, to be treated as what I am. I'm not a Martian and I want to be addressed as "Mrs" or "Ms", just the same way as transgenders seem to wish to be treated by "Mx".
Curious, how the sender will distinguish.

George Hopkins
George Hopkins
Local time: 11:39
Swedish to English
Why? May 14, 2015

Why all the chatter about a non-subject? God, give me strength.

Łukasz Gos-Furmankiewicz
Łukasz Gos-Furmankiewicz  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:39
English to Polish
+ ...
... May 14, 2015

Christine Andersen wrote:

Sorry, but what on earth has gender got to do with paying the gas or electricity bills?

I want them to be sending their bills to 'Mr Lukasz Gos-Furmankiewicz', not some kind of default 'Mx Lukasz Gos-Furmankiewicz'. Allow Mx as a viable form, and corporations will start titling every Anna and John just that.

Michael Grant
Michael Grant
Local time: 18:39
Japanese to English
It's not the end of the world... May 15, 2015

I really don't see the harm in adding "Mx." as another honorific to the ones we already use (in one form or another) to address others, if its usage applies to a significant proportion of the world's population. I don't think there's any danger of the old stand-bys (Mr., Mrs., Ms., etc.) being tossed aside, why fret about it?

At the very least, adding "Mx." to the world's available lexicon will provide an easy way to identify those people who do not wish to be bound by gender l
... See more
I really don't see the harm in adding "Mx." as another honorific to the ones we already use (in one form or another) to address others, if its usage applies to a significant proportion of the world's population. I don't think there's any danger of the old stand-bys (Mr., Mrs., Ms., etc.) being tossed aside, why fret about it?

At the very least, adding "Mx." to the world's available lexicon will provide an easy way to identify those people who do not wish to be bound by gender labels (and their associated sociocultural baggage), and can serve as a reminder that 'there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,...'

And it doesn't necessarily have to be viewed as pushing anyone's "agenda."

If it serves to "include" (if even a little more) a group of people who have historically been ignored, "excluded" from, or at least delegated to the far periphery of, our world society, then I'm all for it.

Nice to meet you, Mx. ...

Ty Kendall
Ty Kendall  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 10:39
Hebrew to English
Mx backfire.... May 17, 2015

"Staff said she could not have her preferred honorific, but could call herself ‘Mx’ instead – an exchange that left her ‘feeling like a fake' ".

It seems you can't please everyone, whether it's
... See more

"Staff said she could not have her preferred honorific, but could call herself ‘Mx’ instead – an exchange that left her ‘feeling like a fake' ".

It seems you can't please everyone, whether it's in the dictionary or not.

Łukasz Gos-Furmankiewicz
Łukasz Gos-Furmankiewicz  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:39
English to Polish
+ ...
... May 18, 2015

Michael Grant wrote:

At the very least, adding "Mx." to the world's available lexicon will provide an easy way to identify those people who do not wish to be bound by gender labels (and their associated sociocultural baggage), and can serve as a reminder that 'there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,...'

And it doesn't necessarily have to be viewed as pushing anyone's "agenda."

Sex is biology, not labels. Claiming otherwise is an agenda, forcing others to conform at least outwardly with that agenda is pushing it.

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Gender neutral honorific Mx 'to be included' in the Oxford English Dictionary alongside Mr, Ms and Mrs and Miss

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