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Powwow: Eindhoven - Netherlands

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Titia Meesters
Titia Meesters  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:17
English to Dutch
@ Nigel Jun 11, 2007

You are right, Nigel, maybe I should have shouted... but the first minutes in my 'dead' car I was busy trying to start and phoning my parents, and then I figured you would probably have left already, so I waited for my father to come to help. I tried once -some time ago- to start while others were pushing the car, and it did not work then... I suppose we would not have succeded. The attempt to start with starting cables connected to the battery in my father's car did not work either, it did not ... See more
You are right, Nigel, maybe I should have shouted... but the first minutes in my 'dead' car I was busy trying to start and phoning my parents, and then I figured you would probably have left already, so I waited for my father to come to help. I tried once -some time ago- to start while others were pushing the car, and it did not work then... I suppose we would not have succeded. The attempt to start with starting cables connected to the battery in my father's car did not work either, it did not provide enough power. I think I would have had to wait for the Wegenwacht anyway, but I would certainly have enjoyed waiting together - had I known you were still there..
I will probably come by train to Scheveningen/Den Haag.

Titia Meesters
Titia Meesters  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:17
English to Dutch
@Nigel Jun 11, 2007

succeeded, of course (shame..)

CATHERINE PRAUD  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:17
German to French
+ ...
Thank you ! Jun 11, 2007

I also really enjoyed this powwow, it was very nice and everything was perfectly well organised! Thank you very much Marion !

Albert Stufkens
Albert Stufkens  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:17
Dutch to English
+ ...
Eindhoven Jun 11, 2007

to: Elena
As a proud Rotterdammer I can definitely say something nice about Eindhoven: the pedestrian only inner city is a brilliant stroke of urban planning, where shopping and other fun activities can thrive unhindered by car traffic. With this renovated precinct a certain authentic atmosphere has been restored, which also includes a magnificent and modern shopping mall "Heuvel Galerie". I am sure that locals know even more interesting aspects of Eindhoven.

Nigel Saych
Nigel Saych  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:17
Dutch to English
+ ...
Eindhoven Jun 11, 2007

OK, Albert - you put me in my place!
Eindhoven is certainly very convenient. It has all the facilities you could want, plus good transport links (but don't say that to Herman). But does that make it a 'nice' place?
The biggest problem is that before WW2 there was nothing here except a few small factories where a certain gentleman made light bulbs. And most of what was here was flattened by (I am embarrassed to say) the British air force on their way somewhere else....
So nothi
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OK, Albert - you put me in my place!
Eindhoven is certainly very convenient. It has all the facilities you could want, plus good transport links (but don't say that to Herman). But does that make it a 'nice' place?
The biggest problem is that before WW2 there was nothing here except a few small factories where a certain gentleman made light bulbs. And most of what was here was flattened by (I am embarrassed to say) the British air force on their way somewhere else....
So nothing much in Eindhoven is very old.
It is also the home of a technical university, so its student population is nothing like as creative as of Leiden, Maastricht etc.
Convenient it is, attractive it is not - at least in my eyes. Give me Den Bosch any day...
But it's years since I went into The Trafalgar and the food looked excellent. I may give Eindhoven another chance....

Marion Lurf
Marion Lurf  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 21:17
English to German
+ ...
Thanks everyone Jun 11, 2007

Thank you for your positive comments. It has never happened to me before that I blush with every other email I get! It was a pleasure to organise this powwow and I'm glad everything worked out so well. Sorry for the people who had troubles getting home – Titia, what a pity about your car.

@ Elena: Nigel and Albert have probably said most of what there is to say about Eindhoven (well, don't forget Philips and PSV, of course, but I'm not entirely sure the proximity to Nuenen is such
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Thank you for your positive comments. It has never happened to me before that I blush with every other email I get! It was a pleasure to organise this powwow and I'm glad everything worked out so well. Sorry for the people who had troubles getting home – Titia, what a pity about your car.

@ Elena: Nigel and Albert have probably said most of what there is to say about Eindhoven (well, don't forget Philips and PSV, of course, but I'm not entirely sure the proximity to Nuenen is such an important factor...). I'm afraid it's not as interesting a city as Amsterdam – but still very nice. Too bad we didn't manage to chat for longer. I'll let you know if I'm in Amsterdam one day, it would be nice to meet for a coffee. By the way, the picture of the bill was Henk's initiative, kudos to him.

