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Poll: How did you get into translating?
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
May 26, 2014

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "How did you get into translating?".

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Nigel Greenwood (X)
Nigel Greenwood (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:54
Spanish to English
+ ...
I drifted in from another field... May 26, 2014

I had been working for different companies as an Outsourcing Engineer (finding suppliers in other countries of sub-products).

I was made redundant from my last company when I was 54, -no chances of finding other employment- and I started to work as a full-time freelancer specialising in Engineering.

So my 'drifting' was forced on me. But I am very grateful and very pleased with my new career.

Have a great day, all of you...
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I had been working for different companies as an Outsourcing Engineer (finding suppliers in other countries of sub-products).

I was made redundant from my last company when I was 54, -no chances of finding other employment- and I started to work as a full-time freelancer specialising in Engineering.

So my 'drifting' was forced on me. But I am very grateful and very pleased with my new career.

Have a great day, all of you


Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:54
Turkish to English
+ ...
I drifted into it from a different field ... May 26, 2014

is how I answered, but it is hard to categorise. I first attempted to get translation work at a time when I was unemployed in 1984, but received no replies to any of my applications. I tried again in 1990, when I was a student and could have used some additional income, and received one free test translation for an agency, and that was it. In 1996, at a time when I was running a language training company, I started to receive inquiries out of the blue about translations from client companies and... See more
is how I answered, but it is hard to categorise. I first attempted to get translation work at a time when I was unemployed in 1984, but received no replies to any of my applications. I tried again in 1990, when I was a student and could have used some additional income, and received one free test translation for an agency, and that was it. In 1996, at a time when I was running a language training company, I started to receive inquiries out of the blue about translations from client companies and did some of the translation work myself and assigned some of the jobs to other people. I had my first real bash at setting myself up as a full-time freelancer in 1999, when I had returned to my native country of the UK and had to find a way of earning a living. That lasted until 2002. Most recently, I set myself up as a freelance translator once more in Cyprus in 2004, more as a stopgap than a anything else, although I have been earning my living this way since then.Collapse

Julian Holmes
Julian Holmes  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:54
Member (2011)
Japanese to English
Other May 26, 2014

I chose translation since it gave me a better chance to use my linguistic skills. After 7 years of Latin and 4 of ancient Greek, I was worried my Japanese would go the same way and be lost and forgotten like a dead language.

Never looked back...

Noura Tawil
Noura Tawil  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:54
Member (2013)
English to Arabic
from different fieldS May 26, 2014

From Pharmacy, as a profession, and literary writing and plastic arts as hobbies. They're all integrated into translation "specialties" now.

Platon Danilov
Platon Danilov  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:54
English to Russian
+ ...
from different fields May 26, 2014

International business in steel industry, construction, internet marketing, international business conferences for various industries (steel, scrap, coal, cement, grain, etc.)

Almost everywhere (except construction) I had to make translations and to use my language skills regulary. Now I find my previous experience helps me.

Diana Coada (X)
Diana Coada (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 11:54
Portuguese to English
+ ...
How did you get into translating? May 26, 2014

When I decided I wanted to be an interpreter - it comes with the territory

Marlene Blanshay
Marlene Blanshay  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:54
Member (2009)
French to English
+ ...
from another field May 26, 2014

I'd worked for years in freelance journalism but had been moving away from it. I had an editing gig and considered applying as a translator for the same company. I'd done some translation in the past and started looking at translation as a possibility. I still do editing and other writing work as well. I had studied journalism and english lit and the skills I learned have been very helpful. Plus, I get more work and make more money than I did in journalism!

Laurens Sipahelut
Laurens Sipahelut  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:54
Dutch to Indonesian
+ ...
I drifted into it from a different field May 26, 2014

At the time I didn't know that translation as a job field even existed. Come to think of it, I wonder why that is.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:54
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
I drifted... May 26, 2014

When I started working I had no defined carreer plan (I was then married to an airforce pilot and we moved all the time) so I drifted a lot: civil servant, senior secretary, hotel manager, junior director, account executive, public relations officer, vocational trainer... Many years later, translation found me and I have never looked back!

LilianNekipelov  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 06:54
Russian to English
+ ...
I always wanted be a linguist and possibly a translator, among May 26, 2014

other things like being a writer, a journalist and a visual arts artist. Also an acrobat-- well this one did not work out. Just joking--the last one just a child's idea, never acted upon.

[Edited at 2014-05-26 10:28 GMT]

Local time: 12:54
Spanish to English
+ ...
Drifted into it... May 26, 2014

... although I had also always wanted to be a translator. However, when I finished my degree in Russian, the main source of work available was for the government and I didn't fancy signing the official secrets act. So I went off to teach TEFL in Spain instead and did so for several years before ending up in what I always kind of knew was my true calling, translating ES-EN. I rarely get the chance to use my Russian nowadays and it's very rusty...

[Edited at 2014-05-26 10:44 GMT]

Rolf Kern
Rolf Kern  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:54
English to German
+ ...
In memoriam
Other May 26, 2014

A friend of mine, a mechanical engineer, knowing I was an electrical engineer, asked me whether I could do a translation for the company in which he worked in the field of electrical insulating tapes. That was the start.

John Fossey
John Fossey  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:54
Member (2008)
French to English
+ ...
Didn't "drift" May 26, 2014

I answered "Other" because while I got into it from another field, I didn't "drift" into it - it was a deliberate decision when I was looking for something else to do after the business I was in previously closed.

EvaVer (X)
EvaVer (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:54
Czech to French
+ ...
As most people above, I drifted May 26, 2014

When working as a secretary, my income was low and I needed something extra. This extra outgrew my salary quite fast, so that the decision was easy.

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Poll: How did you get into translating?

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