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Powwow: Toronto - Canada

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Susan Spier (X)
Susan Spier (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:48
French to English
Ditto! Jan 29, 2006

It was great meeting everyone. I hope someone got a photo of Eva too! Thanks again.

Edward LIU
Edward LIU  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:48
Chinese to English
+ ...
I have a few more photos. Jan 30, 2006

Thanks to everyone. I have a few more photos of the powwow. Where can I post them?

Mihaela Pirvulet
Mihaela Pirvulet  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:48
English to Romanian
+ ...
Thank you, Eva! Jan 30, 2006

Hi, everyone!I just wanted to thank Eva once more for the great time we all had on Saturday.

Sonja Zibin (X)
Sonja Zibin (X)
Local time: 10:48
English to Italian
+ ...
Thank you from me, too!! Jan 30, 2006

Eva, thank you so much for organizing the event and also for the nice photos!!

angielin  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:48
English to Chinese
+ ...
Thanks to Eva!!!!!!!! Jan 30, 2006

It is hard to find another title. You organized an event, booked seats for 16 and 17 people showed up...that is SUCCESS! I will certainly attend the next event if I can.

Christine Lam
Christine Lam  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:48
German to English
+ ...
Thank you Jan 30, 2006

I am joining everyone else in saying thank you so much Eva and everyone else for contributing to this event and I am looking forward to the next gathering, hopefully in the summertime!

Pasquale Capo
Pasquale Capo  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:48
Member (2002)
English to Italian
+ ...
The power of Powwow Jan 30, 2006

It was beyond any expectations I had, everyone wes so incredibly warm and Eva welcome everyone as if we were at her home.....Thank you Eva and to my colleagues for being there...Pasquale

Francesca Vincenzetti (X)
Francesca Vincenzetti (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:48
English to Spanish
+ ...
A couple more photos coming up Jan 30, 2006

Eva, thank you so much for organizing this Powwow!! I have a couple more photos that I will send to your email so you can include them on the same site as yours. It was great to meet everyone!

Marta Argat
Marta Argat  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:48
Chinese to Ukrainian
+ ...
Hurray to us! :) Jan 30, 2006

Dear Eva, thank you very much for organizing this event. Thanks everyone for the cheerful company, valuable suggestions and interesting stories. And I think nobody will forget the Chinese expression of the day.
I also have a few photos to add.

United States
Local time: 10:48
English to Arabic
Thank you Jan 30, 2006

Thank you Eva and everyone who attended for providing this lovely opportunity to meet and discuss profession matters. Hope to see you guys again soon.

Iolanta Vlaykova Paneva
Iolanta Vlaykova Paneva  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:48
English to Bulgarian
+ ...
Thanks to everyone Jan 30, 2006

I also want to say thank you to Eva for organizing our meeting and to everyone that swoed up .
Eva,please send us a mailing list with the emails of all attending the meeting .

Looking forward to see you again.

Eva Ballentine (X)
Eva Ballentine (X)  Identity Verified
Hungarian to English
+ ...
Yippi! Jan 31, 2006

Eva Ballentine (X)
Eva Ballentine (X)  Identity Verified
Hungarian to English
+ ...
I deleted the body of previous message Jan 31, 2006


I am very happy that all of us had a good time. For our next meeting (early Summer) I will try to arrange someone with a CAT tool to provide as with a live presentation or I will get someone from one of the CAT companies (Trados, etc.) to talk to us. I will also look into some "private place" (library?) where we can have a room for just us.

I am not in the position to release anyone's e-mail address without consent.

If you are OK with
... See more

I am very happy that all of us had a good time. For our next meeting (early Summer) I will try to arrange someone with a CAT tool to provide as with a live presentation or I will get someone from one of the CAT companies (Trados, etc.) to talk to us. I will also look into some "private place" (library?) where we can have a room for just us.

I am not in the position to release anyone's e-mail address without consent.

If you are OK with your e-mail address to be shared with others from the powwow, please reply with simply putting an "OK" in your Post Title.

My e-mail address is (The AT stands for @. spam prevention)

Mihaela Pirvulet
Mihaela Pirvulet  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:48
English to Romanian
+ ...
Ok! Jan 31, 2006

Hi Eva
I have nothing against sharing my email address.

Christine Lam
Christine Lam  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:48
German to English
+ ...
ok Jan 31, 2006

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Powwow: Toronto - Canada

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