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Powwow: Bretagne - France

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eirinn  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:26
English to French
+ ...
AH, je viens de découvrir où sont les messages post- Powwow..... May 6, 2008

(sous "Report").....

Emma Paulay
Emma Paulay  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:26
French to English
Supermarket Photo May 6, 2008

I hope you offered them your services, David

Pierre POUSSIN  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:26
English to French
+ ...
Thanks Isabelle, May 6, 2008

I enjoyed very much this opportunity to meet other linguists, and the atmosphere was "top-notch"! I really did not feel so old at the time!
Long live pow-wows in Britanny!

Luisa Danigo
Luisa Danigo
Local time: 00:26
French to Spanish
+ ...
Gracias por la reunión y por la foto May 6, 2008

Gracias a todos por la reunión y por la foto. Espero que podremos vernos en otra ocasión ...
Thanks for the meeting organisation and also for the serious working's picture

Graham macLachlan
Graham macLachlan  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:26
French to English
Ponk meat May 6, 2008

I fell off my seat! Still laughing... call a doctor!

Miranda Joubioux (X)
Miranda Joubioux (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:26
French to English
Merci May 6, 2008

Merci Isabelle - c'était un déjeuner réussi et un après-midi très agréable.

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Powwow: Bretagne - France

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