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This video was written and performed by Erik Skuggevik for The Norwegian Association of Literary Translators.
You should watch it till the end to grasp its magic.
I will transcribe it below (warning: do not read the transcription before watching the video as it is a spoiler).
Translators are a waste of space, if you ask me
linguistic morons who think
it's only
a way to enchant readers
who find against all odds
translated literature interesting,
but these are individuals who make
I really don't give
a hoot
translators are
at book launches
the rewards are miniscule
talking to some of them
even when
translators don't seem
to think
about anything but language
and they always ask irrelevant questions
some of them ask for
it's quite unbelievable what
quality publishers in this country
it's time we
call in the troops
time to finish the job properly
translators are motivated by
let's beat
them up
let's help
giving translators what they deserve
there's nothing wrong with
living like the rest of us
and a decent
honest day's work
they want payment for an
ordinary thing, I say
an everyday task
it's not exactly holy wine,
for Christ's
one translator changed Japanese
Idioms I am actually familiar with
almost incomprehensible phrases
they're experts at making
easy peasy
problems seem
really difficult
most translators make
hundreds of thousands
but they enrich
themselves alone
they toil mainly for
this world
to have happy translators in
we really need
to reverse this way of thinking
to reverse this way of thinking
we really need
to have happy translators in
this world
they toil mainly for
themselves alone
but they enrich
hundreds of thousands
most translators make
really difficult
problems seem
easy peasy
they're experts at making
almost incomprehensible phrases
Idioms I am actually familiar with
one translator changed Japanese
for Christ's
holy wine,
it's not exactly
an everyday task
ordinary thing, I say
they want payment for an
honest day's work
and a decent
living like the rest of us
there's nothing wrong with
giving translators what they deserve
let's help
them up
let's beat
translators are motivated by
time to finish the job properly
call in the troops
it's time we
quality publishers in this country
it's quite unbelievable what
some of them ask for
and they always ask irrelevant questions
about anything but language
to think
translators don't seem
even when
talking to some of them
the rewards are miniscule
at book launches
translators are
a hoot
I really don't give
but these are rare individuals who make
translated literature interesting
who find against all odds
a way to enchant readers
it's only
linguistic morons
who think
translators are a waste of space, if you ask me