@ Marijke: A powwow in Den Haag or Scheveningen sounds great. I love the beach, but would also like to see Den Haag, so I'd be happy with either location. I'll be in the Netherlands again from 17 July to 9 August and will certainly try to come if your powwow is during that time.

I hope to see you all again soon.


Elena Carbonell
Elena Carbonell  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:17
Member (2007)
English to Spanish
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Eindhoven rocks!! Jun 11, 2007

Thank you Albert for all the info. It's nice to meet a Dutchman who still feels proud about his country and defends it at all costs. It is also nice to know that not all Dutch are from Amsterdam (it seemed so to me when I was living in Seville, I never met a Dutch who wasn't from Amsterdam).
Anyway it has been fun reading the chain of reactions about my question whether there was something interesting in Eindhoven.
Don't you people hate to write in this small box?

Henk Peelen
Henk Peelen  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:17
Member (2002)
German to Dutch
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Photos Jun 13, 2007

I submitted some photos, but don't see them yet. Maybe later. Anyway, here they are as well:

Talking about Eindhoven, well the only things I know is that 150 years ago Nuenen was more important than Eindhoven. In about 1890 however, Eindhoven saw the light and started bulbing. Now it's the fifth city of The Neth
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I submitted some photos, but don't see them yet. Maybe later. Anyway, here they are as well:

Talking about Eindhoven, well the only things I know is that 150 years ago Nuenen was more important than Eindhoven. In about 1890 however, Eindhoven saw the light and started bulbing. Now it's the fifth city of The Netherlands and famous for electronics, trucks and technical university, among others. And yes, in 1944 everybody somehow thought it was an important junction on the road Antwerpen-Berlin, so everybody was bombing it. Incidently I found a great collection of pictures:

Marion, many thanks for organizing this and willing to extend it for the purposes of me and other people who have to travel a long distance. Now it really was worth the travel efforts, although my lecture was very ill prepared and I couldn't use my beamer. Actuallu it turned more or less into an op-en discussion about (history of) languages.

Third time lucky
I feel sorry for missing the most relaxing part at the end, but I had to go at 8 pm. Joining Herman and Titia in the ramble coalition, I incidentally boarded the train to Rotterdam and didn't arrive home before 3 am.

Nigel Saych
Nigel Saych  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:17
Dutch to English
+ ...
Eindhoven and beyond... Jun 13, 2007

@ Marijke: thanks for taking the initiative, I will try to be there at either Scheveningen or Den Haag. We are hoping to take a short holiday (anyone know that word?) in July, so August would be better for me, but I will try to fit in with your plans. Keep us posted.

@ Henk: not quite sure what you meant by '150 years ago' and 'was more important...'. 150 years ago all Nuenen had was Vincent van Gogh, now it has Interlex Language Services. I should be careful though, the village kic
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@ Marijke: thanks for taking the initiative, I will try to be there at either Scheveningen or Den Haag. We are hoping to take a short holiday (anyone know that word?) in July, so August would be better for me, but I will try to fit in with your plans. Keep us posted.

@ Henk: not quite sure what you meant by '150 years ago' and 'was more important...'. 150 years ago all Nuenen had was Vincent van Gogh, now it has Interlex Language Services. I should be careful though, the village kicked Vincent out after 2 years... I may end up in Arles, wouldn't that be a hardship!

Elena Carbonell
Elena Carbonell  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:17
Member (2007)
English to Spanish
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pictures Jun 13, 2007

Henk: I have also uploaded some pictures and I don't see them yet. I have tried twice, third time lucky?
Marion: It seems like we would be able to chat at the powwow in The Hague. Anyway if you ever come to Amsterdam and feel like a coffee with me (I am more a tea person) we could also do that.

Marijke Mayer
Marijke Mayer  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:17
Dutch to English
+ ...
Pix Jun 13, 2007

The pictures need to be approved by somebody across the pond who has yet to wake up, but Picasa is always a good alternate. As to the next PW, I was thinking Saturday, August 4 to give Marion a chance to be there, even though many people will still be on vacation at that time.

Henk Peelen
Henk Peelen  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:17
Member (2002)
German to Dutch
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Pictures Aug 9, 2007

OK, it took a long time, but now I know pictures are not allowed to exceed the 1024x768 format. So, some pictures about paper reading and dining. Unfortunately I had to miss the last part. As to the importance of Eindhoven / Nuenen, I thought 150 years ago Eindhoven was a farmer village with a market, whereas Nuenen was a little bit more fashionable, with even a painter.

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Powwow: Eindhoven - Netherlands

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