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Powwow: Belgrade - Serbia

This discussion belongs to Powwows » "Powwow: Belgrade - Serbia".
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Katarina Loncar
Katarina Loncar  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:02
English to Serbian
+ ...
Meeting place and time Mar 23, 2007

I think the important thing is that we can have our tables put together so we can get to know one another better. So maybe we could go to a restaurant in Skadarlija? What's the use of a cafe if we all sit at separate tables?
I suggest lunchtime because some people come from different cities and some people have babies...
Regards, Katarina

Mark Daniels
Mark Daniels  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:02
Serbian to English
+ ...
Yep, relaxed affair Mar 23, 2007

Yes, I say lunchtime, relaxed job - no need to aim at anything formal, and lunchtime because we are not all from Belgrade. I don't know if we want to set any aims for the meeting, but I think they should be pretty modest like "get to know other translators"!

Mira Stepanovic
Mira Stepanovic  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:02
English to Serbian
+ ...
Skadarlija Mar 23, 2007

Very good proposal Katja! How about "Two Deers" (Dva Jelena)? It is a large restaurant with a beautiful out door part (a terrace) and I am quite sure that the tables can be put together. I think lunch time is OK.

Katarina Loncar
Katarina Loncar  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:02
English to Serbian
+ ...
Skadarlija Mar 24, 2007

"Dva jelena" sounds ok.
There is also a fine place called "Ima dana". I think it is spacious and comfortable.
It would be good to hear what other participants think and make inquiries.

Branka Stankovic McCarthy
Branka Stankovic McCarthy  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:02
English to Serbian
+ ...
Lunchtime works for me Mar 24, 2007

Informal and relaxed, that's how I see it.

Local time: 03:02
English to Serbian
+ ...
Skadarlija Mar 24, 2007

A lunch in one of the restoraunts in Skadarlija is a good's a good place to meet since it is spatious and confortable...

Cedomir Pusica
Cedomir Pusica  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:02
Member (2009)
English to Serbian
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Inquiry Mar 25, 2007

I just wanna make sure I understand the date and time of the meeting: is it April 14? Lunchtime (without specifying the exact time - my suggestion is 14:00h, it's easy to remember)
As to the venue of the meeting, I am sure a big restaurant in Skadarlija is ok, but not perfect, since there would be tons of people who won't be able to just walk around and meet others - it's a restaurant! So, my suggestion would be a small, priv
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I just wanna make sure I understand the date and time of the meeting: is it April 14? Lunchtime (without specifying the exact time - my suggestion is 14:00h, it's easy to remember)
As to the venue of the meeting, I am sure a big restaurant in Skadarlija is ok, but not perfect, since there would be tons of people who won't be able to just walk around and meet others - it's a restaurant! So, my suggestion would be a small, private conference hall as someone had mentioned, or a private lounge in a hotel. It is my opinion that making this meeting exclusive (only translators/interpreters present) would make it possible for us to get together and feel cozy and easy.
If I find out anything more appropriate I'll share it!
C ya there somewhere!

Mira Stepanovic
Mira Stepanovic  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:02
English to Serbian
+ ...

at all. The title of this thread is "Powwow in Belgrade". I've read the message proposing powwow in Kragujevac or Niš the first time it was posted. Who ever sent them: no need to send me five alerts in one afternoon for the same message. Thank you.

Marija Stojanovich
Marija Stojanovich  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:02
Serbian to English
+ ...
alert bug? Mar 25, 2007

No need for those caps at all Mira - I've received multiple alerts for all messages posted here since Wednesday. 14:00 is easy enough to remember, but that'd mean some of us *points at self* would have to leave around 9ish AM in order to make it to this "relaxing" event.

Mira Stepanovic
Mira Stepanovic  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:02
English to Serbian
+ ...
Sorry, Mar 25, 2007

That was the only message for which I've been receiving alerts since yesterday noon (and there's even more of them now). I wanted to make clear that I've read it

Jairo Dorado Cadilla
Jairo Dorado Cadilla  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:02
Croatian to Spanish
+ ...
definitive? Mar 25, 2007

So, is it definitive on April 14th at 14.00?

EmaTomovic  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:02
English to Serbian
+ ...
Coming to the meeting on 14th April Mar 25, 2007

If the meeting is going to be held on the 14th of April, I will return earlier from my Easter holidays. I can confirm my arrival wherever you say, preferrably for lunch time, as it is Saturday and it is said that the weather will be fine.


Ema Tomovic

Aleksandar Krga
Aleksandar Krga  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:02
German to Serbian
+ ...
bug Mar 27, 2007

Izvinjavam se svima sto im moja poruka neprestano stize, ali ja stvarno nemam nista sa tim - neka neko obavesti nekoga iz tehnickog tima proza, poruka stize sa njihovog bouncera.

RominaZ  Identity Verified
English to Spanish
+ ...
Vote for the restaurant! Mar 29, 2007

Dear all,

I've been following the discussion and I've noticed that the day and time have been defined (April 14 at 2 pm. Good!:) ) So I think it 'd be a good idea for us to vote on one of the two restaurants in Skadarlija proposed so that we all know the exact place where to meet.

Since this is the first powwow ever in Belgrade and we don't know how many people will show up I think meeting at a restaurant is the best option. We can leave the conference hall for a secon
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Dear all,

I've been following the discussion and I've noticed that the day and time have been defined (April 14 at 2 pm. Good!:) ) So I think it 'd be a good idea for us to vote on one of the two restaurants in Skadarlija proposed so that we all know the exact place where to meet.

Since this is the first powwow ever in Belgrade and we don't know how many people will show up I think meeting at a restaurant is the best option. We can leave the conference hall for a second powwow. The place should be defined as soon as possible.

Ljiljana Krstic
Ljiljana Krstic  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:02
English to Serbian
+ ...
bilo koji u Skadarliji Mar 29, 2007

U Skadarliji ima nekoliko odgovarajucih restorana koji bi nam odvojili separe za ovaj sastanak -ja sam nekoliko puta bila u takvim 'situacijama' pa evo preuzimam da se raspitam u tim restoranima i javim gde su nam obecali separe-no treba da znam bar PRIBLIZAN broj onih koji ce prisustvovati
I nema razloga za zurbu-ionako ce biti guzva za Uskrs, i sve rezervacije se prave za tu priliku, tako da posle ima sasvim dovoljno vremena za dogovor
Vazno je da smo odredili datum i vreme
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U Skadarliji ima nekoliko odgovarajucih restorana koji bi nam odvojili separe za ovaj sastanak -ja sam nekoliko puta bila u takvim 'situacijama' pa evo preuzimam da se raspitam u tim restoranima i javim gde su nam obecali separe-no treba da znam bar PRIBLIZAN broj onih koji ce prisustvovati
I nema razloga za zurbu-ionako ce biti guzva za Uskrs, i sve rezervacije se prave za tu priliku, tako da posle ima sasvim dovoljno vremena za dogovor
Vazno je da smo odredili datum i vreme
pozdrav, i srecne uskrsnje praznike avima zeli
Ljiljana Krstic

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Powwow: Belgrade - Serbia

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